
Friday, 2 September 2011

'Rainbow brick wall' jelly roll quilt top

It's finally time to show you my first quilt top which I made. Yes, that's correct :) It's my firstsewn ;)
It was my second submission for the Jelly Roll Quilters' Dream Challange. This one didn't make it to the top 12 (I was writing about the quilt which did HERE).

I used Wee Woodland by Keiki jelly roll, some Kona charcoal for borders and Kona white between the bricks. At the beginning I was worried that the colours of the fabrics are so strong and so different, but after finishing the top everything looks like it's suppose to :)

To quilt, ktory tez zrobilam na konkurs ale nie dostal sie do finalu. Teraz go moge wreszcie pokazac :)

The quilt is really easy.

I submitted the quilt for this week's Quilting Gallery contest. 

EDIT: The voting is over. Thank you!

Weekly Themed Quilt Contests

Quilt zglosilam na konkurs w Quilting Gallery (wystarczy kliknac w powyzszy obrazek). Bede wdzieczna za wszelkie glosy :)

EDIT: glosowanie zakonczone. Dziekuje za wszystkie glosy!


  1. Sędzia kalosz!
    Tym razem może się uda. Zagłosowałam. Na razie drugie miejsce ;) Trzymam kciuki.

  2. I votet for your quilt, is very lovely.


  3. Otrzymałam maila o konkursie, weszłam na stronę konkursową i Twój quilt przypadł mi do gustu od razu - spojrzałam na opis, a tu niespodzianka: Kirie:) oczywiście zagłosowałam!

  4. I love your quilt and voted for it. Would love a tutorial for it. You have some tough competition-many great quilts competing.

  5. You got my vote!
    Love your quilt and your fabric choice. Cheered me up no end on a damp dismal day. A tutorial would be great... Thanks

  6. I love your quilt and I'd love to have a go at making one myself!
    I'm off to vote for you now!!

  7. Nice and colourfull quilt you have made :-) Love your blog and have become a follower.

  8. piekny!! sedzia sie nie zna ;)

  9. sliczny, moj glos juz masz ;)

  10. That looks fab! I've just made my first quilt too - I feel so proud of it!

  11. I love your quilt - and yes, I'd love to have a tutorial:)

  12. I've got a jelly roll that I've been wanting to find a use for. I'd love a tutorial to use your great idea. Kathie L in Allentown

  13. tutorial for brick quilt: YES please!

  14. and I am seeking brick quilts for our november banner..YES? just say yes..?

  15. I just saw this post but a quiltalong/pattern for this quilt would be amazing. So beautiful!

  16. I'd love to make this quilt! Tutorial? Measurements of bricks? I voted for this and was so glad to see that it won at Stithced in Color.
    cjnid AT imaxmail DOT net

  17. I have a Jelly Roll that is BEGGING to be turned into this quilt! Is there a tutorial or pattern available? Measurements for cutting the bricks might be enough to get me started. I love this quilt so much...great design!

  18. To those asking for a tutorial, it's in the August/September issue of Quilter's Newsletter magazine.


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