
Sunday 21 August 2011

Sunday stash and a MQ project

Not much to write today, just wanted to show you my new fabric (not so much new, just not shown before). This FQ bundle I got from my boss and supervisor as a 'good bye' gift after the end of my studies:

And those two here, I won in Quilting Gallery contest which was sponsored by On The Grain Fabric:

I'm preparing myself to Christmas already... I have to do it now, otherwise I'm never ready in December. I started to sew felt mushrooms ornaments:

And this is the beginning of my project for the MQ for the {For The Love Of Solids} swap. I was just playing with the colours today:

See you tomorrow on a giveaway!!


  1. och zazdroszczę tych śliczności :)

    z takich kolorów to same śliczności stworzysz!! :)

  2. Hi! All your fabrics look really beautiful! What a great present and enjoy to start new projects!

  3. Hi Kirie! I'm sorry I forgot to say CONGRATULATIONS to your doctoral and your blog anniversary!!!I had just my 1. ba 15.8. I love to visit your beautiful blog and your works are so inspirating!


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