
Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Sponsors' news and PP patterns update

I reworked my old PP patterns in Electric Quilt 7 (not all yet, I'll need one more day to finish it; at the beginning I was preparing templates in a graphic program, so there were no seam allowances added around the parts and I also had difficulties with scaling the patterns. With EQ7 it's easy-peasy and fun). 

Patterns have been scaled - Felix the Fox, Foxy and Fearless Fawn to 10"x10" and Vespa Scooter to 10"x12". All the patterns are available on Dawanda, Etsy and Craftsy (I'll still add 'Sam the Squirrel' and 'Black Cat' there, after correcting the patterns)

Ostatnie dni spedzilam nie przy maszynie, a przy komputerze. Przerabialam stare wzory PP w programie Electric Quilt 7 (na poczatku robilam je w zwyklym programie graficznym i ciezko mi bylo 'dorysowac' zapasy na szwy dookola poszczegolnych czesci jak rowniez ustalic wielkosc gotowego bloku. Jak to dobrze, ze sa programy przeznaczone do takich zadan :) ). Wzory zostaly poprawione i odswiezone. Jeszcze 2 zostaly mi do poprawki, a reszta dostepna jest na Dawandzie, Etsy i Craftsy.

Few words about sponsors!

Fat Quarter Shop has reduced prizes of shipping till 16.04! After USPS increased the prices of international shipping, I didn't order so much fabric, so I just couldn't miss this opportunity :)

Dwa slowa ;) o sponsorach... W Fat Quarter Shop jest 40% znizka na przesylki zagraniczne, promocja trwa do 16.04! Ja sobie troche szmatek zamowilam - kilka od Basic Grey, cos od Riley Blake'a, swiateczny charm pack i kilka tak po prostu, zeby uzupelnic brakujace kolory.

I chose few  Grunge Basics from Basic Grey:

Charm pack of Aspen Frost
some fabrics from 'Remember' collection by Carina Gardner
and some stash builders in addition, as I started to lack nice orange, neutral and blue fabrics.

What may especially interest polish crafters, Szmatka-Latka has a variety of beautiful ribbons from Farbenmix. Perfect for Spring projects:

A tu cos, co moze was szczegolnie zainteresowac - przesliczne wstazki w wiosennych kolorach firmy Farbenmix, dostepne w Szmatce-Latce:

1 comment:

  1. You are tempting me with the shipping sale :) Love your patterns.


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