
Wednesday 17 July 2013

FQ Retreat London 2013 - Hello, my name is...

Recently, on Fat Quarterly, Lynne wrote a post with a linky party for those, who are comming to FQ Retreat in London.

There is already quite a list of people, who wrote an introduction post on themselves and I thought it's time to join and write a bit about me.
Those, who are reading my blog for some time now know, that I'm not writing much about my personal life. I always try to limit my posts to important sewing and sewing related topics. Why? One thing is that I do not like to share too many details online (which are available for everybody without any control), and second, that I'm quite an introvert and I guess would feel uneasy, sharing a portion of my private world.
But I will try to write few things about me in this post (just so you know what to expect on the Retreat ;)

That's me :) I'm 30, polish, I now live in Germany, where I did my PhD (in biology) and where I currently work: 

Troszke o mnie w dzisiejszym poscie (to takie male podsumowanie tego, co robie), bo juz jutro wyruszam w droge do Londynu na Fat Quarterly Retreat 2013. Mysle, ze wiekszosc z was mnie zna blizej z forum, wiec sie o sobie za bardzo nie bede rozpisywac ;) Jeszcze w proszku jestem, cala w nerwach, pakuje i sprawdzam z lista, zeby czegos nie zapomniec i mam nadzieje, ze wszystko sie uda :) Trzymajcie kciuki! Zdam relacje jak wroce :D

I have 2 maine coon cats - orange Xanthos the Summer Rose and black-smoke Wesley the Summer Rose:

As I already mentioned I'm terribly shy (I really am) and sometimes I'm also a bit grumpy too ;) As my best friend once said, I'm 'different' and you need to invest some time to know me better (but I can asure, that it's worth it, LOL)

In my free time, as you all now I sew (recently not so often anymore, as I came back to work), work out, cook, read, shop for fabric ;) and shoes (hehe).

Few sewing achievements...
* publications in Quilter's World, Modern Patchwork, Quilters Newsletter and a book (details in 'Published work' tab on the top of my blog)
* awards at Festival of Quilts in Birmingham 2012 and at Prague Patchwork Meeting 2013

That's the nametag I'll be wearing (not perfect and still a bit of washable marker has to be washed out from it):

And here's everything prepared to be packed - nametag, some goodies for the participants of the PP workshop and my PP blocks which I will take with me as PP examples to show:

 See you soon at the FQ Retreat!


  1. I'm in your class at the weekend, I'm really looking forward to it (now that I have my fabrics sorted!). Have a good trip.

  2. Miło Cię widzieć Joasiu :) Masz cudne koty i bardzo o nie dbasz, są takie wypielęgnowane... Powodzenia w Londynie, będę wyczekiwać relacji po powrocie... na pewno będzie ciekawie...

  3. Enjoy! For reason unknown I thought you live in US :-) Maybe because you got your stuff published and displayed at some quilt shows. Great achievements. I love your work!

  4. Świetnie wyglądasz więc na pewno doskonale sobie poradzisz :D "Nametag" super. Powodzenia i trzymam kciuki :D

  5. I'm doing your classes and am looking forward to trying paper piecing for the first time.

  6. Trzymam kciuki! Jesteś bardzo zdolna, miła i uprzejma! Dasz sobie radę i zyskasz kolejną rzeszę zwolenników Twojej twórczości!
    Życzę Ci powodzenia, miłej i bezpiecznej podróży i fantastycznych wspomnień z pobytu w Londynie!
    Ucałuj ode mnie Wielki Świat Patchworku!!!!
    Będę tylko śnić całe życie o takich osiągnięciach!

  7. Oh! I'm so jealous of you all taking part in the retreat! Hope to hear all about it when you're all back...

  8. Szkoda, że mnie tam nie będzie ale póki co - chyba za wysokie progi jak na moje nogi :)))
    Powodzenia życzę. Pamietaj - głowa wysoko, pierś do przodu. A o całą resztę się nie martw, masz zawsze ze sobą - to się nazywa talent :))

    Zaglądam i podglądam Twoje prace od dawna, podziwiam i cieszę oko. Z niecierpliwością czekam na kolejne. Bardzo ładny imiennik! I ta tasiemka! :)


  9. Powodzenie Joasiu, trzymam kciuki ale wiem, że wrócisz z tarczą:) pełna nowych wrażeń i pomysłów a być może nowych perspektyw - życzę Ci tego wszystkiego na raz i jeszcze więcej:).

  10. Your class was amazing ! Loved it ! Learnt so much and I will be finishing my typewriter soon despite the challenge of having to piece it on a wooden desk! Thank you so much for sharing your skills!

  11. So great to meet you at FQR! I was in your paper piecing class - remember the really awful one at the back who couldn't master the art at all!! haha oh well, lots more practice for me! :) It was a great class, very informative, thank you to you both. Look forward to seeing your blog updates now :) xo

  12. It was brilliant to meet you at the Retreat.
    I absolutely loved your typewriter class and feel a new lease of life with paper piecing now.
    I would love to have a try at your chameleon pattern.

  13. O matko jaka ty ładna jesteś !!! i jaka młoda ! wyobrażałam sobie duzo bardziej staro :))))milo Cie zobaczyć :)


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