
Thursday 23 October 2014

Milkshake PP - block #4 in Sew Sweet QAL

Block #4 in Sew Sweet QAL  - Milkshake!
Below there is a link to Craftsy, wher you can download the free Milkshake pattern (it will remain free till 29-Oct-2014):
Remember about the contest at the end of QAL! All the details are in the initial post (just click the Sew Sweet QAL button at the top right of the sidebar).

Czas na shake'a truskawkowego w Sew Sweet QAL! Link do wzoru jest ponizej. Pamietajcie o konkursie na koniec QAL'u. Do wygrania super nagrody!

And with a huge bit of delay PP pattern for the 'Sew Sweet' writing. Inside the pdf pattern you will find the PP templates, chart with part numbers and assembly instructions. The finished size of the block is 20" x 6".

I jeszcze spozniony wzor na napis 'Sew Sweet', do sciagniecia tez przez Craftsy. Wszystkie detale potrzebne do uszycia bloku (template'y, numeracja i instrukcja zszywania czesci sa w pliku pdf):

There are more and more blocks shown over at Flickr and FB! Thank you for being a part of the QAL! I really appreciate that.
Post your photos in Flickr Sew Sweet QAL Group or share them on my FB Page! Use hashtag #SewSwetQAL and #shapemoth so I can find you!

Zapraszam Was serdecznie do wspolnego szycia! Zdjecia swoich prac mozecie dodawac do grupy na Flickrze lub na mojej stronie FB!
Jesli uzywacie tagow, dodajcie #shapemoth lub #SewSweetQAL. Bedze mi latwiej znalezc Wasze zdjecia :)

Sew Sweet QAL contest wouldn't be possible without our lovely sponsors!


  1. Love the Milkshake. Thanks so much for sharing your creations with us.

  2. Love both patterns ~ so very generous of you to share!


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