
Tuesday 12 November 2013

Sponsors and fabrics

I was sewing the last whole week. Something which I unfortunately can't show at the moment, as it was sent for publishing. 
I know also, that PapeARRR! Piecing Adventures were a bit forgotten last weeks, but I really, really didn't have any free time to spend on sewing new block and preparing the pattern. The plan is to sew new block this week (along with a block for a guest post and further working on quilt for a Christmas present). 
I still have my art quilt, which I would like to finish before the end of the year, but to have that possibility, I have to first finish all the WIPs which are waiting.

Wiecej mnie nie ma niz jestem. Ostatni tydzien spedzilam prawie przyrosnieta do maszyny. Skonczylam projekt, ktory wyslalam do publikacji i ktorego niestety nie moge na razie pokazac. Plan na ten tydzien - nastepne 3 dni spedze przy maszynie. Musze uszyc zalegly blok z pirackiej serii, blok PP na goscinny post na innym blogu i musze tez troche popracowac nad quiltem, ktory ma byc prezentem podchoinkowym. Chce skonczyc wszystkie zaplanowane rzeczy, zeby moc sie skupic na art quilcie. Chcialabym go skonczyc przed koncem roku. A dzisiejszy post bedzie o sponsorach i materialach:

I dedicate toady's post to my sponsors :) Fabrics which I especially like:

Nowosci u Robinka:

Craft Fabric:

Fat Quarter Shop:

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