
Monday 24 June 2013

Seahorse PP pattern {& a Giveaway!}

The seahorse block measures 10" x 12". 
Fabrics I used:
* yellow fabric from RJR Fabrics (I guess, as it's one of the first quilting fabrics I got and there was no salvage on this one, only on similar ones)
* 'Triangles in blue' from Alegria collection by Cloud 9 fabrics and
* light blue from 'Promenade' collection by Riley Blake Designs

Blok numer 2 z morskiej serii Pape-ARRR! Piecing Adventures - konik morski:


*the pattern is now available on Etsy and Craftsy*


If you would like to win a copy of the Seahorse PP pattern, leave a comment under this post and tell me if you ever spent holidays by the sea (remember that I have to have a way to contact you; if you are no-reply blogger that will be impossible). I will randomly draw 3 winners on Friday 28.06 at 12:00 (CEST)

Jesli chcielibyscie wygrac wzor PP konika morskiego, napiszcie komentarz pod postem. Z checia poczytam o waszych wakacjach nad morzem. Byliscie kiedys? Jesli tak, to nad jakim? Pamietajcie tez, ze musze miec mozliwosc skontaktowania sie z wami mailowo. W piatek 28.06 (12:00) wylosuje 3 zwyciezcow, jak zawsze z pomoca Pana Random'a.  

Update: 28.06 Giveaway winners!

#2. Nilya@ayliN-Nilya
#50 nerospost@Nero's Post and Patch
#21. Patti@Retired to Quilt

Ladies, I will email you shortly. Thank you all for joining this week's giveaway and hope you will join the next one on Monday!


  1. Jaki cudny konik morski! Aż zamarzyła mi się podusia z takim cudem!!!
    Wakacje nad morzem, hm... Jako dziecko co roku rodzice wysyłali mnie na kolonie nad nasze polskie morze. Nawet ospę przechodziłam nad morzem:( Miałam w końcu dość takich wakacji i więcej nie miałam zamiaru oglądać morza. Jednak jako osoba dorosła zatęskniłam i w podróż poślubną pojechaliśmy z mężem nad morze... Było pięknie! Uwielbiam szum fal rozbijających się o brzeg!

  2. Such a sweet Little block - I love making Holidays at the sea!

  3. Yes! Every other holiday we spend at the place where my dad grew up on the coast ;) Love this little fellow!

  4. Przepiękny konik morski:) Ten ogonek jest bardzo starannie dopracowany. My mieszkamy nad morzem, więc właściwie każde wakacje spędzamy tutaj. Ciężko byłoby mi się stąd przeprowadzić:)

  5. Przecudny wzór, Joasiu. Z ogromną przyjemnością ustawiam się w kolejce!!!
    Nad morzem byłam kilka razy. Głównie nad naszym polskim Bałtykiem,ale miałam również przyjemność pomoczyć nogi w Morzu Martwym:)
    Najczęściej jestem jednak u siebie,a że wody w zasięgu wzroku mam sporo, to nad inną wcale mi się nie śpieszy:)

  6. Konik jest cudowny, ma takie zalotne spojrzenie... śliczne kolorki...
    Ja mieszkam w górach , więc za morzem tęsknię, dawno nie byłam... a najlepsze wakacje, bo aż trzykrotnie spędziłam w Ustce - pięknie jest tam zarówno latem podczas upałów - świetna duża plaża, czysta woda oraz późną jesienią i zimą podczas sztormów.

  7. Can I just say wow wow wow! You have outdone yourself with this pattern- its stunning!
    As for hoildays by the sea- yes lots! I have lots of happy childhood memories of playing in rock pools with my brother and sister.

  8. It's super cute! Holidays by the sea are the best since we don't have any over here. Sea and the sun = true holidays. Thx.

  9. Fabulous pattern!
    We always go to a tiny island off the coast of Ireland for our holidays!!

  10. oh my god this is the cutest pattern ever, i love sea horses
    and yes i have been at the sea before, in Malta and Italy

  11. So cute! I'm totally loving paper piecing these days! I grew up by the ocean and love going back to visit!

  12. I have - I went to St Ives at the bottom of England and spent 2 nights - amazing place with Barbara Hepworth 's studio :) amycav at hotmail dot com

  13. yup!! i was born in Nova Scotia, and lived my first 5 years beside the ocean, and i've taken my kids back for a special trip too. gooberific@

  14. We used to have a small sailboat with cabin. We would go down to the marina and spend the weekend on her as often as possible. Now we spend time at the beach when we get the chance :-)

  15. One of my favorite places to vacation is in Pacific Grove California on the Pacific Ocean. There is a wonderful boardwalk & tide pools and awesome sunsets. I think I need to go again!

  16. I live by the sea and I'm not too keen on crowds or sun, so we don't tend to go on holiday to the seaside! Great pattern!

  17. Hi, no I've never even seen the sea. I really want to but I've lived in the middle of Canada my whole life and having made a flight (shudder) or drive (5-7 days) to either end of the country.

  18. I used to live a short drive away from the ocean so we spent tons of time there growing up :) I definitely miss that! Love this block, thanks for the giveaway!

  19. It has been too many years (2 or 3) since I've been near the ocean. This is the summer we'll go back. I can't wait! I absolutely love your little sea horse!

  20. 100 years ago when I was in college I lived in an apartment in Isla Vista overlooking the ocean. It was like having a vacation every day - except for the studying.

  21. Oh my goodness, I love your seahorse so much! I have been fortunate enough to spend some holiday time on the west coast of British Columbia, and it is spectacular. Thanks for the chance to win this amazing pattern.

  22. I live close to the ocean so lucky to see it whenever I want, thanks for the chance to win!

  23. Would love a beach house someday, until then we make do with at least a long weekend in a rental.
    Love rock pools and caves

  24. I love vacations at the ocean or lake, especially now that I have kids. Everyone has something to do, swimming, napping, digging in the dirt, chasing birds, etc.

  25. I guess everyday is a vacation by the sea now that we live on Prince of Wales Island in Southeast Alaska. Every morning I look out the window at the bay and watch the tide come in and out, herons on the beach looking for goodies, and the occasional whale going by. How much more perfect could it be...quilting by the sea would only make it better!

  26. Eeeeeee, he is so cute!! We go to the ocean every summer with the family, though it is too cold to go in the water. I do like to go to tropical places like Mexico or Costa Rica on my other vacations to make up for that.

  27. No holidays spent by the sea but we love to visit Monterey, CA often. This seahorse would look awesome in an "ocean" quilt I am making for my husband. I love the pattern.

  28. I am in LOVE with this little guy. He's awesome.
    Last year we spent the last week of Summer at a beach house. It was fantastic and can't wait to do it again. No agenda. Just us and the dog. Heaven, pure heaven.

  29. This little guy is just adorable and I can think of so many way to display him!!! And yes, we spend most holidays at the sea. I'm a Gemini and it simply calls to me.

  30. Awww, this is so cute! Never spent holidays by the sea. But I like to go to the beach every one in a while :)

  31. I've been scuba diving many times, both in the Caribbean and in the Atlantic Ocean, but I've never seen a seahorse as cute as this one!

  32. I've spent a summer driving and camping around the Canadian maritime provinces, and a short vacation by the sea in Bournemouth England, which was beautiful.

  33. Oh yes! Love the Washington and Oregon coast. In fact, we will be heading there in August for several days. Can't wait!

  34. So cute! I just love that little sea horse!!

  35. Not to make anyone jealous, but I live at the sea. Other than the occasional hurricane, it is wonderful.

  36. Śliczny wzór konika morskiego!
    Mój wyjazd nad polskie morze był trochę nietypowy... Zamiast beztrosko wylegiwać się na plaży postanowiłam wraz ze swoim chłopakiem, że rowerami wyruszymy wzdłuż wybrzeża. Po wytrwałym tygodniu pedałowania (pieszej wędrówce po plaży w okolicach Parku w Łebie :) ) w końcu dotarliśmy do celu. Przy okazji wiemy już jakie miejscowości nas zauroczyły i warto je jeszcze odwiedzić :)

  37. Nope. We sometimes go to the beach in the summer for a day, but I have never vacationed there longer.

  38. Most definitely! We used to vacation at least a week on the Gulf of Mexico (Florida and Alabama) nearly every year growing up. When we lived in Deep South Alabama, we'd go to the beach several weekends out of the year. It was wonderful.

  39. I spent a week with family and friends off the coast of North Carolina once. The best memory was finding a dead (but not stinky) horseshoe crab shell. So prehistoric!

  40. Piekny ten konik morski!
    Moje najpiękniejsze wakacje miały miejsce w 1976 r . Byłam wtedy moich chorwackich przyjaciół i razem pływaliśmy jachtem ( w dużej mierze własnej produkcji naszego znajomego)po Adriatyku,od Zadaru do Dubrownika i wyspy Mlijet, po drodze odwiedzając cudowne wyspy Kornati,przypominające muszelki popularnych małży przylepionych do skał- priljipek.. Ech....

  41. When I was a kid we spent vacations in Hawaii... I know I am spoiled. I still remember body surfing with my Dad and loving it!

  42. I don't do it very often, but I have taken my children to the ocean about 5 years ago. We went to and spent time just playing in the ocean. There were dolphins swimming just a few yards out. Take was really cool. I just love the ocean!

  43. I've often holidayed by the sea as my husbands father has at little house on the Mornington Peninsula, about one and a half hours drive from where we live. I always enjoy it very much. Thanks so much for the giveaway.

  44. This is so gorgeous!! i would love this to go with my Mo Bedell Full Moon Lagoon fabrics. I have holidayed by the sea a lot, in Australia, New Zealand and Canada. I'm longing for the sea!

  45. Sooo cute :) I spent several holidays in italy and north sea.

  46. Oh, Joanna, this is so cute! I haven't been to the sea in many years ... I lived in Florida for a summer right after I got out of college and it was miserable hot and outrageously expensive for a young girl. So my holidays are generally spent closer to home these days ...

  47. Wzór jest piękny. Dzięki za możliwość wygrania wzoru.

  48. I would love to get this pattern. A sweet reminder of many times spent at many different seas...

  49. Hi! That is a beautiful seahorse! Thank you for a lovely give away! I have had several great seaside holidays and after a while stayed - now I have lived 20 years near to the beaches - dream holidays for many! Wishes from Greece!

  50. Love that pattern! I have spent a Christmas holiday at Myrtle Beach, S.C. a few years ago. It was really loads of fun!

  51. Yeahhh so cool, I won this cutie!!!! I will sew it after the FQ-Retreat!!!

  52. Spending the holidays at the beach is a special gift. Ours was a Panama Canal cruise, and we saw natural beauties along the way from Puerto Rico to Aruba, Panama, Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Mexico. I love your seahorse and would like to do a wall hanging in the motif. Thanks!


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