
Wednesday 1 January 2014

Old Year, New Year and a Giveaway

I was away again. I spent some wonderful time in Poland with my family and now I 'm ready to face the challenges of the New Year :)

2013 was quite a succesful year to me (although less sewing-focused than the last one):

- from personal highlights  - I got back to work and I got engaged :)
- there were some new publications of my quilts and two more are planned for this year
- I held two workshops at Fat Quarterly Retreat in London with Julianna
- I got two wonderful sponsors - Robin's Patchwork and Craft Fabric
- I've sewn really many PP blocks this year... I guess 2013 was a PP year for me :)
- I started next pictorial quilt, which is very important for me as I planned to do it for a long time already

Ach, bylo milo... Swieta spedzone wraz z rodzina, bieganie po sklepach w ostatnim momencie, gotowanie, odwiedzanie tych, ktorych sie tyle czasu nie widzialo... Brakowalo mi tego. Teraz czas na powrot do codziennosci :) 
2013 byl rokiem zmian dla mnie. Zmian raczej zyciowych niz szycioych - wrocilam do pracy po drugiej przerwie, byly zareczyny :), bylo tez kilka waznych zmian w rodzinie, ktore co prawda bezposrednio mnie nie dotyczyly ale bardzo ciesza. Szyciowo - pojechalam do Londynu na Fat Quarterly Retreat, do sponsorow na moim blogu dolaczyly dwa super sklepy patchworkowe Robin's Patchwork i Craft Fabric, szylam duzo blokow PP (jak tak popatrze na projekty z 2013 to wyglada, ze praktycznie tylko PP szylam) i zaczelam dlugo planowany art quilt:

Plans/goals for 2014?

- definitely most part of the first half of the year will be focused on preparing the wedding
- finally I want to buy threadmill (I want to learn to run as an addition to my daily training but there's no way I will run outside in the winter)
- sewing plans - to finish one pictorial quilt, make another one till April and send them to quilt shows
- going to Prague to attend Prague Patchwork Meeting (to be decided in April)
- finishing Paper-ARRR! Piecing Adventures series
- I also have 2 or 3 quilt designs waiting to be made into real quilts... maybe in the second half of the year?
- enjoying life and being happy :) (that's quite a challenge as I'm usually grumpy ;) 

Co planuje w 2014? Zdecydowanie wieksza czesc pierwszej polowy roku bedzie poswiecona przygotowaniom do wesela. Planuje tez zakup biezni, bo juz czas nauczyc sie biegac, a nie chce czekac az sie zrobi cieplo (trenuje regularnie ale wiecie, w razie apokalipsy zombi to daleko bym nie przebiegla... ;) czas to zmienic). Szyciowo - chce najpierw skonczyc art quilt, ktory lezy na podlodze w pracowni i zaczac drugi, ktory powinnam skonczyc do kwietnia. Chcialabym je wyslac na wystawe do Pragi i moze tez do Birmingham. Planuje tez w kwietniu pojechac do Pragi na Prague Patchwork Festiwal jezeli sie uda. W planach jest tez dokonczenie pirackiej serii blokow PP i moze w drugiej polowie roku uszycie quiltu czy dwoch (wzory czekaja juz od daaawna gotowe). 

Now about the giveaway...

When I came back from Poland I found a package waiting for me with copies of Playful, Little Paper-Pieced Projects - a book compiled by Tascha Bruecher with many wonderful PP projects designed by people you for sure know from their blogs and websites. Mine is the snowflake which you can see on the cover:

Kilka slow o rozdawajce... Po przyjezdzie z Polski czekala na mnie paczuszka z kopiami najnowszej ksiazki Tachy Bruecher - Playful, Little Paper-Pieced Projects. Jest to kompilacja wzorow PP zaprojektowanych przez quilterow, ktorych pewnie znacie z ich blogow i stron internetowych. Moj blok PP to platek sniegu widoczny na okladce:

In my opinion it's one of the best book for modern quilters out there. Wide range of original and fresh projects, various difficulty levels, well designed... eye candy. It starts with 12 PP calendar blocks. In addition, each of calendar blocks was used in a small project:

Jakis czas temu pisalam juz troszke o tej ksiazce. Wedlug mnie jest do jedna z najlepszych pozycji na rynku dla quilterow szukajacych swiezych i oryginalnych pomyslow. Pierwsza czesc ksiazki to projekt quiltu-kalendarza z 12 blokami tematycznymi. Dodatkowo, bloki zostaly wykorzystane w malych projektach - torekach, poduszkach, etc.

I've made a snowflake block for January and a table runner using 3 snowflake blocks in different sizes:

Ja zaprojektowalam platek sniegu, ktory uzylam do uszycia zimowego bierznika:

There are some amazing PP projects in this section of the book, like the bicycle block (and a bicycle basket) by Julianna:

Moi faworyci to blok Julianny i jej koszyk rowerowy:

Or this beautiful chair cushion by Penny Layman:

I ta sliczna poduszka z blokiem zaprojektowanym przez Penny Layman:

Second section of the book is filled with small projects using PP paterns:

Druga czesc ksiazki to zbior malych projektow z wykorzystaniem wzorow PP (oczywiscie innych niz te 12 kalendarzowych blokow):

It's a must have book for quilters. And I'm not writing that because my project is in this book. I really, trully believe that this book is awesome and totally worth buying.


And now you can win a copy of the Playful, Little Paper-Pieced Projects by writing a comment under this post. I'd love to read about your experience with PP. Did you already try it, or maybe it's on your to-do list in 2014? 
I will randomly choose a winner on 12.01. 


Jesli chcialibyscie wygrac kopie ksiazki, napiszcie komentarz pod postem. Bardzo chetnie poczytam, jakie macie doswiadczenie z PP. Szyliscie juz kiedys blok PP czy moze dopiero planujecie sie uczyc tej techniki? To cos dla was czy raczej wolicie poswiecic czas na inne techniki patchworkowe?
Zwyciezca zostanie wylosowany przez Pana Randoma 12.01.


  1. To bylby prezent zdecydowanie dla mnie :-D PP zaczęłam szyc tuz przed waszym lesnym QAL'em i bardzo lubie tą technikę :-D ubiegly rok byl dosc leniwy :-D mam nadzieję że następny będzie lepszy :-D choc u mnie na początku maja wyląduje mały kosmonauta który pewnie na początku będzie dość absorbujacy ;-) Gratuluję również zaręczyn! ! :-D to się będzie działo :-D

  2. To bylby prezent zdecydowanie dla mnie :-D PP zaczęłam szyc tuz przed waszym lesnym QAL'em i bardzo lubie tą technikę :-D ubiegly rok byl dosc leniwy :-D mam nadzieję że następny będzie lepszy :-D choc u mnie na początku maja wyląduje mały kosmonauta który pewnie na początku będzie dość absorbujacy ;-) Gratuluję również zaręczyn! ! :-D to się będzie działo :-D

  3. One of my tasks for 2014 is to finish the lovely typewriter block I started at the Fat Quarterly retreat.

  4. Joasiu, w pierwszym rzedzie: ogromna gratulacja :) i zycze, by weselne przygotowania przebiegaly wedlug planow :) Tez trzymam kciuki co do art quiltow i ich obecnosci na wystawach :)

    A co do rozdawajki: super!!! Ksiazka zapowiada sie bardzo bardzo pieknie. Ja mam zero doswiadczen. Podziwiam ta technike, narazie nie mialam odwagi, ale moze wreszcie z nowym rokiem moglabym zebrac odwage i cos sprobowac :)

    Zycze udanego, dobrego i zdrowego Nowego Roku!!!


  5. I tried paper piecing at Fat Quarterly the two years ago and cried. Since then I have persevered and now I LOVE IT! I would prefer to paper piece now than regular piecing! I missed taking your class this past retreat (wish I had but I have the typewriter pattern). I love the projects in the book and my fingers are crossed! Wishing you a Happy New Year!!

  6. I am surfing the web as part of my resolution to reconnect with my creative side and found your site. I tried quilting years ago and was somewhat successful, on my own. Imagine how I might do if I had such a wonderful book to learn from?
    Happy, healthy and productive New Year to you and your readers.

  7. i absolutely love paper piecing.. it's my favourite way to piece a block! i find that i can get more intricate designs, more precisely than if i tried to tradition piece them. LOVE it!! thanks for the giveaway!!

  8. I really love paper piecing, although it frustrates me at times!! I have several projects like a Halloween quilt that I am hoping to finish! Have a Happy New Year to all!
    Evin5 at aol dot com

  9. I tried paper piecing for the first time in 2013 and I'm hooked! Totally!

  10. I have withdrawal if I don't make a paper -pieced block once in awhile. I've started a wall quilt for above my living room window that will have paper - pieced bird blocks alternating with a tree block. I hope to make one each month.

  11. Paper-piecing was the first piecing technique I tried and I love it. I only started sewing in 2013, so have not yet sewn much, but I plan to practice lots of paper-piecing in 2014. Your wonderful feather pattern is definitely among my goals. Btw, the most complicated PP project I have finished so far is the amazing fox from your Forest QAL, thank you so much for it :)

  12. I'm not great at paper piecing, but I did more of it in 2013. I would love to do more in 2014 and increase my comfort zone. Thanks for a chance to win! (This book is on my wish list.)

  13. oh my, I would love to have this book. I made your feathers this year, and have gone on to learn more about paper piecing in general. Thank you so much for sharing your designs with us.

  14. I love foundation paper piecing. A friend taught me how when I first started quilting, and I also took a class with Jane Hall at Quilt University. Thanks for the chance to win.

  15. I love paper piecing because the end result usually looks like it should. My favourite and most complicated has been the Puffin I made. I was in your piecing curves class and still have the typewriter to finish.
    Congratulations on the book, it looks like it contains some fabulous projects.

  16. Przede wszystkim życzę Ci Joasiu spełnienia wytyczonych celów na ten nowy 2014rok.
    PP już próbowałam, wciągnęło niesamowicie i wciąż mam ochotę na nowe bloki... Ksiażka byłaby niesamowitym źródłem nowych inspiracji, wyjatkowo podoba mi się płatek śniegu...

  17. If I don't win this I will definitely buy it. I agree that it looks like one of the most fun and fresh PP books put out in a while!
    My goals for 2014 is to finish my Dr. Who and Forest PP projects....Dr Who for my girl and the Forest blocks for myself!:)
    Congratulations on the upcoming wedding and the book and I look forward to seeing your lovely creations in the future!

  18. PP is not my fav technique but I'm always thrilled with the outcome.
    Your work is fab as usual. Prague is definitely worth the visit but I'm not so sure about PPM. I went there last year for the very firt time and it wasn't what I expected. I'll go there again this year as well since it's more social thing to me. I had great time with the ladies I only knew from internet. All the best in 2014!

  19. I've only done it one time and was thrilled with the result, but the pattern was really simple. I'm hoping to try some more in 2014

  20. Po pierwsze gratulacje!!! Jak to miło usłyszeć, że 2013 był dla kogoś dobry;)

    PP wciąż mnie onieśmiela, ale te projekty w książce są bardzo pociągające - może w końcu bym się odważyła.

    Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!!!

  21. I have never tried paper piecing as it terrifies me. So many of the comments above express love of the method. I would love to give it a try. Thanks for the giveaway.

  22. I love love love PP, just don't do enough of it!!! Happy New Year and congrats on the engagement.

  23. I recently started trying out paper piecing after I was doodling and designed a block that I thought wouldn't be too easy to piece regularly. It worked out well. I'd love to win this book to get more practice at the teechnique. The backgammon board and snowflake look really cool!

  24. This looks a great book!
    I've done a little PP and I'd like to do more!

  25. what a lovely book thanks for this give-away

    I tried PP about 2 times, and Im still totally scared of it, but its one of my goals for this year

  26. I'm really enjoying paper-piecing and I'm making a quilt at the moment that has a lot of paper-pieced blocks.

  27. I'm a beader and crocheter but have always been in love with old hexagon quilts and paper-peiced quilts. We used to have a butterfly quilt that got used to rags. I am still working on my first quilt (logcabin made with thrifted plaids and a really cool pine tree fabric I found for around that outsides of the blocks). I've been making hexagon fabric jewelry (cuz that's what I'm best at - jewelry). Your quilting blog is the first one I've followed and I am going to try out the PP blocks that you challenged people with - I FINALLY found freezer paper 2 weeks ago!!! So - in short - I'd love to win the book, I hope it's in english! I am looking forward to making a quilt entirely out of the feather pp pattern.

  28. Ooo, ooo, pick me, pick me! I would love to have this book. Yes, I've done a fair amount of paper piecing, especially lately. I was incredibly inspired by the Forest QAL. Though I wasn't able to join in at the time, I still have the patterns nearby for when inspiration strikes me. Thank you for being YOU, and for sharing such great stuff.

  29. As I said on Julianna's blog, I would love to win the wonderful book. I have done a fair bit of paper piecing, and have had some of the best teachers ever, especially at the FQR. I hope you have a wonderful year and achieve your goals.

  30. In a cupboard lies a colorful UFO, a 1/4 of a !New York Beauty star. Not in love with the fabrics anymore... Would love to try some PP again, so fingers crossed!!!!

  31. Najlepsze życzenia na Nowy Rok! niech będzie dla Ciebie szczęśliwy i wyjątkowy! Książka rewelacyjna! A PP bardzo długo mnie mocno absorbowało, teraz mam od niego czas odpocząć ale na pewno jeszcze wróci bo w domu czeka napoczety blok z leśnego QAL.

  32. PP kusi mnie już od jakiegoś czasu, ale jeszcze nie odważyłam się spróbować. Jakby "Pan Random" mnie wylosował w moje urodziny, to z książka już musiałabym spróbować ;)

  33. i need this so i can try it this year, thanks

  34. Hi Joanna! Thank you for a fantastic give away! I guess last year was Paper pieced for me because I did it for the First time and I feel that most of the year went with Paper piecing. More is coming this year and hopefully many creative quilts. I wish you wonderful year - it will be exciting for you with the wedding! x Teje

  35. I totally love paperpiecing!! And I already preorderd the book ;-)

  36. I have tryed it and it was fun. I plan on doing the Dr. Who pp along this year

  37. Happy New year! I love paper piecing! I started first with some New York Beauties using tutorials, and then have gone on to try all sorts of patterns. This book looks so fantastic, not least of which because of your snowflake :)

  38. I've tried it a few times and I was satisfied with the result because it gives a really precise work. I'm sure that in this year it will continue...
    Happy new year!

  39. I love paper piecing and haven't done it in a long time. I love the precision it offers. Thanks for the giveaway. Happy New Year.

  40. Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku 2014 życzy Wanda

  41. Mój pierwszy wzór pp to słoiczek na konfitury - zaprojektowany przez Ciebie:), uszyłam go na warsztatach patchworku we Wrocławiu, prowadzony przez Gosie Quilt my way. To było fajne doświadczenie. Marzy mi się uszyć rower bo uwielbiam jeździć na rowerze, a teraz marzy mi się uszyć taki koszyczek na rower - fajnie byłoby mieć taką książkę - łatwiej byłoby się zmobilizować... póki co jestem pełna podziwu dla Twojej kreatywności "pp" i trzymam kciuki za przygotowania do ślubu , pozdrawiam Asia

  42. gerade entdecke ich wieder pp für mich - mal sehen wie es sich entwickelt

  43. Ich habe shape moth im Urlaub in Pennsylvania entdeckt - ein wunderbarer blog, tolles pp

  44. I finish only one (first) work in PP "Christmas garland" ( Very interesting, I want to try more. Thanks for chance

  45. Chciałam tylko skomentować Twój rok, gdyż książki raczej nie potrzebuję:)))
    W ubiegłym roku wiele miałyśmy wspólnego, pp górowało, do tego FQ Retreat (za który bardzo Ci dziękuję:). Cieszę się, że miałyśmy okazję się spotkać (i to nie raz:). Fajne masz plany na 2014 r., do tego motywujące innych (np. art quilt - pora o tym pomyśleć; pomysł z bieżnią i z dbaniem o siebie też do mnie przemawia, ja nie uciekłabym nawet przed zombie bez nóg:D). Życzę Ci wszystkiego najlepszego w 2014 r., przede wszystkim udanego wesela!
    PS. Jest mi niezmiernie miło, że podoba Ci się mój projekt z książki.

  46. When I was a beginner quilter, I loved PFP because it made so many difficult designs possible. Lately, because of designers like you, I have re-discovered my love for paper piecing. Thank you and thanks for the chance to win that very interesting book ;-)

  47. I love paper piecing! Many PP blocks have been for swaps, and others have been incorporated into my quilts. This book looks fabulous, I love your snowflake rrunner!

  48. I love the precision of paper piecing! Thank you for sharing your designs with us over the years, and best wishes for a blessed new year!

  49. I was scared of PP at first but now feel quite competent at it. I think I could tackle anything now. I loved the Forrest QAL and am so happy that you are published, great job!

  50. I LOVE paper piecing and especially the complicated designs with so much detail. Paper piece was on my must learn list in 2013 and i completed two BOM that was completely PP. Forest QAL was the best!

  51. 4 paper pieced quilts completed this year! I also have started a mixed media pictorial quilt! I hope to finish this year

  52. Haven't tried it yet, but it's on my list for 2014!

  53. I just made my first paper-pieced block two days ago, and I'm looking forward to practicing more in 2014.

  54. Congratulations on your engagement!
    I love your work.
    I was lucky to have you as a swap partner in an ornament swap a few years ago. I received your lovely embroidered mushroom. I love hanging it on the Christmas tree each year.
    I would love to win this book

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. I 100% love paper piecing ;) Doing more of it is on my agenda for 2014!

  57. Asiu
    Wszystkiego najlepszego w nowym roku.
    Przyjemnego weselnego planowania.
    Idealnego Wielkiego Dnia.
    Spełnienia marzeń i zrealizowania planów w dziedzinie szyciowej i życiowej również.

    A co do książki... PP jest jednym z pierwszych punktów do nauki na ten rok. Bez względu na decyzję Pana Randoma. A płatek Twój jest piękny.

  58. I've been eyeing this book off for ages! So glad I can now get my hands on it ^_^

  59. Love paper piecing and especially like yours. Thank you so much for sharing your talent! I look forward to your new book and your work.

  60. Oh I love PP, Your site is under my favourites and of course I am member of Your mail.i t should be very nice to win this wonderful book. It should be great to start this new year with a new book. happy New year to all !!!

  61. First ~ congratulations on getting engaged ~ have fun getting ready for the wedding!
    I love paper piecing and don't do nearly enough of it. Would love to win a copy of the book ~
    thanks so much for the giveaway!

  62. I love to paper-piece! It's like magic when you flip it over and see the lovely results.

  63. Learning to paper piece is one of my 2014 goals. I've done one block and liked it, so now I want to do more ! Thanks !

  64. Congratulations on your engagement! I love paper-piecing and would love the book just for your snowflakes. Thanks for the chance.

  65. Miniony rok był bardzo imponujący!!! Gratuluję wszystkich sukcesów i życzę wielu następnych. Czeka Cię nie lada przeprawa z weselem. Życzę powodzenia, bo pracy przed Tobą niemało.
    A co do Candy, to chętnie ustawię się w kolejce. Uwielbiam Wasze projekty PP i z przyjemnością uszyłabym coś nowego:)

  66. Paper piecing is on my 2014 to do list. I love the way the finished product looks, and I really enjoy all the paper piecing patterns you post - they are so inspiring. This looks like a super fun book! Thanks for the give-away.

  67. the book looks amazing! I learnt to paper piece last year following Quiet Play's BOM, I really love the technique

  68. Ja dopiero raczkuje z PP. Skończyłam rok 2013 skromnie: z pierwszymi 3 uszytymi wzorami PP, za to mam całą masę pomysłów na kolejne projekty w 2014 :D
    Gratuluje publikacji w książce. Bardzo zaintrygowało mnie jabłko na ostatnim zdjęciu :) Idealne do mojej kuchni ;)
    Pozdrawiam i życzę Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku zarówno prywatnego jak i szyciowego :)
    Ja nie mogę się już doczekać Twoich art quiltów...

  69. Tried it for the first time this year and love it! Now I want to learn how to make my own designs.

  70. I love paper piecing - I wish I did more of it! I just forget about it - or maybe I just haven't found the right pattern. I love the bicycle pattern you showed. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  71. Życzenia już były:) i mogę je powtarzać tak długo aż się nie spełnią. Podsumowanie Twoich dokonań robi wrażenie, szczerze gratuluję i książki i magazynów i wystaw, podziwiam Twoje prace od bardzo dawna, jestem nimi oczarowana - wyrafinowaną kolorystyką w quiltach, artyzmem art. quiltów i bezmiarem pomysłów na PP. Sama z tą techniką zetknęłam się ok.3 lata temu i moja pierwsza praca to duży quilt słoneczkowy który miałam przyjemność prezentować w tym roku w Berlinie "Polski Patchwork - tradycyjny, współczesny, nowoczesny" , potem było kilka małych projektów, potem kilka zaprojektowanych prac czekających na czas i wenę a potem mój kurs poświęcony tej technice. Nie będę oryginalna, prac zamieszczonych w książce nie znam ale płatek śniegu ma wszystko to co ma w sobie zima a koszyk Juli też bardzo mi się podoba :) A... jeszcze bieżnia :) mam taką i nie biegam ( starość ) ale bardzo szybko chodzę - fajna sprawa :) dziękuję za rozdawajkę :)

  72. congratulations on a gorgeous book. I learnt to paper piece in 2013 and loved it!

  73. I tried it just before the holidays, I got a little stuck and asked for some advice, I got some really great tips, so I will give it a go again when I find the right project. Maybe this book could give me a few.

  74. I really love paper piecing, although it frustrates me at times!! due to fabric waste, I need to learn to cut my fabric... I have studied it a bit this last year and made some small projects.. I want to do a LG Quilt with my Lucky Star Bom blocks, just need to practice patients this year.. lol

  75. I am taking my first quilting class ever this winter. I'm doing something on my bucket list!

  76. I rediscovered PP in 2013 but did mostly geometric shapes, would love to try more pictorial shapes in 2014. My 2014 goal is to simplify and enjoy the journey more vs.being stressed out about timelines, and obligations.

  77. Paper piecing is on my to do list for 2014! Would love to win this book and get started. Thank you for the chance to win!

  78. I have a love hate relationship with paper piecing. I have only done two or three projects, and I love how you can get perfect points and a more diverse range of blocks from it than regular piecing. But I can never seem to get my machine's tension right so stitches pull out when I remove the paper. It is frustrating, but I like paper piecing so much that I keep trying to make harmony between the paper and my machine. I am currently working on you her gearing up pattern and hopefully it will go smoothly!

  79. I love your snowflake table runner! I've become pretty good at paper piecing this year and look forward to doing more of it in 2014.

  80. Beautiful table runner -love the calendar! I really do like PP, but have to mix it up with regular piecing to get some of my 'stash' moved with bigger blocks and use of more fabric... Thanks so much!

  81. A cóż to za przygotowania do wesela???? Do Twojego??????????

    Bardzo pracowity i wybitny rok za Tobą! A i wiele zadań postawiłaś sobie na ten rok!!!!
    Tak trzymać! A ja będę trzymać kciuki za Twoje sukcesy! :-)

  82. My first paper piecing project was your Vespa pattern, which really turned out great :) apart from that I have not done much else, although I really enjoyed it.
    Thanks for the giveaway! Happy new year!

  83. I truly enjoy paper piecing. I especially like the chair pattern in the book. That would be so cute around the edge of a table cloth for an outdoor table. Thanks for all the patterns you share.

  84. This book looks very interesting. I am always looking for inspiration

  85. I am very new to paper piecing but I like to jump right in and try new things. Love the snowflakes!

  86. Hello Joanna…well first YOU happy is a gift to all of us, add being engaged, icing on YOUR future cake…What delightful news. Second, anything and everything you do is no surprise to me…YOU are a shining star one that continues to shine so bright…So to a delightful 2014!

  87. This book is right up my alley! I wanted to try and find it at a book store first to make sure I like enough of the patterns to buy it, but I love your snowflakes so much I might just buy it anyway!

  88. Awesome book and congratulations on being published!!! How fun :^)


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