
Wednesday 12 June 2013

Wannabe Feathers {Modern Mini Quilt Challenge}

I was actually thinking how to start this post. I wanted to say 'Hello!' to all the new readers who are visiting from Ellison Lane's blog, but also to all who already follow and read my blog regularly. So... I'd just say that I'm happy that you decided to drop by today to see what's new :)

When I first saw the info about this edition of Mini Quilt Challenge on Ellison's blog, for the moment I thought that I will not sew anything new, just add some previously made mini. I didn't have any good idea then, and to be honest, I didn't sew for quite a long time. What I haven't realise, was how long it has been since I've made a 'whole' project - quilted and bound. The last was the Dreamcatcher wallhanging and it was at the beginning of March. Initially, I thought to present it as a part of a challenge, but unfortunately it is too big, so I had two choices left - not to participate at all or to sew something new. 
I guess a challenge should be challenging ;) After some hours of thinking and two more spent on choosing fabrics I started to sew. The mini measures 24" x 20" and I named it 'Wannabe Feathers' (well... the quilting was suppose to look like feathers ;) :

Nareszcie cos nowego :) Az sie sama przerazilam jak zobaczylam ile czasu uplynelo od mojego ostatniego skonczonego projektu (ostatni wypikowany i z lamowka byl Lapacz Snow, a to bylo na poczatku marca). Gdy zobaczylam pierwsza wzmianke o tegorocznym konkursie Ellison Lane myslalam, ze dodam po prostu jakis mini quilt, ktory juz wczesniej uszylam. Nie mialam pomyslu na nic nowego, a do maszyny nie zasiadalam od dosc dlugiego czasu. Niestety, ostatni mini jaki uszylam to byl wlasnie Lapacz, ktory jest za duzy, zeby wziac udzial w konkursie. Zostaly mi wiec tylko dwa wyjscia - albo nie szyc nic i nie brac udzialu w konkursie albo uszyc cos nowego.
Postanowilam chwycic byka za rogi i zmusic szare komorki do pracy ;) Kilka godzin myslenia, ze dwie godziny wybierania materialow i zaczelo sie szycie. W sumie przy maszynie siedzialam 3 dni (najdluzej wczoraj) i oto jest moj mini:

As I had a camera on my sewing table I made some WIP shots:

Akurat mialam aparat w pokoju, w ktorym szyje, wiec cyknelam kilka fotek podczas szycia:

Thank you again for visiting and I hope you liked what you saw ;)
Dobrze wrocic do szycia po dlugiej przerwie :)


  1. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. And I love the random bit of colour in the binding.

  2. Aleee soczysty!!


    a ja mam lenia i nie dam chyba tym razem rady :(

    1. aaa doczytałam, że to może być poduszka :D to jednak chyba coś tam od siebie dorzucę :D

  3. P.S. Did I mention it was gorgeous?
    And I LOVE the quilting.
    Ok...that's enough now!

  4. Wowzers! This is gorgeous!!!!!

  5. Hi Joanna! Your quilt is amazing! It's beautiful, unique, modern and a challenge!

  6. Śliczny!!! Cieszę się, że znowu usiadłaś do maszyny, tworzysz piękne rzeczy i naprawdę miło się na nie patrzy. Pozdrawiam gorąco :)

  7. WOW, ist das eine schöne Arbeit
    lg gertrude

  8. Gorgeous!!! I love everything about this mini! The white binding with the touch of color is a fantastic frame for it.

  9. It's awesome! Love the colors, quilting, binding ... everything!

  10. Wow, just wow! I am so impressed! I look at this and think "how did this come together" - even with your WIP photos! SO very pretty!!! I also like the pop of color in the binding, very nice.

  11. Great curves, and I love the bold bright colours!

  12. Absolutely gorgeous! I'm glad that inspiration struck you and you made something new - it's unique and lovely!

  13. Your mini is stunning. I especially love the bright bit on the binding.

  14. I am blown away by how beautiful this is! Your piecing! The quilting! The binding! Wow. Great job.

  15. I have no words, really. It's incredibly beautiful. Congratulations.

  16. How are you so talented?!? Seriously, can you make anything that isn't amazing? I don't think you could even if you tried... ;)

  17. wow - that's amazing! Your piecing is perfect!!!

  18. I think this is the winner!!!! I'm always amazed with your work but this one is stunning!!!! I wish I could put it on my wall!!!!

  19. This design is just gorgeous! I love the detail in the binding--perfect finish to a perfect quilt!

  20. Crazy awesome as always! Girl you are so darn talented, and that binding is the PERFECT touch!

  21. This is stunning. I love it.

  22. I just adore this! Well done, so bright and cheerful and creative!

  23. a bloki na QAL się nie liczą? :)
    Mini jest prześliczny. Prosty design i efekt WOW jest murowany. Super, naprawdę super!

  24. You are such a talent - I love the piecing, love the quilting, and love the bit of rainbow you put in the binding. My wish would be to have just a bit of your talent to complete some amazing quilts.

  25. LOVE THIS! The binding is fantastic and the quilting is gorgeous. Nice work.

  26. Spectacular! Beautiful work, as always.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Cool, love the piecing and the quilting!

  29. This is so gorgeous! I LOVE your work!

  30. Super, bardzo mi się podobają kształty i kolory i oczywiście tęczowy pasek w lamówce :)

  31. Joanno Moja Kochana!!! Po prostu rewelacja!!! Od początku do końca w moim guście!!!
    Gratuluję fantastycznego pomysłu!!!!

  32. This is SO beautiful! You always do the most beautiful work!

  33. Absolutely beautiful. I love the design and the colours and your quilting is wonderful.

  34. This is wonderful! ... :) Pat

  35. WOW!!! This is so beautiful. Love the colors and the quilting is perfection.

  36. Przepiękny Mini!!!!!!
    Ma tyle energii w sobie! I radości i szczęścia! Jak życzenia urodzinowe!!!! Cukiereczek!
    A dałaś mu jakiś ładny tytuł?

    I dziękuję za namiary na zabawę!

  37. Cudo! Cudo! Cudo!!! Pomysł genialny, wykonanie jeszcze lepsze, a pikowanie to już jak wisienka na torcie! Piękna praca, żywa i energetyczna!

  38. What can I say - It´s fantastic.
    Sieht echt super aus!

  39. Love this and your feathers look great!

  40. Prześliczne mini- gratuluję talentu : )

  41. Wspaniały!!! Podziwiam te wszystkie łuki:) I jakie ładne pikowanie. Trzymamy kciuki za wygraną.

    1. Dopiero teraz zauważyłam-jaki ładny wzornik kolorów na lamówce mini:) Bardzo pomysłowe!

  42. wow, that is just stunning!

  43. Really neat! I love this.

  44. REWELACYJNY!!!! pomysł, kolorystyka i pikowanie. Wszystko jest takie czyste i orzeźwiające. Lamówka z wstawkami jest bardzo pomysłowa, dla mnie to taki mały pieprzyk w całości:) Jak perfekcyjnie zgadzają Ci się te wszystkie łuki ...

  45. Wonderful! I sure wish I had the talent to spend a couple hours thinking about and then sewing such a gorgeous piece! You are very gifted.

  46. Wonderful! I sure wish I had the talent to spend a couple hours thinking about and then sewing such a gorgeous piece! You are very gifted.

  47. I totally love this quilt! Is it your design? Is the pattern one I can buy? I love the added colored area on the binding - just marvelous!

    1. I'm thinking she was inspired by this guy:

  48. amazing! I love how this came together. Great work!

  49. oh my word, what a beautiful piece!

  50. So stunning and crazy awesome quilting. Thanks so much for entering the challenge Joanna. I'm a big fan of yours and so happy you were inspired to participate!

  51. Wow, this is stunning. So glad you decided to make something!

  52. Fabulous!!!!!!!!!! Most amazing thing I have seen in awhile!! Will there be a pattern for this??

  53. This is so very cool!! Great work!

  54. Stunning little quilt! I will now be following you! Well done!

  55. Were you perhaps inspired by this guy's design? Seems a little too close to be coincidence. If you were, you should really give credit where credit is due. Anyway, nice translation to the quilting medium.

  56. This is really beautiful. Hoping for a pattern . . .

  57. I do love this quilt so much, but would you kindly give credit to the designer?


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