
Thursday 16 October 2014

Donut PP - block #3 in Sew Sweet QAL

Better later than never... 
Big appologies to all who were waiting for the next block, but I couldn't write a blog post yesterday. And thanks to one email I realised, that I mixed the schedule... Donut block was suppose to be #2, but it became #3 in Sew Sweet QAL. I also didn't manage yet to prepare the pattern for the writing 'Sew Sweet'. It will follow soon. I promise. 
Below there is a link to Craftsy, wher you can download the free Donut pattern (it will remain free till 22-Oct-2014): 
The Donut block is no longer available for free.

Czas na Cacko z dziurka ;) czyli Donut'a. Mial byc na wczoraj, ale z powodu wyjazdu nie dalam rady (ostatnio jakos czas ucieka coraz szybciej, a lista 'zrob-na-wczoraj' wcale nie chce sie skrocic). Wzor tak jak i poprzednie jest do sciagniecia przez Craftsy (link ponizej). Wzor pozostanie darmowy do 22. pazdziernika:

*You can download the PP pattern through Etsy and Craftsy*

I'm looking forward to see your Sew Sweet QAL blocks! I've already seen some new amazing version over at Flickr and FB!
Post your photos in Flickr Sew Sweet QAL Group or share them on my FB Page! Use tag #SewSwetQAL and #shapemoth so I can find you!
Zapraszam Was serdecznie do wspolnego szycia! Zdjecia swoich prac mozecie dodawac do grupy na Flickrze lub na mojej stronie FB!
Jesli uzywacie tagow, dodajcie #shapemoth lub #SewSweetQAL. Bedze mi latwiej znalezc Wasze zdjecia :)

Sew Sweet QAL contest wouldn't be possible without our lovely sponsors!


  1. Thank you for your gorgeous patterns, I really want to play but have been buried in other projects...I especially love this little donut (the detail is so perfect in the center frosting!!) and the cupcake :)

  2. Bardzo dziękuje za wzory- kiedy powstaną nie wiem, na razie szyję dynie:)
    pozdrawiam serdecznie:)

  3. I'm loving this sew along. Can't wait to start this donut. Looks like another skill-stretcher for me. I'm learning so much by sewing these blocks. Thank you.

  4. Ha!
    Już mam poskładane tkaniny, tylko zabrać się do pracy. Zaczynam od lodów :)


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