
Saturday 27 July 2013

Back from Fat Quarterly Retreat

First things first. I updated the giveaway post from the DWR Challenge with the name of the winner.

I'm also postponing the PapeARRR! Piecing Adventures series until I'm back from Poland (I'll be away next week till 22nd of August), so next block is comming on 26th of August. 

Sorry for the delay. After comming back from London late in the night on Sunday, I had to wake up very early to work on Monday. Whole Monday, Tuesday and almost whole Wednesday I spent at work and on Thursday and Friday I finally had some time to take care of the house, my cats and even to sit in peace and sew something :) 
How was the Retreat, you'll ask? Julianna has already wrote a post about the it, so you can take a look on her blog

If you are curious and want to see lots of photos, just visit the FQRetreat Flickr group. I took a camera with me but I have to say I didn't make any photos from the Retreat (I just have some pics from a sightseeing tour, which me and Julianna took on Sunday, before flying back). 
London was HOT. I mean, extremely HOT (compared to what we are used to in Europe). Lately we had some pretty warm days in Germany and when flying to London, I thought that I will somehow manage, but there was no air conditioning in the hotel, so after a hot day outside, we were comming to even hotter hotel room... it was like going in to sauna. Good, that in the rooms where the Retreat took place was air conditioning. 

I'm so glad, that I could finally meet all the people, whom - up to now - I knew only via their blogs. It was great to see Agnieszka, Aylin, Miriam, Tacha (who broght with her a first prin-out of the book about PP to which me and Julianna contributed), Kerry, Leila, Lynne and Brioni and, and, and...  so many wonderful people and talented quilters!

Post z rozdawajka DWR juz zaktualizowalam. Wrocilysmy z Julianna z Londynu poznym wieczorem w niedziele i dopiero teraz mialam chwile wolnego, zeby o wszystkim napisac (od poniedzialku do srody w pracy, a w czwartek i piatek musialam sie wreszcie troche domem i kotami zajac). Bylo goraco. Przerazliwie goraco. Daloby sie to jakos przetrwac ale nie bylo klimatyzacji w pokoju hotelowym, wiec po spacerze w upale wchodzilysmy do sauny... Dobrze, ze przynajmniej w budynku, gdzie odbywal sie Retreat byl przyjemny chlodek. 
To bylo moje pierwsze spotkanie w tak licznym gronie quilterow (ba, to bylo moje pierwsze spotkanie w gronie quilterow wiekszym niz 2, bo do tej pory tylko raz spotkalam sie z Julka). Bylo bardzo fajnie. Milo bylo poznac ludzi, ktorych do tej pory znalo sie tylko przez internet. Brakowalo mi troche interakcji miedzy ludzmi. Wiele osob znalo sie wczesniej, czy to z poprzedniego razu na Retreacie czy tez przez blogi i wymianki. Ciesze sie, ze nie bylam sama, ze wybralysmy sie razem z Julianna. Zawsze to jednak razniej i mniej stresujaco w nowym miejscu. Na zdjeciu ponizej ja (stoje zwrocona plecami), Julianna (w granatowej sukience) i Agnieszka (w koszuli w kratke):

Me (you can see my back), Julianna (bark blue dress) and Agnieszka (checked shirt) in the bottom right corner:

On Friday we had our EPP classes (I'm just borrowing all the photos as I didn't make any):

W piatek prowadzilysmy z Lulka zajecia z EPP (kilka pozyczonych fotek):

That's how the EPP elements looked:

and Sara @ Sew Little to Say already did the whole block!

And few glimpses from our PP classes, which took place on Saturday afternoon (yup, that's me). 

A w sobote 3h zajecia z PP z blokiem maszyny do pisania. W nastepnym tygodniu udostepnie wzor maszyny za darmo na blogu, wiec jesli chcielibyscie sobie taka uszyc, to zapraszam :) To ja z buzia w ciup (nastepnym razem jakos ladniej sie ubiore... pamietajac, ze ludzie przeciez robia zdjecia), na kolejnym zdjeciu tez ja, za niebieskowlosa dziewczyna. 

Next week I will share the free pattern and a tutorial for the Typewriter PP pattern, here, on my blog, so stay tuned if you would like to sew one :)

I would like to thank all the participants of our workshops. You rock!


  1. Thank you for being a great teacher xx

  2. Dear Joanna, as we live both in Germany, i really hope to See you soon. I'd loved the evening sitting with you and Julianne with my Berlin friends together on the träfe. So glad to meet you!!!

  3. Your class was fabulous.
    I am so excited to paper piece now.
    Going to try a feather this afternoon! and Carl tomorrow :0)

  4. I loved your class, I am hoping to finish my typewriter this weekend.

  5. Thanks for coming and teaching - loved the typewriter block. The weather last year was not warm and it rained - not sure which you would have preferred!

  6. Loved your class - learnt so much! Finished my typewriter despite my choice of woodgrain fabric for the table. Don't worry it is raining here now!

  7. super!
    zazdraszczam Wam dziewczyny wyjazdu :)

  8. Great meeting you in person! So maybe we meet again somewhere here in Germany :)

  9. Super relacja!!! Byłam ciekawa jak Wam poszło.
    Ciebie na zdjęciach, to widać w całej okazałości, ale Julka jakoś sprytnie się ukryła:)

  10. Loved both your classes, they were wonderful!

  11. Sounds like you all had great fun :)

    Oh my, I won :) Thanks!



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