
Monday 17 June 2013

Pape-ARRR! Piecing Adventures

The idea to create a series of sea-themed PP blocks came to me after the Sea Turtle block, but some days ago I decided, that it would be more fun to do something more than just sea animals. Why not creating a sea-themed PP series for real treasure hunters and adventurers? It sounded like a pretty good idea to me and after a bit of thinking, here it is...

PP wciagnelo mnie na calego :) Jeszcze kilka tygodni temu myslalam o tym, zeby stworzyc serie blokow PP z morskimi zwierzakami, ale ostatnio pomyslalam, ze moze warto by urozmaicic tematyke i nie ograniczac jej tylko do zwierzat. W koncu jesli morze i morskie 'potwory', to czemu nie piraci na dokladke? Taka seria blokow dla poszukiwaczy skarbow :) 

Pape-ARRR! Piecing Adventures

The Sea Turtle block will be a part of the series and numbered as the first block. There will be 14 more blocks (15 in total), each new block comming on Monday starting 24.06.2013 (there will be a break for 3 weeks in August, as I will be in Poland and one more break for a blog-hop which I'm participating in). 

Blok z zolwiem morskim dolacze do serii jako #1. Poza zolwiem, bedzie jeszcze 14 blokow (ogolem 15; bloki beda dostepne przez Etsy i Craftsy), a kazdy nowy wzor bede publikowala w poniedzialek, zaczynajac od 24.06 (beda male przerwy, bo w sierpniu lece do Polski, a w miedzyczasie uczestnicze jeszcze w blog-hop'ie; wzor z zolwiem juz pokazywalam w TYM poscie). 
W dniu publikacji kazdego nowego bloku bedzie rozdawajka (tak jak bylo z zolwiem) i 3 zwyciezcow bedzie wybieranych pod koniec tygodnia. Na koniec serii beda do wygrania cale zestawy wzorow z serii Pape-ARRR! Piecing Adventures.

Tematyka blokow? Piraci, skarby, statki, morskie zwierzeta (niektore juz pokazywalam TUTAJ).

Pirates, treasures, sailing, sea animals (some animals I was already showing in THIS post). 


All the blocks will be available on Etsy and Craftsy. Each Monday, there will be a giveaway for the new block pattern and 3 winners will be chosen randomly at the end of the week. At the end of the series, there will be a grand giveaway for whole sets of Pape-ARRR! Piecing Adventures patterns. 

Block 1) Sea Turtle (as a start of the series and just not to exclude him from all other sea animals :) The giveaway for the pattern already took place).

*Sea Turtle* on Etsy / Craftsy

Block 2) Seahorse

*Seahorse* on Etsy and Craftsy

Block 3) Blue Whale

*Blue Whale* on Etsy and Craftsy

Block 4) Treasure Chest

*Treasure Chest* on Etsy and Craftsy

Block 5) Octopus

*Octopus* on Etsy and Craftsy

Block 6) Anchor

 *Anchor* on Etsy and Craftsy

Block 7) Orca

 *Orca* on Etsy and Craftsy

Block 8) Pirate ship

 *Pirate ship* on Etsy and Craftsy

Block 9) Dolphin

*Dolphin* on Etsy and Craftsy

11) - giveaway for the last pattern combined with Grand Giveaway for the whole sets of patterns.

A czemu morze i piraci? Jest kilka powodow: 

#1 Czy ktos z was gral kiedys w gre komputerowa 'Monkey Island' (gra juz dosc stara, niektore czesci zostaly ostatnio odnowione)? Jesli nie, polecam :) Dobra zabawa, zdrowa dawka humoru i Wielki Pirat Guybrush Threepwood z pewnoscia przapadna wam do serca  (my z TZtem ostatnio gralismy po raz drugi; przeszlismy czesci #1, #2 i #5 a niedlugo dojdzie do nas zamowiona #3) 
#2 Wakacje, ktore przez ostatnie 2 lata spedzamy na wybrzerzu. W ubieglym roku byla to Sardynia (okolice Capo Caccia) a w tym Portugalia (Cascais). Cudne widoki, blekitna woda, statki, latarnie morskie...  
#3 Pisalam juz kiedys, ze lubie zwierzeta i bardzo lubie wizyty w ZOO. Baaardzo mi sie podobaja akwaria morskie. Cudne rosliny, zwierzeta, bajkowe kolory, taki maly fantastyczna swiat zamkniety w szklanym pudelku. Z tych ogrodow, ktore do tej pory odwiedzilam, najladniejsze akwaria byly w Kolonii. Najwieksze natomiast w Lisbonie. Caly, niesamowity, podwodny swiat... niezapomniane wrazenia :) 
#4 Materialy... one bardzo czesto sa dla mnie szyciowa inspiracja. Tych z motywem piratow, morza i zwierzat morskich ostatnio nie brakuje (ponizej przyklady z roznych sklepow)
#5 Mysle, ze kazdy z nas gdzies w glebi duszy ma troche z pirata... poszukujemy szczescia i naszego wlasnego 'skarbu' ;)
Why sea and pirates?
There are couple of reasons:

#1 Did some of you ever played 'Monkey Island' (an old PC game)? If not, you should try to get it try it :) and get to know Guybrush Threepwood the Mighty Pirate (LOL, we were playign part 1st, 2nd and 5th with my BF lately, second time already... and soon we will have part 3).

#2 As it happened, last two years we spent holidays on the coast. Last year it was Sardinia (near Capo Caccia):

and this year Portugal (Cascais). Beautiful views, turquoise water, rocks on the shores, lighthouses... those are the kind of places to which you want to back:

#3 I love animals and I like to visit ZOOs. There is something magical in salt water aquariums. Beautiful colours, unique shapes, such little 'pocket-sized' fantasy worlds with fish, corals, sea horses, sea snails, jellyfish... I guess (from the ZOOs I've been to) the most beautiful aquariums were in Kologne (Germany), but being lately in Portugal, I've visited the Auarium in Lissbon (Oceanário de Lisboa) and that is an unforgettable experience (ZOO in Lissbon has a great dolphins and seals show). 

#4 Great pirate and sea themed fabrics:

*Sea animals and maps which I bought from Hawthorne Threads*
('Friendly seas' collection by Cynthia Frenette, 
'Out to sea' collection by Sarah Jane, 
'Vickings Organic' collection by Timeless Treasure)
*Ships fabric which I bought from Fat Quarter Shop (oh so pretty!)*
(Pirates by Makower UK)

*and I also saw, that Robin's Patchwork has also some fabrics from this collection!*

#5 I guess in every one of us there is a bit of a pirate ;) and we just try to find the hidden chest with our special 'treasure'...

Prepare yourself for the big adventure!


  1. Cudownie!! nawet jeśli nie zdążę wszystkiego uszyć to i tak będę wzdychać do monitora - jak zawsze zresztą odwiedzając Twój blog :D wazelina na maksa nie?? :D

  2. Super! Uwielbiam morskie klimaty i na pewno skuszę się na jakiś blok... czasu jest dość, bo aż do jesieni. Mam ochotę zmierzyć się z jakimś trudniejszym i bardziej skomplikowanym wzorem...

  3. Cant wait to see more from this theme, totally curious, and in love with the turtle, will buy it for sure, my girls will love it

  4. Podoba mi się pomysł na taki QAL (choć ja ostatnio muszę chyba zrobić sobie przerwę od pp:). Nazwę dodałaś bajeczną i taką pomysłową - super!

  5. zapraszam na fejsbukową grupę pachworkową

  6. What fun! I really look forward to your new patterns. I have enjoyed all of them. Having them coming out every week or so makes it so much fun. I will not be able to get anything done! What a fun adventure! Thank you so much. Margaret Hollis, Alaska USA

  7. What fun! I really look forward to your new patterns. I have enjoyed all of them. Having them coming out every week or so makes it so much fun. I will not be able to get anything done! What a fun adventure! Thank you so much. Margaret Hollis, Alaska USA

  8. Wow, what a fantastic idea!! So excited to see what you come up with next. I love your patterns!

  9. You really are adventurous as clearly manifested in your photos of patterns here. Like you, I also treasure every new place I went through and make the most to see to it that I got to enjoy everything and just have fun. You even applied it to your quilt patterns.

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