
Sunday 13 March 2011

5. Main Quiltfertival in Aschaffenburg

I visited yesterday 5th Main Quiltfestival in Aschaffenburg. Just wanted to look around and see all the quilts shown. I didn't spend much time there and didn't buy any fabric from the shops there - sad to say, it's cheaper to order fabrics from US than buy them in Germany. And with prices almost twice as high here... well, I have to be in a really big need to buy any fabric in Germany. Another bad thing which I noticed were the prices of books. I planned to buy  some. But when I saw the price of 36€ for a book which interested me, I decided to wait and check the price in an online shop (I buy book via amazon; prices are really good, sending fast and free). As you may imagine, the same book, new with free shipping was cheaper. And how! It costed only 23€ in amazon! I can understand few € difference, but not such huge one. Well... :/

The main purpose of my visit were quilts. Lots of quilts. Many traditional ones, few... hmmm... let's say extravagant and some, on which I could stop my eyes and looks with a pleasure :)
Here are my few personal favourites (I don't have many photos):

 I like mini quilts more. Those exhibited on the festival were really wort seeing. This is my fav. Wonderful piece of art. Such tiny details, wonderful taste for colours. A masterpiece!




  1. Nic, tylko pozazdrościć takich widoków :]
    Piękne quilty :D
    A ten mini quilt z drzewkiem - mistrzostwo :D

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I like winter)))Tree,bird and girl)))Very pretty!

  4. Hej, ten przed ostatni z drzewem jest wyjątkowo interesujący.
    Co do kosztów wytłumaczenie jest proste. Kiedy prowadzisz sklep musisz zapłacić za lokal, światło, prąd, podatek... a kiedy już wszystko uwzględnisz musisz jeszcze sobie przypomnieć, że przydałoby się zarobić. Co innego jest ze sklepami internetowymi a tym bardziej takimi stronami jak allegro, e-bay albo amazon. Tu masz koszt samej książki i ewentualnie przesyłki. Prawda jest taka, że książki są jeszcze tańsze (te kupowane w hurcie) niż może nam się wydawać.
    Swoją drogą państwo się dziwi, że obywatele coraz mniej czytają książek. No ale politycy nie mają wyboru "kanapka dla dzieci czy nowy Twój Styl". Pozdrawiam

  5. co do materiałów - cóż w Niemczech nie jest tak źle jak Polsce. A żeby kupić w Stanach trzeba liczyć się z dodatkowym vatem i/lub cłem (zależy od nastroju tych w urzędzie celnym wrrr.
    Piękny jest ten słoneczny quilt!!

  6. Thanks for sharing the Q. Show. Love the colors!

  7. dziękuję za tą ucztę dla oczu - słońce i ślimak to moje typy. Słońce od dawna chodzi mi po głowie może to przyspieszy realizację:)

  8. The situation is much the same here in Australia, fabric is over $20 a metre, and books are the same story! Crazy.

    Love the quilts!

  9. wow, lovely. for books you might also try and there are different prices on same books so check both, free delivery as well as amazon.

  10. Beautiful quilts - would have been great to see.

  11. Lovely quilts! The sunburst is beautiful.
    I am sad too that fabrics and books cost so much more in Europe. Living in France and Germany, I am caught between a rock and a hard place and frequently order online in the US, the shipping is outrageous but the total usually is less than the total would be in Europe!

  12. is there anyway to get the pattern for the sunburst quilt


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