
Monday 8 July 2013

Treasure Chest PP pattern {& a Giveaway!}

Block #4 - Treasure Chest in Pape-ARRR! Piecing Adventures.
Treasure Chest block measures 12" x 12". 
Fabrics I used:
*mostly scraps I found (don't remember the names of the fabrics anymore)
*some Grunge basics by BasigGrey
*blue nautical fabric which I got from Robin's Patchwork
Blok numer 4 z morskiej serii Pape-ARRR! Piecing Adventures - skrzynia skarbow. 

Treasure Chest

*the pattern is now available on Etsy and Craftsy*

If you would like to win a copy of the Treasure Chest PP pattern, leave a comment under this post and tell me what would you sew using this pattern? (remember that I have to have a way to contact you; if you are no-reply blogger that will be impossible). I will randomly draw 3 winners on Friday 12.07

Jesli chcielibyscie wygrac wzor PP skrzyni skarbow, napiszcie komentarz pod postem.
Co byscie uszyli uzywajac tego wzoru?
Pamietajcie tez, ze musze miec mozliwosc skontaktowania sie z wami mailowo. W piatek 12.07 wylosuje 3 zwyciezcow, jak zawsze z pomoca Pana Random'a.  

Update: 12.07 Giveaway winners!
#9 Rebekah Austin@Handmade By Rebeckah

#19 Joanne@Quilts by Joanne

#21 okko@okiem okko
Ladies, I will email you shortly. Thank you all again and see you on Monday 22.07!


  1. I have a house full of boys and would love to make a quilt out of these blocks.

  2. Gorgeous - so much fun! I would make a journal cover for my niece so her journal could be like a chest of gold with a big lock! All those pre-teen thoughts - I don't want to even imagine what she would write down!

  3. Extra! Motyw w sam raz na podusię dla małego pirata:)

  4. Looks great. I'm thinking machine cover or mini with secret pocket on the back.

  5. ARGHHH my youngest daughters topic this term at school has been pirates so I'd love to make her teacher a piratey something for the end of year gift

  6. A journal cover for me!!

  7. There is a baby quilt I have to make fro a friend, they are doing ocean themed, this would be great to have at the bottom of the ocean!

  8. I would make a wall hanging for my grandson who is really into Pirates and their loot. He turns 4 on the 21st and this would make an wonderful gift to go with the treasure chest that his aunt and uncle gave him full of sand (the post office loved that) and shells from the Carribean and his duck pirate quilt that his grandma made for Christmas.

  9. The chest would fit in nicely into my new "Harry potter" quilt!

    LG from Steffie

  10. I have a few baby boy quilts that I need to start...this would be perfect.

  11. i'd love to use all of these patterns for a baby boy quilt!

  12. I would love to make this block to put on a bag for a friend!

  13. This would make a great boys pillow :)

  14. My son would FLIP out over this one, be it that he is obsessed with treasure chests! I would make him a "treasure" bag with it!

  15. Wspaniały kuferek z równie cudną zawartością!
    Zanim napiszę, co bym z nim uszyła - to chętniej bym wymieniła jego zawartość na szmatki patchworkowe! ;-)

    A co z nim uszyć?
    Makatkę z kieszeniami - oczywiście na te skarby!!!!

  16. I would love a copy of the Treasure Chest pattern. My grandson, age 7, is decorating his bedroom in a pirate theme. I have been collecting pirate theme fabric to make him a quilt. I have a Jolly Roger paper pieced pattern and the Treasure Chest would be a great addition. Thank you for a chance to win. Joanne

  17. Oh how fun! I would use it as part of a sampler quilt, with some of the Forrest QAL blocks, that I'm making.

  18. Piekna skrzynia. uszyłabym poduchę i wykorzystałabym w narzucie dla synka

  19. Zdecydowanie wzór do wykorzystania na poduszkę dla małego pirata :)

  20. Ja tylko chciałam pochwalić twórczynię wzoru za kompozycję i fantastyczny dobór tkanin... okucia skrzyni, głebia pokrywy i inne detale tworzą bardzo realistyczną całość... prawie że 3D :) ten motyw chyba bym użyła w jakiejś makatce powieszonej nad łóżkiem synka...

  21. oj mało oryginalnie.... poducha lub makatka nad łóżko :D

    chociaż jeszcze ostatnio gdzieś w internecie widziałam taką matę dla dzieci, ze sznurkiem na obrzeżach... jak sznurek ściągniesz to z maty robi się wielka sakwa!!! np na klocki lego :D lub inne skarby :D

  22. I would use this for a pillow for my son. It is so fun looking!

  23. Love this! I have a fat 1/4 bundle of pirate prints that I have been saving. What a perfect fit :) I'm going to check out the others in the series.


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