
Saturday 17 May 2014

Blogger’s Quilt Festival :: Spring 2014

It's time for another Blogger's Quilt Festival. This time, I'm not submitting any modern quilt, but my latest art quilt - 'She's a wildflower'.
The quilt is based on the graphic of a very talented Gracjana Zielinska (of course with her permission). Initially, I made the quilt for the 'Mother Nature' contest at Prague Patchwork Meeting, which took place in April this year. The quilt won a 4th prize there. 
In addition (inspired by comment #49 from Vickie under the post with details of the quilt), I submitted the quilt to International Quilt Festival in Houston (exhibit 'In full bloom'). I didn't really counted that it would be accepted, but hey, if you don't try, you will never know. 
And it was accepted! You can imagine how proud I was reading the email, knowing, that my quilt will be displayed during such a big quilt show (it's the second art quilt I've made in my life). So, for all those, who plan to attend Houston Quilt Festival in October/November and will see my quilt, let me know wtaht you think about it :) 

Przyszedl czas na kolejny Blogger's Quilt Festival. Nic nowego nowoczesnego nie mam, wiec zglaszam moja Dziewczyne z Kwiatami. Historie jej powstanie znacie; udalo jej sie zajac #4 miejsce w konkursie na wystawie w Pradze w kwietniu, a na dodatek zgosilam ja do udzialu w wystawie tematycznej podczas International Quilt Festival w Houston, ktory odbedzie sie na przelomie pazdziernika i listopada. Wielkich nadziei nie mialam, ze zostanie przyjeta, w koncu Houston to ogromna wystawa, gdzie wystawiaja sie ci najlepsi, doswiedczeni, szyjacy od lat. Wiadomo... trzymalam kciuki i czekalam do poczatku maja na maila z decyzja. Dla mnie samo wystawienie sie w Houston to prestiz (o ocenie sedziego juz nie wspomne, bo na wiele podczas oceniania nie licze). Trzeba tez pamietac, ze to dopiero moj drugi 'art quilt' (no, raczej 'pictorial quilt'). 
Co sie okazalo... dostala sie :) Bedzie wisiala jako czesc wystawy tematycznej 'In full bloom' ('W pelnym rozkwicie'). Dumna z niej jestem wielce ;)

W Blogger's Quilt Festival dodaje ja w kategorii 'Art Quilt' (TUTAJ jest linky z tej kategorii). Kazda kategoria ma swoje oddzielne linky (lista kategorii z linkami jest na samym dole postu o BQF).

Miedzy 16-23 maja linky sa otwarte i mozna w komentarzach nominowac quilty do kategorii 'Viewer's choice' (wybor publicznosci). 24-29 maja bedzie glosowanie, a na koniec miesiaca beda podane wyniki. 
Co sie zmienlo tym razem w BQF to to, ze nie ma podpisow pod zgloszonymi quiltami i linky przeladowuje sie automatycznie przy kazdej wizycie zmieniajac ulozenie quiltow.

I'm adding it to 'Art Quilt' linky in Blogger's Quilt Festival.

Schedule of events :
May 16-23 – Linky’s Open & Nominate for Viewer’s Choice
May 24-29 – Vote for favorites in each of the categories (links to each category below)
May 30/31 – Winners announced

And additional info for the visitors of the BQF: the linkys will not show the names under quilts and will be randomly loaded for each viewer

The linkys for all cathegories are listed at the end of THIS post.


  1. This is simply stunning, really stunning. Great work.

  2. There are no words to describe the beauty of this piece!

  3. As stunning as the first time you shared it. Such a moving piece of art.

  4. Your art quilt is just beautiful...nice to see it again.....

  5. I am just blown away by your creativity. This is a fantastic quilt!

  6. You need to go to Houston with your quilt! It is a fabulous show!

  7. How fabulous - the light in her eyes and the fullness of her lips, just stunning :D

  8. Incredible. So much detail and so beautifully done, Joanna. Your work is amazing!

    Congrats on being included in the show in Houston!

  9. Joanna, it's absolutely amazing!! The quilting, the appliqué, all of it! Wow!

  10. wow this is amazing Joanna!! Absolutely stunning!

  11. Nie bądź taka skromna! Quilt jest tak mistrzowsko wykonany, że w Houston na pewno zdobędzie jakąś nagrodę!

  12. It's gorgeous, Joanna! Wow! I love the pops of colour against the black and white and your quilting is stunning! Congrats on getting into Houston!

  13. Congrats on your quilt going to Houston. It's stunning! How in the world did you do her hair?:)

  14. Joasiu, ogromne gratulacje. Trzymam kciuki!!! Quilt jest cudowny, Jola

  15. Wow, I didn't really believe this was a quilt untilk I looked closely! Amazing, well done Joanna!!

  16. Rany, za każdym razem na zdjęciu z daleka myślę, że to jakiś fotomontaż, bo to niemożliwe, żeby tak czarować igłą! Podziwiam niezmiennie i serdecznie gratuluję, życzę powodzenia :)

  17. Congratulations - and good luck for Houston !! Your quilt sure is prize-worthy ;-)

  18. This one still amazes me! Absolutely stunning work!

  19. Wow! This is incredible. Such glorious detail.

  20. Wow.......that is amazing !!!!

  21. This is just gorgeous! So dramatic! I love the combination of floral broderie-perse style hair decorations with the illustratorly-look of the face and hair. Just exquisite!

  22. Very inspirational. The quilting is perfect.

  23. This is a true original. I will look for it in Houston this year. The stitching is just incredible.

  24. Powodzenia na Festivalu, Twoja praca jest przepiękna i napatrzeć się nie mogę.

  25. I love this just as much as the first time I saw it! Incredible work, and so unique!

  26. this is AWESOME! the quilting is beautiful as is the image on the quilt! excellent!

  27. You are a biologist, a quilter and AN ARTIST! Wow!

    Masz mój głos! :) (Don't know if that translates directly... I know voting is "głosowanie" but I couldn't figure out exactly how to write that I will vote for your gorgeous quilt!

    Przepiekna is right!

  28. omg, this is just amazing!

  29. A totally inspired work of art! Amazing.

  30. Great quilt, it really catches the eye and I love the detail of the individual flowers!

  31. This quilt is stunning! Beautiful imagery, lines, colors, quilting!

  32. Amazing Broderie Perse and quilting, Joanna!

  33. Stunning! Gorgeous! What an amazing quilt.

  34. I'd love to see the process for making this! It's beautifully done!

  35. Congratulations on the win! It is very well deserved! I love this quilt!

  36. I am thrilled that you won! I nominated your fantastic quilt for Viewer's Choice Award. Can't wait to see what you create next!

  37. Congratulations on winning with this stunning quilt!

  38. This is a really incredible quilt. Congratulations on your win.

  39. stunning! congrats on your well deserved win

  40. you so inspires us all...YOU are a gem of an artiste...this is strikingly beautiful...reflects you in many ways

  41. totally awesome!!! would love lessons on creativity like this!


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