
Monday, 8 April 2013

Eurasian Jay {Forest QAL}

I haven't shown much except Forest QAL blocks lately, but that will change soon, I promise. Last 2 weeks I wasn't sewing almost at all (Easter, driving to Poland, visiting family) and now, slowly, I'm starting sewing again. I have few WIPs to finish.

Today I'm sharing next Forest QAL block - Eurasian Jay. I have to admit that this block is very difficult and tricky to sew (for a 12" x 12" block; it would be much easier if it would be bigger) and I spent quite a time sewing all those little pieces together (still, some points do not meet, but it has to stay as it is at this point).

Niewiele sie szylo przez ostatnie prawie 3 tygodnie. Troche siedzialam przy komputerze i poprawialam stare wzory PP, a teraz czas najwyzszy odkurzyc maszyne i wziac sie do roboty ;) 
Dzis kolejny blok w Forest QALu - nasza europejska sojka. Blok (przyznam bez bicia) bardzo trudny. Gdyby byl w wiekszej wersji (niz 12 cali x 12 cali) to byloby znacznie latwiej bo i czesci do zszywania bylyby wtedy wieksze, a tak trzeba sie potrudzic z malutkimi papierkami i duza iloscia zachodzacych na siebie zapasow na szwy:

Block measures 12" x 12" finished (EDIT: I corrected labelling on the pic): 
Blok ma 30 cm x 30cm:
*here is the mirrored image of the block (EDIT: I corrected labelling on the pic):
* tu jest lustrzane odbicie bloku: 

*Important!* The templates in pdf are mirrored, so to get the correct direction in the block (jay facing right), you have to sew with printed-side of the paper up and the fabric is on the non-printed side of the paper, with the wrong side of the fabric facing the paper.
*Wazne!* Zeby otrzymac dokladnie taki blok jak pokazalam na pierwszym obrazku (sojka zwrocona w prawa strone), musicie szyc strona zadrukowana do gory, a material ma znajdowac sie pod spodem, lewa strona zwrocony do papieru. Jesli chcecie, mozecie oczywiscie uszyc blok w odbiciu lustrzanym; mysle, ze nie robi to zbyt wielkiej roznicy :)

Here's a blank picture, so you can play a bit with colour choices before sewing:

Tutaj obrazek bez kolorow, zebyscie mogli wyprobowac zestawienia kolorystyczne zanim zaczniecie szyc:

Assembling parts:

That's how my sewing looked like:
A tu kilka etapow z mojego szycia:

Don't forget to show us your block in Forest QAL Flickr group! I hope you will not get discouraged by the difficulty of the block :)

Nie zapomnijcie pokazac swoich blokow w naszej Flickr'owej grupie! Mam nadzieje, ze nie zniechecicie sie trudnoscia bloku i wkrotce pokazecie swoje uszyte sojki :)


  1. Wspaniale Ci wyszła ta sójka... jak zwykle w Twoim wykonaniu...

  2. Hi Joanna and thank you for this fantastic block! I have just finished the fox and posted it today. I have made also the woodpecker. Thank you for the mirrored image, as a beginner I missed that! Can't wait to start this! x Teje

  3. Niesamowita jest. Jestem trochę (bardzo) w tyle, bo i lasek i lisek jeszcze w lesie, ale na pewno się skuszę na sójkę również.

  4. This is amazing. The detail is great. I can't wait to give this a try. I need to make sure I'm not under any stress.

  5. This bird is amazing ~ thank you so much for the pattern. I'm putting it in my binder with the other patterns for this QUA and hopefully getting it done soon.

  6. Thank you for generously sharing this quilt a long. I've loved all the blocks, especially this one. I plan to make all of them in the fall when I have more time. (Right now I have two baby quilts to make, and the babies won't wait!)

  7. Oh my! That is just gorgeous/amazing/wonderful!

  8. Oh wow, that looks a bit complicated, but sooo beautiful!!

  9. Fantastyczny blok! Właśnie na sójkę czekałam. Ale ona trudna jest a ja do tej pory tylko jedno PP uszyłam. No nic- nie podaję się. Zrobię jeszcze kilak na próbę i biorę się za Panią S.

  10. Hi Joanna, I was gearing up to attempt to make a forest quilt using your patterns, but the link for this one no longer works. Is there another place I can find it? It's such a beautiful block.


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