
Monday 20 December 2010

Christmas gingerbread cookies and Christmas Greetings

First things first...

* I would like to thank you for joining my giveaway and for following my blog :) I didn't even think to reach 100+ followers. It's amazing to know, that somewhere there there are people who want to read what you are writing and admire the work which you put your heart into. Thank you once again :)

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This time I will show you something different... I didn't sew anything. I was baking. On and on in some link parties or on some blogs I've seen those yummy Christmas cookies and lots of recipies... I don't like cookies myself. I have to admit that (I prefer chocolate :P ), but they look so cool that I decided to make some. They will be a perfect Christmas gift for friends and family. I used the recipie which I found on THIS blog. Those are hard gingerbread cookies - perfect for icing and hanging on the Christmas tree (or just looking cool on the plate). They are getting softer after a while and they taste wonderfull. I used:
  • 550 flour
  • 300 g honey
  • 100 g powdered sugar
  • 120 g butter
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tee spoons baking soda
  • about 60 g gingerbread spice (I was adding only 45 g)
  • cocoa (mostly for colour; I didn't add any)
At the beginning the dough seemed to dry, but after a while of working on it, it was perfect! Those were my first home- and handmade cookies. Ever. And if I find the recipie easy that means that it is easy :)
Cutting cookies and baking was fun. Lots of (mess) fun. Terror came later. When I sterted to decorate them. Lots of cookies... and even more... I steated one day... dreamt about decorating cookies... and finished (after decades) on the second day... 
My back hurts and I hate smell of gingerbread cookies now. 
Bur O.K., still it was fun. 

My mistake was using a ready-to-use cing (bought in the shop). As I didn't do such cookies in my life before I was a little bit afraid to make icing on my own. But this icing which I bought was very watery and unfortunately it limited my possibilities to paint on cookies. Well... I will know for the future...

So... to the cookies :D I'm proud of myself (as it's not happening very often I have to write it down, just to read it later :D ). 
Some covered with chocolate (when I couldn't work with icing any more :/ ). Sorry for the quality of the photos, but no daylight was available any more when I finished and some of the cookies I'm giving away tomorrow):

Christmas trees:


weird ones:

Butterflies... when my BF saw the cutters he said 'Oh, ShapeMoth cookies!' :D So, ShapeMoth cookies (I will leave me the violet one):



some others:


bells (yes, it will soon be finished):

and some together:

And although I said that I will not have a Christmas tree in my apartment... I have one now. A small one, but I have. I couldn't make any good photos with a flesh, so I will not show it to you... yet :)
In case I will not have any more time to write untill Christmas, I want to wish you all the best, good food ( :P ) and peacefull time with your relatives.


  1. Wow! Pierniczki wyglądają na wyjątkowo smakowite, ale są tak śliczne, że nie miałabym serca takiego nawet nadgryźć :P. A ShapeMoth Cookies są absolutnie the best :D

  2. they all look so delish and mouth-watering good! ^^)

  3. Wspaniałe ciasteczka! I jak pięknie, mimo wszystko, udekorowane!!! Serduszka są przeurocze! I motylki!!! I dzwoneczki!!! I gwiazdeczki!!!
    Wesołych świąt!!!!

  4. Słów mi brak - wszystkie śliczne! To serduszko biało -czerwone to po prostu mistrzostwo! Ja tez piekłam pierniczki, ale hmm... daleko im do Twoich :)

  5. rozłożyły mnie na łopatki Twoje pierniczki - wszystkie piękne, a te z efektami "rozmycia" najpiękniejsze (nooo może oprócz grzybków, które też są "naj":)

  6. You did an amazing job on those cookies! They are fabulous. I feel much better now knowing that you have a tree.

  7. Your cookies are beautiful, and I'm sure they are delicious (especially the ones covered in chocolate!)

  8. you did a wonderful job. They are gorgeous and look very yummy. My favorite is the mushrooms

  9. Beautiful cookies. I'm sure they will taste great. Merry Christmas. Get some rest and share time with people you care about.

  10. those are so so so pretty!! Thanks so much for linking up to Handmade Tuesdays @ Ladybug Blessings. Make sure to come by and link up next week!! Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!


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