
Tuesday 14 January 2014

Sponsor's News and Giveaway winner

I'm late with posting the results of the last giveaway. I'm sorry for that. I've included all the comments which have been written under the giveaway untill today. 

Spoznione wyniki rozdawajki juz sa. Za opoznienie najmocniej przepraszam. Ulinkap, gratuluje! Za chwile bede do ciebie pisac maila:

The book goes to:

Congratulations! I will contact you in a moment :)

And now it's time for some news. I've finished my 'art quilt' top, now I have to think how to quilt it and hopefully I'll start quilting this week. I have already most of the materials to start another quilt and plans for the third one :) I planned to send the second one to quilt show in France, but I forgot to look at the required quilt size for the contest. The second quilt will be square, approx. 1m x 1m and they want a very tall rectangle 75 x 150cm. So I decided, that I have to make another quilt for the sake of that quilt show :D 

Yay, the treadmill was just comming. Heavy beast, but we managed with BF to  transport in inside (as we didn't order a team which would put it together inside our home, we had to transport it from the front of the house - inside on our own). Now the room is rearanged a bit to fit all the things around. Cats are a bit confused as we changed the position of their huge scratching post ('scratch castle' would be a better name) and I also need a bit of time to get used to the new order, but I'm so happy that the treadmill is finally there!

Sam the Squirrel PP pattern:
Some of you have asked me for my Sam the Squirrel PP pattern. I planned to redo it in EQ7, but didn't find the time for it. Tomorow I'll add the old version to the free patterns ('Tutorials and free patterns' tab on my blog) and when I will find a moment I will redo it in EQ7 (of course it will stay free).

Dreamcatcher pattern:
I've got also many questions about my Dreamcatcher wallhanging pattern. No, at the moment I don't have a ready pattern for it and in the first half of the year I will not prepare any but I promise I will add it to my long to-do list :) 

Co u mnie? Skonczylam gore pierwszego planowanego quiltu (tego z kwiatami). Mam nadzieje, ze uda mi sie zaczac pikowanie w tym tygodniu ale na razie nie mam jeszcze pomyslu, co mam wypikowac. Musze pomyslec. Materialy na kolejny quilt juz mam, plany trzeciego quiltu kielkuja w glowie :) 
Dzis dosc meczacy dzien. Dotarla bieznia, musielismy przemeblowac pokoj, zeby sie wszystko zmiescilo no i jeszcze musze sie do nowego ukladu przyzwyczaic. Ale biega sie super :) 
Do darmowych wzorow dolacze jutro Sama Wiewiorke. Mialam plany, zeby go przerobic w EQ7 i na planach sie niestety skonczylo, a kilka osob sie mnie juz o ten wzor pytalo. Na razie dodam stara wersje wzoru, jak bede miala wolna chwile, przerobie go w EQ. 

Here's what Dorota wrote:
'Robin's Patchwork has just started the New Year's sale. You are welcome to browse our new sale offer ( WYPRZEDAZ - right-hand bottom corner of our website).
We heartily recommend Giddy cherries :) for those of you who might find themselves in need of a new apron or kitchen curtains :) There are also many other treats at very affordable prices some as low as 7-8 Euros/m. Check the current exchange rate between the Polish zloty and your currency and have a shopping spree :) 

W Robinkowie wyprzedaz:
Robin's Patchwork ships to all EU countries, but please get in touch with regarding the shipping cost.' 
Dorota speaks English, German and Danish fluently so she will be able to answer all your questions.
At CraftFabric there are beautiful new fabric sets:
W CraftFabric nowe zestawy materialow:

And Fat Quarter Shop just got some pretty new FQ bundles which I was waiting for:

A w FQS tez interesujace nowosci:


  1. Bardzo dziękuję! i bardzo się cieszę że los się do mnie kolejny raz uśmiechnął właśnie u Ciebie :) ! jupi!

  2. Ula cieszę się, że do Ciebie pojedzie - gratuluję :)

  3. Congratulations and what a great way to begin this new year. Creative Bliss...

  4. Joaniu
    Wielu szczęśliwych kilometrów życzę ;)))
    Brawo Ulcia !!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


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