
Sunday 6 February 2011

Mug rug obsession and #2 award in the contest!

I was so supprised that I won #2 place in Madame Samm mug rug contest... I was sure none of my mug rugs will win anything, as there were so many wonderfull works gathered in the flickr group. 

My hexie-bee mug rug won me a jelly roll of Wee Woodland by Keiki (photo from Madame Samm's blog):

Now I can show you two other mug rugs which I made for the contest:

'Warm up your life'

You can put you mug on the sun... and your tea or coffe will warm your morning and the whole day :)

'Tea o'clock'

Before making this one, I was googling for some idea/picture of tea party or some funny quote about tea. Suddenly I saw 'three o'clock' written in some sentence and 'tea o'clock' jumped in my head itself. As 5 o'clock is the tea time, I placed little tea cup on 5 dial :)

[and my favourite fabric last days... I heart those brambles]

And typically for my creations, both mug rugs were made using raw edge applique technique ;) 



  1. They are awesome! I love the ideas behind both of them!

  2. Byłam pewna, że Twój Tea o' clock albo Warm up your life zwycięży! Choć hexagonowe cudo równie mocno mi się podobało:)

  3. oba piękne, zwłaszcza że na ten słoneczny zagłosowałam :)

  4. jak już wiem które są Twoje to powiem ze najbardziej podoba mi się ta słoneczna - jest piękna!! taka energetyczna na maksa. Pszczółkowa jest śliczna i pomysłowa a zegarkowa ma wiele interesujących i jak dla mnie trudnych szczegółów. Moje wielkie gratulacje - nagroda zupełnie zasłużona!! Jak już dostaniesz rulon to pokaż proszę jakie szmatki są w środku.

  5. Beautifully done! I love the sunshine!

  6. These are GORGEOUS!!!! I just Love them! I'm so impressed. I really want one!

  7. Congratulations! You deserve a prize! Yours are lovely.

  8. Whoopie!! Congrats on the win. I must say that your rugs are beautiful!! I really like the concepts you used and they are executed beautifully!!!

  9. i love that first one. you are so talented!

  10. They're fabulous! I particularly like the Tea o'clock one (although, that may just be the pun:-) )


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