
Sunday 28 September 2014

Sew Sweet QAL - details

It's time to give you a heads up for the new QAL :)

P.S. Winners of the last pattern giveaway will be posted in a moment at the end of the last post

Polska wersja bedzie niedlugo jako nowy post, do ktorego link bedzie TUTAJ :)

If you want to join me in paper piecing, Sew Sweet QAL (or better to say PPAL - paper piece along) starts on 1st of October. There will be 5 PP blocks, one every week and in addition, during those 5 weeks I will post step-by-step instructions for a mini quilt. 
Below you will find all the details about the QAL:
1. Rules for QAL and contest
2. Detailed schedule
3. Fabric requirements

1. Sew Sweet QAL rules:

* first block in Sew Sweet QAL will be posted on 01.10.2014 and the last one on 29.10.2014 (you can find the detailed schedule below)
* in addition to 5 PP blocks, there will be a tutorial for a PP writing 'Sew Sweet' and for a mini quilt (which you can see above).
* each of the 5 PP blocks will be free for download for a week after publication date through Craftsy; after that time, blocks will be available in my Craftsy and Etsy shops

* starting 05-Nov-2014, a linky will be open, so that you can link your projects made with Sew Sweet QAL blocks (one project per person). It can be anything made with the blocks, not only mini quilt, but it has to be a finished project. Photos of unfinished PP blocks will be deleted from the linky.
* linky will be closed on 19-Nov-2014, and from all submitted projects 3 winners (the number of the winners can be changed if there are not enough submissions) will be chosen by the Guest Judge
* winners will be anounced in a week after the linky end
* the Guest Judge for Sew Sweetness QAL is Sara Lawson from


* do konkursu mozna zglosic jeden projekt od osoby
* musi to byc skonczony projekt (nie sam uszyty blok PP; nieskonczone projekty beda usuwane z Linky) z conajmniej jednym blokiem z QALu
* w konkursie do wygrania sa 3 nagrody (liczba zwyciezcow moze ulec zmianie jesli nie bedzie wystarczajacej liczby zgloszen)
* zwyciezca(y) beda ogloszeni w tygodniu po zakonczeniu zglaszania prac
* sedzia konkursu jest Sara Lawson z

I guess you all know her - she's an amazing quilter, bag pattern designer and author of the book Big-City Bags, designer of the fabric line Jungle Ave for Art Galler Fabrics, and on top of it - an amazing personality. 
Thank you Sara for being a part of this QAL! 
If you didn't hear about Sara yet, be sure to visit her website and FB page.

* there are some pretty amazing prizes to win!

#1 Prize

#2 Prize

#3 Prize

Detailed schedule:

01.10.2014Cupcake PP block

08.10.2014 - Donut PP block

15.10.2014 - Ice Cream PP block

22.10.2014 - Milkshake PP block

29.10.2014 - Hot Chocolate PP block

Fabric Requirements: 

*in each QAL post I will share my fabric choices for the single blocks (including the fabric requirements) 

I will sew the mini quilt with one Cupcake block (10"x10") and two Ice Cream blocks (5"x10"). Instead of them, you can take any other two Sew Sweet QAL blocks.

For the mini quilt in the version shown above you will need: 
*Cupcake block - 1FQ background fabric + scraps for the details
*2 Ice Cream blocks - 1FQ background fabric + scraps for the details
*F8 of yellow fabric for strips
*FQ of fabric for the mini quilt's background, which matches the color of Cupcake block background fabric
*1/2y of background fabric for 'Sew Sweet' writing
*1FQ of fabric matching the background color for 'Sew Sweet' letters
*1/2y of fabric for the backing
*1/2y of fabric for binding (it's easier to cut longer strips)

Here are my fabric choices:

I will post updates on the QAL also on my FB page. I'd love to see your fabric choices and WIP photos.

I hope to see you again on Wednesday, 1st of October, ready to sew with me :)

Here's the Sew Sweet QAL button for you 
(copy and paste HTML code to your sidebar or blog post):


  1. Josiuuu nawet nie wiesz w jak dobrym momencie publikujesz tą zabawę!! :D
    Oczywiście się zgłaszam i czekam na pierwszy blok!!! :D

  2. What is the skill level required for this? I can do several types of paper pieced stars, but I've never tried something like this before.

  3. Jestem podekscytowana QAL'em :) Piękne bloki, już czekam na pierwszy wzór muffinki :)
    P.S. W zasadach, chyba wkradł Ci się błąd w dacie ogłoszenia wyników ;)

  4. Looking forward to this. I hope I can make the time to make this. I can't wait! CDahlgren at live dot com

  5. Your designs are always so fun, Joanna! I'm off to figure out fabrics to use for this....

  6. I will join the fun, for sure! Looking forward to this QAL!

  7. What fun! Now October will be a special month with a fantastic project. Thanks so much for sharing your talents with us.

  8. So cool Joanna, I am in and will post the first block next Monday :)))

  9. You are so generous, Joanna!!!!!! Sharing your talented patterns with all of us! I will organize my free time and will try to join in!!!!!! Love all your patterns!!!!!!!!

  10. an absolute joy to partake, thank you for your shared talent....thank you

  11. Just wondering...did I miss the donut pattern/step? It says it was the 2nd step in the detailed schedule, but I've only been able to find the cupcake and the ice cream cone so far.
    BTW...thanks for such AWESOME paper piecing patterns! I'm new to paper piecing by only a couple of months and only made 4 paper pieced blocks so far. So this is really exciting for me!

  12. I am a bit confused....I could not find the links anywhere to do the projects..?


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