
Saturday 3 August 2013

'Vespa Scooter v.2' PP pattern

I found some free time on Friday (between cleaning and preparing everything before I fly to Poland on Sunday) and I finally sat and finished the PP block which I started two or three months ago. 
It's a new and more advanced version of the Vespa Scooter. At the beginning of my sewing adventure I made a vespa PP pattern (THIS one), which I then considered relatively difficullt to sew. Now I see, how my paper piecing skills have developed over time. Nowadays, I call such blocks intermediate ;)
The block measures 10" x 14" (finished).

Nareszcie znalazlam chwile na szycie :D (w piatek, pomiedzy sprzateniem i przygotowywaniem wszystkiego przed moim wylotem do Polski). Skonczylam blok, ktory zaczelam szyc 2 lub 3 miesiace temu. To nowa i bardziej skomplikowana wersja skutera Vespy. Patrzac na pierwsza wersje, ktora zaprojektowalam na poczatku mojej przygody z paper piecing'iem to widze, jak moje umiejetnosci projektowania wzorow i PP 'dojrzaly' przez te lata. Wtedy uwazalam, ze tamta vespa jest blokiem dla srednio zaawansowanych. Teraz mysle to samo o tej :)

* the pattern is available via Etsy and Craftsy*

Just to remind you, you can still submit your finished projects to the Forest QAL linky till the end of August!


  1. Skuter fantastyczny!!!
    Zycze milego pobytu w Polsce :) Jola

  2. I love this pattern. I have and have made your first scooter too.

  3. Awesome! Love the background fabric it would be fun to scoot around on one of those!:)

  4. Fabulous block and pattern! I love the map fabric for the background - perfect!!

  5. Ditto what Kristy said...fabulous block and fabric pics!! So cute!!

  6. It´s fantastic... Love your PP-Pattern!!!

  7. Love your Vespa ~ it's so cute!

  8. Przepięknie uszyty skuter! I bardzo skomplikowany blok! Podziwam!!!!


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