
Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Cat on quilt

I'm already back from holidays. The weather was really nice and I have to admit that I missed the sewing machine a bit (but just a tiny bit). Now I have some small projects to finish and few posts to write... 
Today I jumped on Pets on Quilts 2012 linky at Lilly Pad Quilting and decided to join in. Those who visit my blog more often know that I have two maine coons - Xanthos (orange/white) and Wesley (black smoke):

Juz wrocilam z wakacji. Pogoda tym razem dopisala (za maszyna sie tez troszke stesknilam). Musze teraz dokonczyc jeden z projektow, ktory mi zostal sprzed wyjazdu i jeszcze napisac kilka postow, zeby sie wszystkimi nowinami podzielic :)
Dzis trafilam na linky Pets on Quilts 2012 u Lilly Pad Quilting (nasze zwierzaki na quiltach) no i jakze bym mogla odmowic sobie przyjemnosci wziecia udzialu? Ci, ktorzy mnie czesciej odwiedzaja wiedza, ze mam dwa maine coony - Xanthos'a (rudo-bialy) i Wesley'a (czarny dymny):

From the very beginning they were helping me sewing and testing things which I've made ;) and always when I try to photograph something, the cat magically appears and sits in the middle of the view:

Od samego poczatku obydwa pomagaly mi w szyciu i testowaniu tego, co juz uszylam ;) No i zawsze, gdy chcialam zrobic jakies zdjecia, ktorys z kotow pojawial sie znikad i sadowil na srodku kadru:

I decided to submit two photos to the linky and to the contest, which will start, when the linky is closed. First of my Wesley on 'Hillside' quilt:

Do Pets od Quilts 2012 zdecydowalam sie zglosic dwa zdjecia (po zamknieciu linky odbedzie sie konkurs). Na pierwszym jest Wesley na swiezo uszytym quilcie:


and the second of the (creepy) Cheeshire cat  - the quilt block which I'm veeery proud of :) 

a drugie, to blok z kotem z Cheeshire (z ktorego nadal jestem niezwykle dumna):

Take a look on the other Pets on Quilts HERE
Inne zwierzaki mozecie obejzec TUTAJ


  1. Też widziałam ten konkurs,ale moje zwierzaki nie "urzędują" na quiltach więc nie miałam czego zgłosić :( Kot z Cheeshire jak zwykle zachwyca,a Twój puchaty pupil wygląda na quilcie tak cudnie,że na pewno znajdziesz się w gronie zwycięzców!!!

  2. You have beautiful cats! ;)

  3. Sweet felines! Great outdoor enclosure for them!

  4. Ależ masz piękne koty! A duma jak najbardziej uzasadniona :)

  5. I would love to own a Maine Coone cat! My Tiger does look a lot like your Xanthos though, maybe he has coon blood in him!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. So happy you had a nice holiday and so happy you are back.

  8. Beautiful kitties. Great job on the Cheshire cat quilt!

  9. Fun! I think the Cheshire cat block is lots of fun!

  10. Lovely pets and your Cheshire Cat piece is wonderful.

  11. Lovely entries to our show! Thanks for sharing, and playing along with us!

  12. You have gorgeous cats! My Chessie is a Maine Coon. My Calvin was too (He passed away in 2009). I adore them.

  13. what beautiful cats! And your cheshire quilt is definitely a good entry for the best art quilt category.

  14. You have such beautiful furry kids and spectacular quilts too. And, I love your (creepy) Cheeshire cat.

    You also have an excellent eye for photography. I'm so delighted to get introduced to your blog via this quilt show.


  15. What a pretty pair of cats- they have magnificent tails- You have some lovely quilts too.
    Enjoy the blog hop.
    Regards from Western Canada,

  16. Cudowna zabawa!
    Twoje śliczne kotki pięknie się prezentują!

  17. Lovely pair of Main Coons! They are just sweeties. And your Cheshire cat quilt is wonderful, thank you for sharing.

  18. Oh my goodness, they are gorgeous. Thanks.

  19. I had two Maine Coons when I was a teenager (Mom still has one of them) and they were and still are my kitty loves! That Cheshire Cat is awesome!

  20. Love your cats and how they help you with your crafts.

  21. Your cats are gorgeous! So are your quilts :)

  22. Purr purr from Rusken (my cat) to your cats :) All cats needs a lot of quilts :)

  23. I love Maine Coon cats. We had one for 17 years and there was no better cat. Love your quilts too!

  24. Beautiful cats Joanna, and I love the Cheshire block.

  25. Wonderful cats, they are really beautiful. Love the Cheshire quilt.

  26. Love your cats and your Cheshire cat is wonderful!

  27. W oczy rzuca się Singer'ka :) tez mam maszynę tej firmy.

  28. Cheshire is to DIE for! Parker is a classic red with white tabby and I am a dilute blue tortie, both Maine Coon Cats. Hello to our fur mates in Germany!

  29. What a helpful groups of cats. I love your creations too. Thanks for sharing.

  30. Your cats are gorgeous and I can tell, quite helpful... The chesire cat is a little creepy, isn't it... :0)

  31. Beautiful cats - and quilts.

  32. What amazings cats and quilts. Thank you for sharing.

  33. Wow, what beautiful cats. I'd love and outdoor enclosure like that for my cats.

  34. Great photos!
    And the Cheshire Cat is not so creepy... well done!
    Thanks for sharing and joining in the fun.

  35. Your cats are lovely. Thanks for the photo tour.


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