
Saturday 20 September 2014

New sponsor - Aurifil and a quick giveaway

Recently, Aurifil joined Shape Moth as one of the sponsors. I guess you know the brand from other blogs already and some of you have probably used it for your projects.

I started using Aurifil for quilting when I encountered some problems with breaking thread in my Janome. It was especially present while quilting pictorial quilts, with few layers of fabric, very often combined with a stabiliser and batting. I guess you can understand my frustration... few inches of quilting, frying thread which finaly breaks. Starting again, same story. On and on and on. And at the end you have a piec of some pretty nasty quilting which so or so have to be unpicked. 

I tried every trick with the sewing machine, changed settings, needles and finally I've changed thread (I had some Aurifil spools which I got for a sewalong in the past). And that was it! All the frying and breaking stopped. The Aurifil thread was same thick as the other thread I was using. The quality was just way better (and no, I wasn't using a no-name brand). Since then I use Aurifil for quilting and that will probably not change :)

Do grona sponsorow dolaczyla firma Aurifil. Mysle, ze nazwa sie juz wam gdzies obila o uszy. Marka dosc czesto jest wspominana na zagranicznych blogach, bo i nici tej firmy sa duzo latwiej dostepne za granica niz w Europie (choc to powoli sie juz zmienia). Niestety, nici nie sa tanie ale jak to mowia jakosc kosztuje i w przypadku Aurifil to jest 100% prawda. Nie uzywam tylko i wylacznie nici Aurifil do szycia, bo sa po prostu za drogie ale do pikowania do tej pory nie znalazlam lepszych (sa jeszcze firmy, ktorych nici nie testowalam, wiem... jakby co to jestem otwarta na wspolprace ;) ). 

Zaczelam ich uzywac kiedy zmienilam maszyne. Janomka jakos nie chciala wspolpracowac z nicmi, ktorymi do tej pory pikowalam i co chwila zrywala nitke (zwlaszcza przy pikowaniu duzych quiltow, gdzie bylo duzo warstw materialu, ocieplina, fizelina z klejem, etc). Probowalam zmiany ustawien, naprezenia nici, igiel roznych firm, a udalo sie zapanowac nad zrywaniem wlasnie zmieniajac nitke. Akurat mialam kilka szpulek nici Aurifil, ktore kiedys dostalam z okazji blogowego wydarzenia i tak lezaly i czekaly... 

Jak sie spojrzy pod swiatlo na nici roznych firm, to widac jakiej sa jakosci. Im bardziej posiepana, tym gorszej jakosci i latwiej sie bedzie zrywac podczas pikowania (tu pisze o nitkach poliestrowych czy bawelnianych, nie jakichs specjalnych). W porownaniu z nicmi, ktorych uzywalam do tej pory (a uzywam nici dobrych, znanych firm), nitka Aurifil jest idealnie gladka. Oczywiscie nadal bede uzywac innych nici do szycia czy PP (glownie ze wzgledu na cene), ale do pikowania wybiore juz tylko te z gornej polki. Szkoda mi pracy, czasu, siepania i zrywania nitki, wypruwania tego, co przepikowalam, suplenia i niszczenia quiltu.

Dzieki Alexowi z firmy Aurifil dostalam zastaw nici 'Simply Color', pudeleczko z nicmi bawelnianymi i welnianymi oraz dwie karty kolorow:

Thanks to Alex Veronelli from Aurifil I got some goodies: 'Simply Color' collection, box of cotton and wool thread and color cards:

And I have some small treat for you - a quick giveaway open till Monday, 22.10.2014 24:00 CEST

I have 2 spools of Lana Wool thread, 3 solid FQs and a color card for Aurifil cotton thread (as I already have one from the sewalong) and some extra gift in addition :) 
Just write a comment under this post and tell me if you've already tried Aurifil thread (if not, which brand are you using). I will randomly choose the winner on Tuesday. The giveaway is of course open internationally.

Dla tych, ktorzy chcieliby wyprobowac nici Aurifil, mam szybka rozdawajke, ktora bedzie trwala do poniedzialku, do 24:00. 
Do wziecia jest karta kolorow nici bawelnianych Aurifil, 2 szpulki nici welnianych Aurifil i 3 tluste cwiartki (i cos jeszcze w gratisie sie znajdzie ;) Wystarczy napisac komentarz pod postem. Jestem ciekawa, jakich nici uzywacie do szycia i pikowania?


  1. I'm new to FMQing and right now I'm just using thread from Connecting Threads while I practice, practice, practice. So far, no problems on my new Janome, but when I feel confident enough to do some serious quilting, I'll switch to Aurifil, for sure. I've read so many good things about it.

  2. I have used Aurifil and I love it. It just looks so glossy and smooth and it sews so nicely!

  3. Ja juz jakis czas temu nauczylam sie ze pikowac trzeba sprawdzonymi nicmi bo oszczedza to duzo duzo czasu ;-) do tej pory uzywalam do pikowania 2firm coats i wlasnie aurifil ;-)

  4. I used Aurifil for one year and my FMQ is so much better ! It's a joy to start quilting now :)

  5. I use Aurifil and I am so pleased with this product. Machines love this thread and their colors are so pleasing to the eye.

  6. Отличные нити, но никогда не использовала! Очень хочется попробовать)

  7. I have tried it a few times and it was super slick! I would love to work with it again.

  8. a ja wspieram polską firmę Ariadna ;), ale do kolejnego dużego szycia mam już kupione Coats

  9. I read a lot of good about this brand. And a long time dream to try to sew with Auryfil. Thanks for the chance to win such a great giveaway.

  10. Cześć Joasiu ! Szyję najczęściej nićmi Ariadna a odkąd się przekonałam o ile łatwiej się pikuję dobrymi nićmi - stosuję nici Gutermann, a ponieważ już troszkę się naczytałam o niciach Aurifil, kupiłam ostatnio dwie szpulki , ale będą w użyciu dopiero przy następnej, już przygotowanej do pikowania pracy.... :)

  11. Niebywała okazja... marzenie, by spróbować nici, o których piszesz Joanno: "te z górnej półki" Hmmm... nigdy nie pikowałam takimi nićmi. To co uszyłam dotychczas pikowałam nićmi Ariadna, Amanda, Coats. Czyżbym była tak cierpliwa, że nie przeszkadzała mi jakość? ;) A może nie wiem, że może być lepiej?

  12. Do szycia używam polskich nici i, niestety, mam z nimi problem jakościowy. Ostatnio doceniłam jakość Madeiry, a szpula Aurifil czeka na swój wielki moment. Bardzo lubię Gutermanna i tych nici używam często do pikowania. Z polskimi, które są finansowo bardziej dostępne, przy pikowaniu miałam sporo problemów. O dostępności Aurifil na polskim rynku marzę po cichutku...

  13. I use a lot of Aurifil thread, it works nicely and has such pretty colours. Thank you for the chance to win some.

  14. I do use it. It is my favorite.

  15. I had the same problem with my Viking....breaking, fraying, couldn't get the tension right and I did the exact same thing....tried some Aurifil I received in a goody bag! No problems any more and there is soooooo much thread on a spool. I love that the cap comes off the bottom too.
    Thanks so much for the chance to win!:)

  16. nie znam marki Aurifil... pierwszy raz o niej słyszę...
    dawno temu pikowałam nićmi saba 120, później jak zaczęłam korzystać z hafciarki, pikuję nićmi do haftu marki GUNOLD

  17. Oh yes ! I love Aurifil, it makes the prettiest stitches on my Janome. Thanks !

  18. I only use Aurifil for piecing. I was fortunate and a quilt teacher told me all about it when I was taking my second quilting class. She also gave me the tip of using gray for piecing. I haven't looked at another thread since! That said, I don't have a lot of colors. Go figure! I'd love a chance to win! It never breaks or shreds and I've never found a dust dinosaur in my machine!

  19. No, I haven't yet used Auriful because money is a bit tight, but I would love to win this fantastic giveaway. Thank you so much for the opportunity!

  20. I have tried Aurifil and think it's wonderful. Thanks for the chance to win some!

  21. Do szycia używam nici Gütermann są naprawdę dobre a do pikowania Isacord .Wybrałam właśnie te bo bałam się że bawełniane nie wytrzymają nawarstwiania się ,no cóż na wypróbowanie czegoś nowego nie jest nigdy za późno.

  22. Aurifil jeśli mam zamiar przepikować dużą kołderkę (narzutę) w gęsty wzór typu spiralki, paisley, wzory w których wiem, że nitki będą się przecinać albo że będę "wracać" po tej samej linii - bardzo się do tego nadają bo są cieniutkie.
    Ale do szycia i pikowania prostych linii albo nie bardzo gęstych zawijasów to jednak poliestrowa polska Arena z Amandy. Oczywiście, głównym powodem jest cena, ale Arena całkiem się u mnie sprawdza. Moja maszyna bardzo te nici lubi, nie zdarzyło mi się, żeby mi się kiedykolwiek zerwały, no i kolorów mają mnóstwo.

  23. Ja uzywam do szycia najczesciej duzych szpulek roznych firm, rowniez Ariadny w roznych koorach. Lubie nici Gutermanna. Barzo chetnie sprobowalabym tyc Aurifill

  24. I use Aurifil whenever I can get it. Their greys are my favorite!

  25. I haven't tried Aurifil thread yet. I bought my thread through Connecting Threads. I would like to try Aufiful thread as it has such wonderful colors. Thank you for sharing your tread and your wonderful blocks.

  26. I have read many comments on blogs that use Aurifil thread and they all say how good it is. I would love to try it. Thank you for the giveaway.

  27. I mostly use Gutermann thread as it's easy to find! I'd love to try some Aurifil.

  28. I haven't tried Aurifil yet, I love to use Madeira Polyneon until now :)

  29. I love Aurifil for machine piecing and quilting, but for hand piecing I use Superior Bottomline. I'd love to try the Aurifil wool for some hand quilting.

  30. I haven't used it yet but i have a spool of Aurifil sitting on my sewing table. I have heard wonderful things.

  31. I've recently started using Aurifil and I love it! Such good thread.

  32. I have recently converted over to piecing with Aurifil and love the increased accuracy I now achieve. Thanks for the giveaway.

  33. I first used Aurifil when I quilted a shop sample for a friend and now I love it... I just wish quality cost less LOL! :)

  34. I first used it when I received a spool in a fat quarter swap and after using it fell in love. It's so much nicer than other thread in so many ways that it's worth the price. Thanks for the chance!

  35. I am currently using Isacord, but I have heard so many good comments about Aurifil that I would love to try them! Thanks :)

  36. I LOVE Aurifil Thread!!! I love it fo

  37. I LOVE Aurifil Thread!!!! It is great for piecing, I'm glad you discovered it :)

  38. Fantastic thread it runs beautifully on my Juki. Thanks for the chance to win some , I've never seen the wool thread before. I have some wool to make a quilt with but really never gave it a thought about what thread to use with it. I bet it would be ideal.

  39. I sew on a janome 7700 and I use aurifil for sewing and quilting. It' great.

  40. Havn't tried Aurifi still trying to find it as our shop here doesn't sell it so I normal use Gutterman but would love to win this so I can try

  41. I really like Aurifil but I only have a few spools. I'm forcing myself to use my lesser brands in piecing before I buy more.

  42. So far I only tried once. I'm saving them when I'm more experienced quilter and I'm currently using Amann threads which are available on local market.

  43. Do tej pory nie miałam jakiś specjalnych wymagań co do nici do pikowania. Zrywanie nici i jej wypruwanie uważałam za normalne. Ale skoro można sobie poprawić jakoś sz(ż)ycia to czemu nie spróbować :) Zdać się na Twoją profesjonalną opinię wynikającą z doświadczenia - to żadne ryzyko.

  44. Since I discovered Aurifil it's the only thread I use for piecing and quilting ~ 50 for piecing and 40 for quilting ~ best thread ever!
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    elsa.hart at

  45. I would love to try Aurifil thread. It is not sold anywhere near me. I have always used Guterman's as that was what the shop recommended when I bought my Bernina.

  46. I've been using gutermann thread... the best I can find locally. I would live to try aurifil as I've heard so any wonderful things about to, and the colors are so lovely!

  47. I started using Aurifil a couple years ago and now, use it for everything. Love it. Thanks for the giveaway.

  48. I adore Aurifil thread. It is the only thread I use now.

  49. Love Aurifil thread and all its wonderful colors!

  50. I have started to use Aurifil thread, but so far had no issues with thread from C&C and Connecting Thread. Thank you!

  51. I haven't been able to try Aurifil thread yet since funds are very limited. So I've been using Coats & Clark thread

  52. I have not tried Aurifil yet. I am a new quilter and so far am using Pacesetter. Every quilted item I make, I try something new.

  53. J'aime le fil Aurifil , je l'utilise pour le quilting sur ma longarm. J'utilise le Mako 40 et 50, mais ma préférence va au Mako 28

  54. I love Aurifil! And I my machine loves it, which is even better.

  55. I LOVE aurifil thread! I love the weight, and the colors! I use it for thread painting, free motion quilting on small articles, and for piecing! Would love to win this giveaway! And thanks Alex Veronelli from Aurifil for giving this to Joanna so we can enjoy this wonderful thread!

  56. I currently have a spool of Aurifil in my machine and love it! I have also used the Lana Wool for my wool applique pieces. I love how it blends in with the applique pieces so I can embellish them after securing them to my background.

  57. Yes, I am using and enjoying Aurifil thread!

  58. I go back and forth between Superior and Aurifil. I truly love them both.

  59. I love Aurifil! I swear my machine smiled the first time I used it. It would take a lot to get me to try something else.

  60. I have Coats&Clark loaded on my machine currently. I have a couple spools of Aurifil and Rowan and quite a bit of Coats&Clark.

  61. I use Aurifil, it's the only thread that doesn't break all the time. I love it

  62. I use Coats & Clark right now in my machine. I have not used Aurifil yet but look forward to trying!


  64. I use aurifil thread almost exclusively, just finishing up using my sulky. I love aurifil and never have any problems using it. I just wish I could find it near the small town I live in. I have to order it on line so I have to make sure I have enough for my project I am working on. Would love a thread card to make matching fabric easier.

  65. I use Aurifil thread for sewing and quilting.

  66. I'm an Aurifil convert too! I use to waste so much time with broken thread, since I switched I can't remember it happening. Now if I could only remember to leave a long enough piece of thread when you start sewing------ Would really to win, especially the thread card.

  67. I only use Aurifil thread for all my sewing and quilting. I LOVE AURIFIL!!!!!!!!

  68. I have not used Aurifil thread. They do not have it available where I shop. Everyone says so many good things about it, that I would like to try it.

  69. I just found your blog from EQ7's tutorial page! Going to watch one of your videos in a sec. I always use Aurifil if I can. Likewise my Janome is kind of picky about thread and it prefers me to use Aurifil. Now I'd like to try the Aurifil cone in my long arm...

  70. Ooo! Great giveaway! I use coats and Clarks thread and sometimes guterman thread. I have not tried aurifil thread yet, and really want to. I have heard nothing but good things about this thread.

  71. I have not yet tried Aurifil but would like to!

  72. Yes, I use Aurifil thread. Love it!

  73. So nice of you to share. I do use Aurifil when I can from my stash but I usually cannot afford to buy a lot more of it.

  74. I haven't tried Aurifil thread but know of many who love it. I am currently using a variety of Superior threads.

  75. Yes, I've used Aurifil thread, it does splendid job!

  76. I use Aurifil and Superior Threads with stellar results! Depends on if I want to show the quilting or design layouts.

  77. I have not tried it but do not have a local outlet. Right now I use coats or Guttermans.

  78. Love Aurifil and would be thrilled with a color card.

  79. I use aurifil for ALL my quilting projects. Great giveaway.

  80. I love Aurifil thread both for piecing and quilting. It is marvelous stuff! I also really like Superior Threads King Tut for quilting. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

  81. I love aurifil for piecing and quilting. I just ordered some 28wt to try hand quilting.

  82. I use 50 wt for sewing/piecing quilts and the 12 wt for hand embroidery!

  83. I had trouble with embroidery thread breaking on my embroidery machine, just the black thread. Deciding that I had a bad roll of thread, I scouted around and found my Aurifil Black. Stitched wonderfully. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  84. I use several different brands but Aurifil is my favorite!

  85. I Have Been Hexed Facebook group members recommended Aurifil for hand quilting. It's knots or breakage. I'm forever grateful. And it's widely available in Tucson AZ.

  86. I ONLY use Aurilfil in both of my sewing machines! I LOVE the excellent quality of the thread! The colors are wonderful! When I look at either online quilt sites, a local quilt store, or even go to a quilt show, I always look for Aurilfil! I have never been disappointed in this thread and won't waste my hard earned $$ on anything else!

  87. I am a diehard Aurifil fan! I have only two spools at this point but it's all I use for both piecing and quilting!

  88. Witam, nie znam tych nici ale chętnie wypróbuję :)

  89. I use Aurifil and Superior threads for all my quilting needs.

  90. I only have one spool of Aurifil, would love to try more. Thanks!!!!

  91. Just got some Aurifil thread. Haven't used it yet, but I can't stop staring at it. so pretty.

  92. Aurifil is the only new thread that I'll buy. Using up the rest here and there, but I've quit fighting the thread battles too.

  93. I switched to Aurifil about a year ago and will never go back. I just used the 28 wt for the first time and love how it looks on my quilt.

  94. I too use Aurifil and love it. The color chart would make a great addition to my Fabricating Faces in Thread class. It is difficult to find all the flesh color threads in one place. The chart would help.

  95. I use it and am hooked!! I don't use anything else anymore!

  96. I use Aurifil. it works great in my machines, and so many colours!

  97. I haven't yet used Aurifil. It's not available locally, and we live out in the country where getting to where it's sold is an all day adventure! But I've heard so much about it, and I'm just starting to FMQ and would love to learn with the right materials!

  98. I'm a creature of habit and Aurifil became my habit when I moved to Las Vegas 3.5 yrs ago & took my 2nd quilt class -- 30 yrs from when I took my 1st class!

  99. I have tried Aurifil, my sewing machine does not like it at all but it is great for hand sewing. I use Guuterman for my machine.

  100. I used to use Gutterman becuase it was readily available at my local Joanns and had a ton of colors. Then I bought 1 spool at a quilt show and I was hooked! The quality is just so much better. To save a little money, I now bid on boxes on Ebay and can usually get a really good deal :)

  101. Love to sew with your threads, just the perfect match!

  102. I'm definitely an Aurifil convert. My Pfaff domestic machine has "told me in no uncertain terms" that it loves this thread for piecing, fmq, all sewing.

  103. I love Aurifil thread but it's a little out of my price range. You almost never see it on sale anywhere.

  104. Yes I am using Aurifil threat and like it very much. I have about 36 spools.

  105. I haven't tried Aurifil, but I would love to! (: I'm currently using Coats and Clark.

  106. Hi....I use several kinds of cotton thread for quilting but Aurifil is my favorite and I would LOVE to win this! (my fingers & toes are all crossed :) )

  107. I use almost exclusively Aurifil at this point for similar reasons!

  108. I use Aurifil but haven't tried the Lana wool thread. The colour chart would be so useful!

  109. I am just barely starting to use Aurifil thread. I really like it.

  110. Yes, I love the Aurifil thread but its a bit hard to find where I live (Perth Western Australia), most of my thread is either Gutermann or some thread from Connecting Threads that I purchased while visiting the USA.

  111. Chciałam pobiec i sprawdzić, ale ... Kupiłam na Allegro końcówki różnych nici z likwidowanej firmy odzieżowej i takich używam. Jest tam tzw. mydło i powidło. Nie ważne nerwy przy pruciu, gdy znowu się zerwie, ważny kolor :D Ale jak już w totolotka wygram , hymm....

  112. I have not used Aurifil...yet. I use Gutermann, but if I win this, my loyalty may change...who knows. Thanks for the opportunity to check it out!!!

  113. Jako początkująca patchworkarka używam czego się da :) najcześciej Ariadny lub Areny :) na nici z wyższej półki na razie patrzę z rozmarzeniem, może kiedyś :)

  114. I haven't used Aurifil yet, though I want to! I have a variety of spools of Coats & Clark on hand so that's what I've been using.

  115. I have never tried Aurifil but would love to give it a go!

  116. Yes, I use Aurifil and absolutely LOVE it! Thanks for the chance to win this giveaway! ☺

    my nana maree @ yahoo . com

  117. I switched to Aurifil thread for my piecing and quilting a few months ago.. Love it!

  118. I love Aurifil thread. it is great.

  119. So far I have two reels of Auriful thread - a deep turquoise colour that I bought for quilting,a particular quilt, and a rainbow multi coloured thread that I bought for quilting childrens quilts. I love the quality of the thread and would buy it again.

    perry94022 at hotmail dot com

  120. What pretty colors!!! I use Aurifil whenever I can. In between, I am using up the other threads that I have.

  121. I have used Aurifil thread from the beginning of my quilting life (10 years +) and have had no problems at all with it. Why would I bother trying other brands when I am completely satisfied and happy with Aurifil thread... love, love, love Aurifil.

  122. Aurifil is the best thread for quilting. Thanks for the chance to win.

  123. I use Aurifil for piecing because I was having bulk issues. I really like how it melts into the seams making them flat.

  124. Aurifil is my voice of thread. I love the large spools and all the colors! Thanks for the chance to win.

  125. I usually use Isacord, Madeira, or Guttermann. Would love to try Aurifil.

  126. I just recently tried Aurifil thread for the first time and have no complaints this far along.

  127. Everyone on the blogs raves about Aurifil thread! I would love to give it a try.
    Mostly, I've been using Connecting Threads 50/3 for piecing and quilting with a walking foot. I haven't learned to FMQ yet.
    Thank you for this lovely opportunity.

  128. i have not tried Aurifil thread yet.I have been using coats and clark thread...

  129. never tried aurifil.. use other brands that are available

  130. I have just recently discovered and am a convert!

  131. I love Aurifil thread, because my Janome MC6600 is a real diva in case of thread. Aurifil doesn't break and has a wonderful shimmer. My mom also use it for making bobbin lace.
    Thanks for the give-away!
    Greetings, Rike

  132. I've just started using it and I'm so in love with it. I'm seeing a lot less lint and I don't think I will ever use anything but Aurifil now

  133. HELLO from Montana!
    Yes, I've used Aurifil cotton, but not wool>love to try it!
    Thanks for a great giveaway!

  134. I love Aurifil for both hand and machine piecing - it just works!

  135. I've tried Aurifil's 50 wt mako thread (love it!), but I've never tried the wool thread, and I'd love too. Thanks for the chance to win! And congrats on having Aurifil as a sponsor!

  136. I have not tried this thread. I use whatever is on sale. :)

  137. I am adding a bit of Auriful "green" to my current art quilt project. It was a sample thread gifted to me. It is just the right shade.

  138. I love Aurifil thread both in the sewing machine and for hand applique. I am starting to build up a collection and a color chart would be sooo helpful.

  139. Linda Moulder
    I love Aurifil Thread and have ordered different colors.

  140. Linda Moulder
    I follow you on facebook.

  141. I am gradually changing all of my thread colours to Aurifil as it is by far superior to other brands I have used over many years. The colour card would be extremely useful as I mostly send for my thread and so to have the card at hand to know the number I require would be a bonus.

  142. I haven't tried Auriful threads. I use Coats. Thanks for the chance, I would love to try it.

  143. Any contest with Aurifil is exciting! It's the only one I use for piecing my quilts. I think the color card would just add to my inspiration--it would be wonderful to have the time to use each and very wonderful Aurifil color! Thank you.

  144. I just started using Aurifil threads with my quilting. It's true, no fraying and no breaking. It also comes in handy when shortening a hem for the Mom of the Groom dress :)

  145. I've been using Aurifil for about a year, even leave it on my machine when doing garment sewing sometimes! I like it although my machines really dont generally like the thicker threads they make. Thank you for the giveaway and the reminder about how many large spool designer samplers they offer!

  146. I haven't tried Aurifil thread yet but would love to try it.

  147. I just purchased some Aurifil and will be trying it for the first time! I've heard so many positive comments about it, can't wait to try it!

  148. I have been using Aurifil threads now for about 8 months. .. I kept having issues with machine ... I thought.. but it ended up that after I had started to use the Aurifil I noticed less and less down time with my machine... Thank you Aurifil for making a quality product! ! Thank you ... Thank you !

  149. I started using Aurifil a couple of months ago when my local quilt shop started stocking it. I now won't use anything else.

  150. I've used Aurifil thread for about 4 years now, since it was rocommended at a local quilt shop I took a course at. I've had no problems with it, and the colour range is brilliant. The new box sets are beautiful, I just wish I could afford to have a reel in every colour!

  151. Do niedawna używałam polskich nici do pikowania (Ariadna), ale wygrałam zestawy nici Aurifil i podobnie jak Ty, ciężko mi sobie wyobrazić powrót do innych nici. Karta kolorów Aurifil to wielka gratka, więc ustawiam się w kolejce.

  152. no cóż... jak na razie używam polskich nici (Amanda Arena), choć ostatnio przy pikowaniu na ramie dają mi w kość :( przetestowałam też nici Basic na dużych szpulach, ale z nimi podczas pikowania jest jeszcze gorzej.... do szycia ok... "chwilkę" pikowałam kiedyś nicią Aurifil podczas warsztatów... i tak - czuje się różnicę :D więc jeśli kiedyś wygram w totka........ :)

  153. I have not tried this thread, but would like to!
    Evin5 at aol dot com

  154. Aurifil is the ONLY thread that I use! I love it and it works like a dream in my sewing machine. I would like to win this prize more than you can ever know! I need need need that color card!

  155. I started using Aurifil thread years ago when I was a pattern tester for Benartex. I was given one spool of 30 weight with some fabric and I loved it so much I have been collecting it ever since. I once drove 30 miles for a spool! Would love to win more so I can finish more UFO's!

  156. I love Aurifil for machine and hand piecing and machine quilting and next I want to try the 12wt for hand quilting.

  157. I bought my first Aurifil thread at an exhibition I attended. It's blue varigated blue and looking forward to doing some free motion quilting with it. Some else new to me x

  158. I use both Aurifil and Superior threads on my sewing machines. For the Janome I mostly use Aurifil, since the machine is a bit fussy sometimes. On my old Husqvarna I can use everything, even Ikea thread. That old lady is not fussy at all!

  159. Używam nici hafciarskich Madeira i dają radę. W dwóch projektach wykorzystałem nić transparentną tej firmy i też dała radę. Chętnie wypróbowałabym nici tak zachwalane jak Aurifil.

  160. I love Aurifil and my sewiing machine does too - especially the 40 weight.

  161. I just used it for the first time last night. It seems to work really well, blending nicely with coordinating fabric from Bonnie and Camille.

  162. Use Aurifil since 2010 for hand and machine piecing, quilting and sewing. Love its texture and shine. Finger crossed

  163. I use aurifl for everything I do I love it and so does my sewing machine

  164. I too use aurifil for all my sewing. No lint, stitches are beautiful, wouldn't use anything else!

  165. No I have not used Aurifil for long arm quilting but would like to try. I have used Aurifil for hand piecing. b.j.day68 at gmail dot com

  166. I use 100% cotton Aurifil thread almost exclusively for piecing. I use the invisible thread on my long arm as I quilt when customer requests that the quilting be more of an impression than a statement. I am crazy about Aurifil!!

  167. I love Aurifil thread! I use it when piecing my quilts.

  168. I haven't used it yet. Right now I'm using Superior Threads Masterpiece (because that's what my local quilt store sells in light grey, which I use for everything). I haven't had trouble with it, but I haven't tried to machine quilt, so I don't know what would happen if I tried that.

    jhunsberger (at) gmail (d0t) c0m

  169. I recently switched to Aurifil and I love it!

  170. I just started quilting, and our local quilt shop recommended aurifil thread. I picked up a neutral beige and a red for the holidays. I am already looking for more!

  171. I could not find where to buy color cards so I can order more thread, so I hope I win something.

  172. This comment has been removed by the author.

  173. I am not a quilter, but I do sew other things - mainly using Gütermann threads (THE easily available brand in Germany). Using other thread I never had much luck, there seems to be a lot of breaking of and sometimes even a sort of unravelling going on. Laltely I've been hearing and reading a lot of good things about Aurifil, so I'll definitely give that a try, if I can find it somewhere!

  174. I love aurifil thread and had the pleasure of attending a informational meeting with Alex Veronelli today and love them even more. The thread is made with great care.

  175. I primarily use the 50 weight thread.


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