
Sunday, 11 September 2011

Cat PP pattern and pillow

I was thinking about Halloween for some time now. Wondering, what I would sew. I wanted a pillow, but didn't have an idea which would fit, so I decided to make a new PP pattern. 

When you think about Halloween what do you think about? Bats? Black cats? Ghosts?
I'm a cat lover so that's almost obvious that I think about cats, LOL. 

And here's one:

'Wesley the cat' 

And a Halloween pillow with the black kitten:

And that's my real Wesley:

And what are you planning to sew on Halloween?


  1. I love your PP animals! I need that cat. Some days ago a scottish fold came to my home. So I think I need to adjust the pattern and give the cat some folded ears ;)

  2. Cute! I tend to only sew Halloween costumes for the kids but not decorations. I have to get busy and start those soon!

  3. nooo spojrzenie kota jest... diabelskie ;)
    na haloween nic nie szyje, chyba ze bedzie trzeba jakies kostiumy dzieciakom skonstruowac, za to na pewno upieke zeszloroczny hit - ciastka- paluchy czarownicy :)

  4. Your kitty is purrrfect. Love the trees and the backing. It reminds me of The Ghastlies.

  5. Beautiful cat by the way....does his name come from The Princes Bride? "As you wish," is not very cat like...but maybe he would make a great Dread Pirate Roberts.

  6. patchworkowy kot ciekawy a tkanina z tyłu poduszki rewelacyjna, ślinię się do monitora ;)

    Wesley piękny i dostojny, jakie to umaszczenie?

    o haloween nie myślę jeszcze, upieram się że lato wcale się nie skończyło :)

  7. kot jest super! TE oczy!! na hallowen chce naszykować dynie ale szyć na pewno nic będę, dzieciaki jeszcze za małe :)

  8. What a beautiful pillow! Great colors and paper piecing. Your Wesley is a cutie!
    Quilting by the River

  9. This is really cute! That cat pattern is so fun!

  10. Wesley jest MCO ?
    Piękne tkaniny i piękne poduszki.

  11. piekna poducha!!
    moze ja niedlugo pochwalę sie moją :) dziekuje za PP :))

  12. That cat is adorable! I just love it!

  13. I love the cat! Great piecing! Thanks for sharing! I just found you and am now your newest follower! Have a Great Day! :)


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