
Wednesday 30 July 2014

Shark PP pattern and a giveaway

I guess this is the last block in Pape-ARRR! Piecing adventures. I designed also some more but after a time I'm not convinced I like them so I will stop on shark (in case I will later come up with better versions of them I will include them in the series).  
The winners of last week's giveaway are listed under the last post. The rules for this giveaway are the same as previously (details below).
Besided paper piecing I'm preparing my flower girl quilt for the trip to Houston (I have to send her this weekend as next week I'm flying to Poland for 2 weeks and then it would be too late for shipping) and considering to enter 2 or 3 quilts to the QuiltCon this year (I was thinking to enter 2 quilts which I already have and possibly sew one more - a new version of my older design). Do any of you plan to enter your quilts to QuiltCon this year?
Ostatni blok PP z tej serii - rekin. W poczatkowej wersji byly jeszcze 2 bloki, ale po dluzszym czasie przestaly mi sie podobac i zdecydowalam, ze nie beda pasowac do reszty, wiec koncze na rekinie. Jesli mnie kiedys wena najdzie na nowe wersje tych blokow, to je dolacze do pozostalych. 
Lista osob, ktore wygraly wzor z delfinem jest w poprzednim poscie. 
Jesli jest ktos chetny na rekina, to zapraszam do wpisania sie w komentarzach. Zasady takie same jak zawsze :)
Poza PP musze jutro przygotowac dziewczyne z kwiatami do podrozy do Houston. W nastepnym tygodniu lece na 2 tygodnie do Polski, a quilt musze wyslac przed wylotem, bo potem moze nie dojsc na czas. W sumie nie wiem, czy quilty na tej wystawie tematycznej ('In full bloom') beda oceniane przez sedziow, czy tylko beda sobie tam wisialy, bo jesli beda oceniane, to juz sie boje. Moje szycie jednak nie jest na tyle perfekcyjne na ile wystawy amerykanskie tego wymagaja (dlugosc sciegu, naprezenie nici, supelki po lewej stronie... etc). Zobaczymy...
Mysle tez nad poslaniem kilku quiltow na wystawe patchworku nowoczesnego - QuilCon w USA. W sumie bardziej dla zabawy niz w jakims konkretnym celu, ale musialabym sie zastanowic co tam zglosic. Pomysle po powrocie z Polski (po przekalkulowaniu wszystkich 'za' i 'przeciw' bo opinie o wystawie w tamyt roku byly, ze tak to delikatnie ujme, dosc srednie).


*the pattern is now available on Etsy and Craftsy *

If you would like to win a copy of Shark PP pattern, just leave a comment under this post (remember that I have to have a way to contact you; if you are no-reply blogger that will be impossible). I will randomly draw 3 winners at the end of the week (on Sunday).

Jesli chcielibyscie wygrac wzor PP z delfinem, napiszcie komentarz pod postem.
Pamietajcie tez, ze musze miec mozliwosc skontaktowania sie z wami mailowo. Pod koniec tygodnia (w niedziele) wylosuje 3 zwyciezcow. 


  1. What a great fabric combo! Plus I love the eye.

  2. Not being that lucky with the dolphin - I will try to win this little shark. :-)
    Good luck with the quilts for Houston - I unfortunately have no quilts to send.

  3. My six year old would LOVE this!

  4. Love the green stripe print in his eye...pure genius!!!

  5. I just love your sense of style and fun in your patterns :)

  6. I like this shark. He doesn't look mean.

  7. Love your pattern. Really fun. The eye is really great.

  8. The eye totally makes him loveable!!!!

  9. I am so happy that you are posting your patterns once again. These are so cute that I can't wait to make them. Thank you so much for sharing them. They are fantastic!

  10. I won your dolphin and I just can't help myself in hoping to win the shark as well :) By the way Parga is beautiful!

  11. This is so cool! Great use of Botanics too!

  12. What a cute shark! Doesn't look the least bit dangerous.

  13. I love this, hope I win. Thank you


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