
Tuesday 29 November 2011

Celebrate Christmas Blog Hop! 'Snow Cristal' block.

Celebrate Christmas Quilt-Along and Super Deals for Quilters 

Warm greetings to all who are visiting me today!

Today is my turn to present a 12" block in Celebrate Christmas Blog Hop organized and sponsored by Quilting Gallery. You can see all the blocks HERE. There is also a Celebrate Christmas flickr group - you can post the pics of your finished blocks and win some prizes!

My block is called 'Snow Cristal'. It's a PP block. I will not post a tute on how to paper piece. I was already writing a post with links to several tutorials and videos about PP. Also during Celebrate Christmas Blog Hop there were several links to PP tutorials (I recomend to visit Jennifer's blog; there are tons of useful links and tutes on PP).

Dzisiaj jest moja kolej by zaprezentowac wam swiateczny blok. To czesc wiekszej akcji (szczegoly znajdziecie klikajac w banerek u gory) zorganizowanej przez Quilting Gallery. Polegala ona na zebraniu 36 projektantow, z ktorych kazdy zaprojektuje jeden swiateczny blok o wymiarach 12x12 cali. Bloki uszyte do tej pory mozecie obejrzec TUTAJ.
Moj blok to 'Snow Cristal'. Tak jak wiele moich poprzednich blokow, ten tez jest uszyty metoda PP (paper piecing). Nie bede tu zamieszczac szczegolowej instrukcji o zasadach szycia blokow PP. Pisalam juz o tym w serii moich tutkow (w TYM poscie zamieszczone sa linki do tutoriali na innych blogach i do filimkow). Dla tych, ktorzy nie maja problemu z czytaniem po angielsku polecam blog Jennifer - jest tam mnostwo linkow i tutoriali jak szyc metoda PP.

'Snow Cristal'

(that's a template for the parts of the hexagon - two triangles; you have to have six such triangles printed)

(w pliku jest wzor 2 trojkatow; potrzeba 6 wydrukowanych trojkatow, zeby stworzyc heksagon)

Before you start to piece the triangles - remember about leaving the seam allowance around each triangle! Your triangles after piecing should look like this:

Zanim zaczniecie szyc, pamietajcie, zeby po skonczeniu szycia kazdego trojkata zostawic dookola zapas na szew:

After finishing with all 6 triangles it's time to sew them together. I found a great tute on how to do it on Jaybird Quilts.

Po skonczeniu szycia 6 trojkatow, trzeba je zszyc razem. Tu jest swietny tutek o zszywaniu czesci hexagonow.

Having a hexagon finished, you have to square it up now. Another great tute on squaring hexagon is HERE.

*What you need to do is cut from the background fabric two rectangles - 15,5cm x 9cm (that would be about 6 1/4in on 3,5in) and cut a diagonal line through each rectangle [see number 14. in the tute from the link above]. 

*Sew them to the hexagon and square it [see number 15. and 16. in the tute] to 12" wide. 

*Add 1.5in strips to the top and bottom [see number 17. in the tute] and if neccesarry cut away the excess.

I'm not really good in measuring everything exactly... I always cut more than needed and trim away the excess...

You can play with colors in this block, make different frames around the hexagon, add some embroidery or beads - it's up to you. I already made a project using this block which I will show you tomorrow. Remember to post your pics in the Celebrate Christmas flickr group!

In case you have any questions or problems - just let me know. I will try to help you :)

* Potrzeba dwoch prostokatow z tkaniny ktora bedzie tlem (ja uzylam bialej) o rozmiarze 15,5 x 9 cm. Kazdy z prostokatow przecinamy na skos [patrz punkt 14. w tutku z linku].
* Przyszywamy powstale trojkaty do bokow hexagonu [punkt 15. i 16. w tutku] i wyrownujemy krawedzie.
* Dodajemy paski materialu na gorze i na dole [+- 4cm; punkt 17. w tutku].
Nie jestem dobra w mierzeniu wszystkiego dokladnie... zawsze wole przyszyc wiecej i potem uciac... 
Z blokiem mozna sie bardzo fajnie pobawic... pozmieniac uklad kolorow, podzielic na pol i zrobic dwukolorowy, dodac haft czy koraliki, zrobic ramke dookola hexagonu, etc. Reszta zalezy od was. ja swoj projekt z tym blokiem juz skonczylam... pokaze wam jutro :)

Jesli macie jakies problemy z szyciem lub pytania - piszcie na maila. Jesli bede mogla, pomoge :)



  1. Wow, this is such a beautiful block! I am impressed, paper piecing is one of my favorite ways for sewing quilt blocks. Thank you for sharing this tutorial and pattern!

  2. Very pretty! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Holey Moley that block is impressive! You are so talented!

  4. Thank you so much! My FIRST attempt at paper piecing and I LOVE the result!!! If you are interested I blogged about it here:
    Thanks again!

  5. oh my gosh - just saw this on someone's wip wednesday post - very unusual and striking!

  6. I've seen these popping up all over the internet & I just love it! Thanks so much for providing the pattern.

  7. I've seen these popping up all over the internet & I just love it! Thanks so much for providing the pattern.

  8. Thanks for a fun pattern... You inspired me to try my first paper piecing project as well. Made this for a swap partner. You can check it out here... I also gave your blog a shout out for directions :)
    Thanks for sharing a great pattern. I think I'll be making another for myself. :)

  9. if i wanted to make a complete quilt using this square, how much material would i need for one square and I probably could figure it out on my own


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