Hello everybody! Me and Julianna from Sewing Under Rainbow wanted to organize together some blog event. After long planning, finding talented designers and wonderful sponsors we can present you Sew Out Loud Quilt Along:
Witam wszystkich. Polska wersja bedzie zwiezla i dosc krotka. Ja i Julianna z Sewing Under Rainbow chcialysmy organizowac cos wspolnie. Wymyslilysmy 'Sew Out Loud' quiltalong (QAL), czyli 'takie szyj razem z nami'. Tematem jest szycie ze slowami - uzycie materialow w litery, slowa, czy szycie blokow ze slowami PP. No i to wszystko jeszcze dodatkowo zwiazane bedzie z samym tematem szycia. W projekcie bierze udzial 11 blogerek (lista jest ponizej). Kazda z nas zaprojektuje jeden blok zwiazany z tematyka QAL i pokaze tutek do niego. Na 12 blok zorganizujemy konkurs (10 lutego napisze wiecej szczegolow na temat konkursu). Zebralismy wspanialych sponsorow naszego QAL (fotki nagrod ponizej. Zwyciezca konkursu na 12 blok wyloniony przez jurora otrzyma Grand Prize, a 2 ostatnie to nagrody w rozdawajce ktora rozpoczyna sie dzis; szczegoly na koncu postu).
Witam wszystkich. Polska wersja bedzie zwiezla i dosc krotka. Ja i Julianna z Sewing Under Rainbow chcialysmy organizowac cos wspolnie. Wymyslilysmy 'Sew Out Loud' quiltalong (QAL), czyli 'takie szyj razem z nami'. Tematem jest szycie ze slowami - uzycie materialow w litery, slowa, czy szycie blokow ze slowami PP. No i to wszystko jeszcze dodatkowo zwiazane bedzie z samym tematem szycia. W projekcie bierze udzial 11 blogerek (lista jest ponizej). Kazda z nas zaprojektuje jeden blok zwiazany z tematyka QAL i pokaze tutek do niego. Na 12 blok zorganizujemy konkurs (10 lutego napisze wiecej szczegolow na temat konkursu). Zebralismy wspanialych sponsorow naszego QAL (fotki nagrod ponizej. Zwyciezca konkursu na 12 blok wyloniony przez jurora otrzyma Grand Prize, a 2 ostatnie to nagrody w rozdawajce ktora rozpoczyna sie dzis; szczegoly na koncu postu).
Eleven bloggers will create a unique 12" block (12.5” unfinished). For the 12th block we will make a contest, so you will be our 12th designer! There will be fabulous prizes to win in the contest and to spice up the competition, the incredibly talented judge will choose the grand winner - sty tuned for the details!
The theme of the QAL is Sew Out Loud {quilters’ wordplay}. Each of the quilt blocks presented by the designers will be related to sewing and words (egg. objects/scene connected with sewing, blocks sewn with wordy fabrics, pieced words connected with sewing, etc.).
Fat Quarter Shop generously offered to sponsor fabrics for making tutorials during QAL!
Each week you'll find the block instructions available on designer’s blog. Within 2,5 month you will be able to complete the whole quilt top.
Here is the schedule for Sew Out Loud QAL. On the respective date, you will be able to find the block tutorial on the specified blog. You can also check back here anytime, to find links to the tutorials!
February 13th - Julianna @ Sewing Under Rainbow - Block 1
February 20th - Joanna @ Shape Moth - Block 2
February 27th - Muriël @ Doucepoints - Block 3
February 20th - Joanna @ Shape Moth - Block 2
February 27th - Muriël @ Doucepoints - Block 3
March 5th - Amy @ During Quiet Time - Block 4
March 12nd - Charise @ Charise Creates - Block 5
March 19th - Kerry @ Very Kerry Berry - Block 6
March 26th - Susanne @ Quilt it out - Block 7
April 2nd - Amy @ Badskirt - Block 8
April 9th - Leila @ Where the Orchids Grow - Block 9
April 16th - Melinda @ Quirky Granola Girl - Block 10
April 23rd - Krista (Lola Blue Ocean) - Block 11
April 15th - April 23rd - submissions for the contest for 12th block.
Block #12 - contest winner - 'Stitch' by Caroline @ Trillium Design
On 10th of February we will post all the info about the contest for the 12th block, so you can start to gather your ideas during the time of QAL
;).Submissions for the contest start on 23rd of April and end on 30th of April. Then we will need some days for judging and the winner will be anounced.
You can also join Sew Out Loud QAL Flickr group for more inspiration and to post the photos of your WIP and blocks. We'll be sharing our fabric choices, completed blocks and many more!
I would like to present you our awesome sponsors and the prizes:
I would like to present you our awesome sponsors and the prizes:
The Grand Prize
(for the winner in the contest at the end of QAL; all the prizes will go to one person whos block the judge will choose):
#1 75$ Gift Certificate from Fat Quarter Shop
#2 FQ bundle from Duni's Studio
#4 and an extra prize from our judge (it’s still a suprize…)
#2 FQ bundle from Stoffsalon
Before QAL starts, we prepared a giveaway for you:
What is to win:
The two prizes show above - a new Electric Quilt 7 software sponsored by Electric Quilt Company and a FQ bundle from Stoffsalon.
The giveaway has ended.
How to sign up:
#1 Write a comment under this post and tell me, if you have any fabrics with words/letters/text and what you are using it for.
#2 Blog about our QAL – add a button to your blog (the HTML code is given above), write something on FB, Tweeter or tell your neighbours. Just spread the word. Then come back here and write a second comment (it would be nice if you would include a link to where you posted the info).
Rozdawajka skonczona.
Do wygrania:
#1 komentarz : napisz, czy masz jakies materialy ze slowami/literami i do czygo ich uzywasz (lub uzyjesz).
#2 komentarz (ddzielny; dwa wpisy w jednym komentarzu beda liczone jako jeden): wklej bannerek (kod na poczatku postu) do swojego bloga lub napisz o naszym QAL (na blogu, na FB ) tak, by jak najwiecej osob moglo do nas dolaczyc. Potem wroc tutaj i napisz o tym (lub wklej linka do miejsca gdzie jest nasz bannerek/info).
I love fabric with lettering on it-Sweetwater in particular. I've got 2 Christmas quilts to make with their fabric and I've made a bag from their Hometown line. I love how the bag turned out. There is a picture of it on my flicker page www.flicker.com/photos/heartsease54
ReplyDeleteI love text fabric. Great for adding to blocks for interest, I love seeing words fussy cut. I've already joined the group, ideas are already flowing! :-)
ReplyDeleteMateriały z napisami zbieram od jakiegoś czasu na mój "obrazowy" projekt. Marzy mi się znalezienie słów/liter dla kilku wersów mojej ulubionej piosenki i patchworkowe wykończenie ich :)
ReplyDeletesuper project :) nie moge sie doczekac waszych prac :)
ReplyDeleteja osobiscie niestety zadnych materialow w literki/slowka nie mam.. nie moge na nie nigdzie wpasc jakos :)
ah no i juz wrzucam banerek na bloga :))
ReplyDeleteOf course, I have text fabrics :o) One, with big letters, waits to become a hand bag and others, with classic newspaper prints are great for backround in blocks or inside of bags.. or just as one of little squares in patchwork projects :o)
ReplyDeleteI love text fabric too! Not easy to find though I have a little Sweetwater - but I'm always looking for more!
ReplyDeleteWhen I can't find what I want I often stamp the letters onto some fabric instead!
Nie wiem jak to możliwe, ale nie posiadam jeszcze tkanin tekstowych, a szkoda. Fajnie byłoby naszywać fragmenty np. na kosmetyczki albo podkładki pod kubek.
ReplyDeleteWstawiłam link z obrazkiem na moim blogu :) Mam nadzieję, że jak najwięcej osób weźmie udział w waszej zabawie, bo na pewno efekty będą zachwycające :) Fajnie będzie popatrzeć. Jak dla mnie to za wysokie progi. Nie bawiłam się jeszcze w quilty. Niewiele wiem na ten temat i umiejętności brak :)
ReplyDeleteja też jeszcze nie mam żadnych materiałów z literkami, ale myślę, że można by z nich wyczarować naprawdę fajną torbę:)
ReplyDeleteMam prawie literki, bo.. cyferki. Uszyta została torba, pokrowiec na deskę do prasowania (http://skrawkiwolnegoczasu.blogspot.com/search/label/co%C5%9B%20z%20niczego)
ReplyDeleteW planach poduchy, podkładki i organizer.
Już nie mogę się doczekać Waszych pomysłów, bo że Twój będzie jednym z lepszych, to jestem pewna. Ciekawe, czym teraz nas zaskoczysz.
ReplyDeletewow that`s a great idea , your blog event !
I took a link to your blog on my blog ! ;o) Thanks for the chance to win !
This is going to be so much fun! I have a few texty fabrics, hometown and a few other bits and pieces. I have been hoarding them till now, but this QAL is the perfect time to cut in!! Can't wait!
ReplyDeleteCzekałam na ten dzień i mam nadzieję,że chociaż raz mi się poszczęści:) Dzięki za szansę wygrania tej cudownej nagrody!!! Wspaniale,że wpadłyście na taki pomysł. EQ7 jest moim niezrealizowanym marzeniem:)
ReplyDeleteTkaninę w literki oczywiście posiadam (w różnych kolorach). Używam ich w połączeniu z innymi tkaninami(w zależności od potrzeby). Nigdy jeszcze nie uszyłam niczego z samej tkaniny w literki.
Pozdrawiam ciepło:)
This sounds like so much fun. I have some Hometown fabric from Sweetwater with the names of cities on it. I have not yet decided what to do with it yet. I am guessing this QAL will help me solve that problem.
ReplyDeleteI do have some fabric with text on it but just maybe one FQ and I am not sure what I will use it for. Currently it is just "stash".
ReplyDeleteI will spread the word for sure. I will tweat, add to FB, add a button to my blog and see what other kinds of shouting I can do. LOL
ReplyDeleteBanerek już umieściłam na blogu. http://debuko-cottonhouse.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteJeszcze raz dziękuję za szansę wygrania. To jedna z najlepszych rozdawajek na jaką trafiłam:)
Mam jedną tkaninkę ze słowami - jest różowa, więc pewnie wykorzystam do jakiegoś dziecięcego projektu... Jeszcze nie mam pomysłu :)
ReplyDeleteBannerek na pasku bocznym: http://szyc-nie-umierac.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteJestem pewna, że efekty Waszego pomysłu będą zdumiewające :)
I've used some Sunkissed text print in a quilt and have a little Sweetwater Hometown and Lakehouse Dry Goods Seed Catalogue fabrics that are very precious and I've been saving for the right project - I think this is it!!
ReplyDeleteI love the idea of this QAL and thanks for this wonderful giveaway! The fabrics from Stoffsalon are gorgeous :)
I have a handwriting print that I made into a pillowcase for my daughter. I have a length of the circa 1934 fabric -- you know, with the typewriter letters? Planning a little dress out of that one. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteSounds like lots of fun. I have a Sweetwatr charm pack stashed away with text. Maybe this is the perfect project for it
ReplyDeleteThis sounds interesting. I have some music fabric is this text?) stashed away waiting for a gift for my piano-playing husband. I also have a small amount left of a print with french words on it...I'm saving it for something special - perhaps this is it! Or else I'll go and shop for more fabric - nothing wrong with that.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE word fabric but don't have tons. I have a quilting motif one- which may help in my blocks for this qal and then some sun kissed words :) So excited for this project :) Thanks-
ReplyDeleteI've not yet done anything with word fabric, but I like many of the prints- looking forward to seeing the blocks you all will come up with!
ReplyDeleteZdobyłam kiedyś spory kawałek porządnej gazety z Czeskiej kolekcji Bellus. Na razie oszczędnie nią gospodaruję. Ostatnio kawałek tej gazety trafił na podkładki pod talerze, ale ich 5 minut dopiero nastąpi :)
ReplyDeleteWkleiłam banerek :) http://patchworknadstawem.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteI mocno trzymam za siebie kciuki :)))
Dzięki dziewczyny za zabawę.
W tej chwili w moich szmatkowych zasobach mam tylko jedną tkaninę z napisami i z ubranymi manekinami. Będzie z tego mały quilt do mojej pracowni. Wasz pomysł wspólnej zabawy bardzo mi się podoba i troszeczkę Wam zazdroszczę:) Wspólna praca ma w sobie coś wyjątkowego:) Chętnie stanę w kolejce bo kto nie próbuje ten...
ReplyDeletePozdrawiam serdecznie
I have a large collection of text fabric so this is just the perfect quiltalong for me!
ReplyDeleteGotowe , banerek wklejony na bocznym pasku na moim blogu http://patchworkowo-kiboko.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteI actually have a very small amount of text fabric. One I just used for an armchaircaddy.But I do love it and so it seems I will be inspired to buy more.
ReplyDeleteLove fabrics. They make wonderful wall art and room screens. Wonderful for adding texture to solid colored backgrounds. Love them in kitchens and in country cottage settings. Teens like them for that special pop. I love making totes, quick, easy and make a statement..lol! Hugs, Morena
ReplyDeleteI LOVE text-based fabric and I have just started collecting them to use in a project someday. I have some of the Reunion and Hometown fabrics to start the fun! I can't wait to follow your QAL - what a wonderful idea!!
ReplyDeleteTweeted about the QAL!
For quite some time I´m thinking about a project with words - so you are just in time to give me the impact for starting! I´m very eager for your Quilt Along! So far I have only one text fabric in my stash, but a set of letter-stamps! :-) e.hellmich@web.de
ReplyDeleteI have lots os fabrics with words and text on it. I am using it right now a lot in making + and x blocks. I also made a pillow for my husband with the sewn in letters to spell LOVE. I also use letter stamps on my quilts and projects. ALl very fun. Looking forward to see what you all create. I hope I have time to participate.
ReplyDeleteI tweeted about the QAL. https://twitter.com/#!/randombydi
ReplyDeleteI love fabric with lettering and tend to hoard it. I use it in patchwork on pillows and pouches mostly.
ReplyDeleteI have a bit of the Sweetwater fabric Reunion that has some text prints. I am using to make a lap quilt for my S.I.L. Thanks
ReplyDeleteI love text fabric and have been on the hunt this past year for more. I have a quilt in my head for a very literary friend...but I need to stock up on way more stash before that will become a reality.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great idea - a fun way to get better acquainted with paper piecing! I have some Michael Miller with antique hand writing fabric as well as Circa 1934. I am also always on the prowl for intersting fabrics so will post pictures as I find more. :)
ReplyDeleteJust blogged about this QAL....
I have not jet worked with text fabric. but soon i will and then i would make a Shopping-bag or a pillowcase. i will look for ideas.Thanks for the chance to win.
ReplyDeleteI have not been "a quilter" for very long, and have not yet worked with text fabric - I am busy making baby blankets and lap blankets for charity. Would love to win - especially the EQ7!
ReplyDeleteI have sadly used the last of some amazing alphabet fabric. It was black with white letters of all shapes and sizes and was my all time favorite fabric to slip into baby quilts. I have used it for blocks and borders and am now searching for more (so please let me know anyone if you see some!).
ReplyDeleteMy computer will not let me submit this so I will try one last time under "anonymous". I can be contacted at: Future Arthritis? on flickr. Cheers.
I haven't purchased text fabric, but I love using words and letters that I create on greeting cards that I send to friends. Here is an example:
I also collect fortunes from fortune cookies - I have and idea for an art quilt where I can use a lot of them!
Sounds like a wonderful quilt along! All the best - Chris
I have a navy blue fabric with color letters, and soon is going to become a pencil case for my son!. Thank you for the chance, I will be following this event!.
ReplyDeleteI love fabric with text. I have some interesting selections and have most recently used them in English Paper Piecing. this sounds like a lot of fun!
ReplyDeleteI have a few Japanese FQ's with text and I am making a small quilt with them now. Excited for this quilt along!
ReplyDeleteI have some Sweetwater Hometown fabric on it with words. I love it. I'm not using it yet. I'm still hoarding it. I have to do that for a while with a beloved fabric. I also recently bought an Alice in Wonderland border print from Spoonflower and what I love at least as much as the border is the text of the page from the story that is above the border image. It's big print and in the same lettering as the book. LOVE IT! Again ... hoarding for now.
ReplyDeleteI have some Sweetwater fabric with words and I've been scoping out a few other prints online. What is it about wordy fabric that's so appealing?!
ReplyDeleteI don't have any suitable fabrics, perhaps I should spend more time paying attention to which fabrics Badskirt-Amy has been playing with of late?!
ReplyDeleteI've been very inspired lately to use text fabrics in my sewing. I've started collecting some and using them in my blocks for the Cocorico Bee on Flickr. I'm also planning on using them for some bags and pillows :)
ReplyDeleteI don't have much word fabric, but I have wanted to start collecting it over the past year. I have started looking for it more and more.
ReplyDeleteI really do not think I have any text fabric right now, but may soon have some. I once made a quilt with some cute fabric with houses on it that had the phrase "home is where the heart is" on it, but I have not worked with exclusively text fabric before. Also I made gift bags with sport team fabric, and those had some words, but again the focus of the fabric was not the text per se.
ReplyDeleteyes indeed! im currently using text prints! im making a baby quilt...a 'story book' village...all the houses are made of text fabrics and i plan to quilt it in book suggestions! hope it turns out like i imagine! this looks like a lot of fun!
ReplyDeleteWay too much Awesomeness! I'm so excited.
ReplyDeleteI actually don't own much fabric with text. But I have this one with different coffee/tea drinks on it and I love to use it for mug rugs. It just fits in so perfectly and I can tailor it to whom I'm making it for.
...my fingers are crossed...
...tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet...
Yes ive been caught up in the latest text fabric craze - How can i resist? I recently bought some lovely japanese text fabrics and am using them in my current project a x and + quilt! They really add lots of interest , i love them!
ReplyDeleteI love fabric with text, I use it for small fussy cutting details or for paper piecing
ReplyDeleteI blogged about it too http://lawsonandlotti.blogspot.com/2012/02/challenging-qals.html
ReplyDeleteI have been looking for some fabrics with text as I love words! And I am just starting to paper piece, so I am really excited about the upcoming tutorials.
ReplyDeleteI love text fabric - have some obscure japanese fabrics & also bought a yard of hometown. I love to mix them in with everything. Just made a sunglasses case and added some to my Farmer's Wife Quilt Along squares.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a fun QAL. I don't have any text fabric, but I've got some with pages of music.
ReplyDeleteI love words and I love text fabric. For the most part I just stash it or throw it into whatever I'm working on. thanks!
ReplyDeletei don't have any fabric with text that i can think of, but this QAL seems like a good reason to start looking for some! i really like the newsprint looking ones i have seen recently. :)
ReplyDeleteI have quite a few fabrics with text as I am incorporating it in a quilt for my daughter who just graduated with her Masters in Creative Writing. I think my favorite is the American Sign Language Alphabet and Hometown because I can't get over how many places she has been that are on that fabric!:)
ReplyDeleteMy most recent purchase was "Retro Pop" by Lecien. I will be using it in this QAL! My favorite part of this particular fabric is that it has the town which I grew up next to printed on it--Ypsilanti...
ReplyDeleteOn my blog here... http://goneaussiequilting.blogspot.com.au/2012/02/sew-out-loud-quilt-along.html
ReplyDeleteI'm a huge fan of text fabric and I try to use a little bit in almost every project. Right now I'm big into paper-piecing and smaller craft sewing, but I love working on larger quilt projects as well. I really love Japanese prints by Kumiko Fujita and Suzuko Koseki and am happy to see more designers using text in their fabrics.
ReplyDeleteI have several dozen text prints and I've mostly used them to make free-pieced word quilts. thanks for the chance to win.
ReplyDeleteI have some squares with words on............I don't have a idea how to use them right now............maybe in a purse......will see
ReplyDeletePosted here https://www.facebook.com/groups/31517710814/
ReplyDeleteI love fabric with text! Using some for a BOM and have used sweetwaters pure for a sewing bag. This looks like a great blog hop, can't wait to see!
ReplyDeleteI love fabric with text too! What a great QAL! I have the Wee Woodland line with the alphabet on it. I'm using it for a quilt for my sofa.
ReplyDeleteI posted your button on my blog! somethingwilde.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteI do have some Hometown fabric with words on it, but I'm hoarding it for just the right project. So excited about this QAL!
ReplyDeleteI also blogged about this giveaway at http://www.craftbuds.com/giveaway-roundup/
ReplyDeleteI have some Sweetwater Authentic fabric and a couple of other text prints that would be great with it.
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like so much fun!
ReplyDeleteBeing a writer I am always drawn to fabric with text, but I have yet to bite the bullet and use any of it!
I've been collecting fabrics with text on them for years now. Most of it is handwriting style. I used to try to put at least one piece in every quilt I made, but I have gotten away from that lately.
ReplyDeleteI made my bathroom curtains from Sweetwater's Authentic text canvas. Love them!
This sounds so fun! I need a good excuse to get some text prints!
ReplyDeleteI dont have any text fabrics, I love the idea of them but Im not sure how to work with them, this is a great idea for a QAL.
ReplyDeleteI have very few text fabrics. I know I have ABC used in Eye spy kids quilts and I have white with black text woof woof bark fabric I used some in my Orca Bay mystery with many of my neutrals. Thanks for the chance to win more fabric, Just what we all need more of.
ReplyDeleteI shared!
I have several fat qtrs. from Wordplay, I have text from Annies Farm Stand, and all the Sweetwater Lines (Reunion, etc.) Looking forward to a quilt a-long. Is the flickr group for the bloggers in the line-up or for all of us to show our stuff?
ReplyDeleteThank you for the giveaway
I love to make handbags, totebags with text fabrics, I've never try it, so I love to win
The idea is in my mind
I have some black and white Dr. Seuss fabric I just picked up to incorporate into my black and white quilt I plan on making soon (although i have been planning this for 3 years!).
ReplyDeleteI actually don't have any fabric with words on it! I'd love to be able to give them a try though :)
ReplyDeletei've been hoarding my fabric with text, and i have a fair amount. sometimes i use small bits in random projects, but mostly i've been saving it for something special, but i don't know what that is just yet!
ReplyDeleteI have some of the Hometown fabric with words, which will eventually be used in my Farmer's Wife Quilt-when it is actually started! Must finish Swoon first!
ReplyDeleteI didn't think i had much at all, but actually there are a number of typographical prints that have made it into the eye-spy quilt I'm piecing for my son.
ReplyDeleteI do have some texty charms and yardage from French General's La Petite Ecole, which i take out and lovingly stroke every so often. It will be part of a beautiful something someday...
I LOVE text fabric, but it is hard to find. I always buy a lot when I find some, just for that reason. At the moment I have some lovely stuff that is cursive and on ivory.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to your tutorials since I have NEVER paper-pieced before!
thanks for the giveaway!
I have a charm pack of Pure by Sweetwater and I want to make an apron out of it. thanks!
ReplyDeleteNie posiadam żadnych tekstowych materiałów, ale zbieram ciągle selvages i myślę nad ułożeniem z tego czegoś ciekawego :) Tekstowych tkanin używałabym chętnie na podkładkach, to małe rzeczy które łatwo spersonalizować odpowiednim słowem.
ReplyDeletebaner dodałam na swoim pasku bocznym na blogu
ReplyDeleteI have a fq of Michael Miller fabric with text, birds and butterflies that I was given as a present. I finally set to with scissors and made a book cover. It is amazing but I really need to find a use for the left overs so am really excited about the qal. Janette
ReplyDeleteThanks for the chance at the giveaway. I think fabric with text on it is adorable, but the only fabric I have is something with a huge alphabet on it! I was thinking just this morning that I should copy a bunch of my husband's grandmother's quotes and/or recipes in her own hand to trace on a dishtowel for the kitchen. Here's my favorite: "I champion the right to be myself; dare to be different and set my own pattern. Live my life and follow my own star." ~Vivienne
ReplyDeleteI have collected fabric with the text all last year and have some lovely ones now. I used some of them in my In a Spin quilt top which you can see here:
I love good text prints and I think quilter's wordplay sounds like such a great project. I'll dip in now and then if I may ... I adore typography and I have a little stash of prints. I also love the idea of printing some myself.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see how each block is put together. I'm only new to quilting and haven't used any text fabrics yet so I'm looking forward to the tutorials :)
ReplyDeleteI really like fabric with text on it - I have none right now. :)
ReplyDeleteI blogged about the quilt along. :) http://quiltyascharged.blogspot.com/2012/02/check-out-sew-out-loud-quilt-along.html
ReplyDeleteI love text fabric! I have one and I used it to make bag.
ReplyDeleteI post it here - http://loveitsewit.blogspot.com/2011/12/christmas-present-for-me.html
Tweets the news - https://twitter.com/hueisei/status/165289015250128898
ReplyDeleteI have very little fabric with text on it right now!
ReplyDeleteI tweeted here: https://twitter.com/#!/DistractedDebra/status/165322592004222977
ReplyDeleteI love to use words on fabric in quilt making. I especially like using selvage print on a project. Awesome giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI love text fabric and am making schoolhouse blocks from Kona solids with the text fabric as background!
ReplyDeleteI love text especially in paper pieced blocks where the words can enhance the subject matter. I.ve joined ringo pie this round and will be using lots of text fabric for that bee, I'm sure!
ReplyDeleteI just bought some children's fabric with letters on it - it's for a baby boy quilt that I need to finish in the next few weeks.
ReplyDeleteThanks for offering the give-away! I would love to use the EQ to design a block!
Nie posiadam takich materiałów, ale właśnie szukam motywu 'gazety', wg mnie bardzo ciekawie wygląda, tak niebanalnie :)
ReplyDeleteBanerek oczywiście na katkatorebki.blogspot.com :)
ReplyDeleteI don't have any fabric with words/letters/text on it. Thanks for the giveaway!!
ReplyDeleteI blogged about your QAL and giveaway at http://salliessampler.blogspot.com/2012/02/shape-moth-sew-out-loud-qal-and.html.
ReplyDeleteI have been collecting fabric with words on them for about 5 years now. I want to make the bookshelf quilt. Fabric with words and fabric with dots seem to call to me :)
ReplyDeleteMam materiały z literkami/napisami.
ReplyDeleteA używam ich... właściwie do wszystkiego! Oby mi tylko kolorystycznie pasowało. Najładniej wyglądają na makatkach i okładkach na zeszyty oraz na zakładkach.
Wklejam banerek.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePrzepraszam. Chciałam coś dopisać i mi się wszystko tu popsuło...
DeleteBanerek jest na pasku bocznym - http://cotopatchwork.blogspot.com/
Sorki za zamieszanie....
I have lots of fabrics with text on them (shhh---it's sort of a weakness of mine.) No definite plans, but I ustilize them as often as I can find reason to!
ReplyDeleteI just about 3 text fabrics, but I am not sure how I will use them yet. I may use them for the quilt along.
ReplyDeleteemail: dmpenn@telus.net
I added the button for your quilt along to my blog.
ReplyDeleteemail: dmpenn@telus.net
Surprisingly, I don't have any fabric with text yet, but I love the idea of a word quilt. Thanks for the great giveaway!
ReplyDeletei have just ordered some text fabric will make a bag from it !!
ReplyDeleteNie mam żadnych takowych materiałów, a bardzo mi się podobają, wyszłaby świetna narzutka! Więc dołączam się do zabawy z nadzieją na łut szczęścia :)
ReplyDeleteI banerek już dodany tutaj:
Sorry, I dont have any fabric with words on it but I am very interested in your QAL and what I can do with fabric with words. Thank you for your generosity.
ReplyDeleteI have some fabric with words but I have not used it very much in my quilting. Perhaps your QAL will have some great inspiration for me.
ReplyDeletethanks for a chance to win a fabulous giveaway - I'm currently using sweetwater's sunkissed which has text fabric and I'm using for the blogger's block of the month blocks - love text fabrics
ReplyDeleteYou know, I think the only text fabric I have is a Kate Spain Christmas fabric. I must fix that! Thank you for a chance to win.
ReplyDeleteI use my text fabric to hide messages in certain quilts and to add initials and names to the quilts.
ReplyDeleteI do not have any text fabric, but since I have been seeing it so much, I think I need to rectify that error! Ha! Looking forward to the QAL, even if I just 'watch'. Hugs!
ReplyDeleteNiestety nie posiadam tkaninki w literki, chociaż chciałam ostatnio kupić gazetową, ale jedyny sklep, w którym była dostępna miał wolne. Marzy mi się zrobienie poduszki z przestrzennymi motylami z takiej tkaniny :)
ReplyDeleteZdjęcie z linkiem jest już w pasku bocznym, teraz pozostaje liczyć na szczęście przy losowaniu tkaninek :) Pozdrawiam :)
ReplyDeleteI've got a few fabric with text on them, tho I've only used them for bag, not quilts. Looking forward to the sew along and seeing what you do with them!
ReplyDeleteI have a couple of fat quarters with text on them and will probably use them to make a small gift bag and matching eyeglass case.
ReplyDeleteMateriałów ze słowami używam do szycia gdy chcę wzbudzić iskrę emocji. Tkaniny tekstowe dodają charakteru, są ostatnim szlifem
ReplyDeleteGuzik już dodany. Jest w prawy górnym rogu w zakładkach bocznych
ReplyDeleteI have some charm squares with words on them and I'd like to include them in a set of small bags that I will use for traveling.
ReplyDeleteJust two days ago I received a package from Mr.B's Preview Pack Club (Benartex Fabrics). (These packages arrive 4 times a year). In it are charm squares and 10" squares of the Cool School line of fabrics. Some have letters and the larger squares have words such as "no bully zone!" and what constitutes bullying. A great line of fabric to promote being nicer to people.
My only fabric with text is flannels strangely enough, even though I love typography. I use these making receiving blankets and burp cloths as baby shower gifts.
ReplyDeleteOooh, I've been hoarding text fabrics from all sorts of lines lately, but haven't taken the plunge yet to use any of them. I'm hoping this QAL gives me the shove I need to use some :o)
ReplyDeleteI added the button to my blog too http://thelittlestthistlecraftshop.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteThanks for the chance to win :o)
I have some fabric from hometown that has words and I want to make a mini quilt wall hanging with it.
ReplyDeleteI do not have any fabric with words / text on it as I mostly work in solids and batiks. I do, however, have some fabric to which I would like to add words / text given it's difficult nature...
ReplyDeleteMam dwie "popisane" tkaniny, niedawno jednej z nich uzylam do zrobienia pele-mele dla corki ;)
ReplyDeletebaner wstawiony u mnie w pasku bocznym :)
ReplyDeleteI have some fabric with letters on it... not sure what I'm using it for.
ReplyDeleteOne I have is probably going to bind a baby quilt for my sons teacher.
Added your button to my blog post... Not sure I'm going to join it... do I really have time for another QAL? Can I keep up all the ones I have going on already?
ReplyDeleteOff to sew....
i have some fabric with cursive alphabets "written" on lined paper, i love ti! i used some of it for a quilted notebook, but am hoarding the rest for another project.
ReplyDeletei added your button to my blog! sounds fun!
ReplyDeleteI have a few scraps of fabrics with words on them and they're currently being used for a postage stamp quilt that I'm working on. Thanks for the chance to win! :)
ReplyDeleteI don't have any fabrics with words on them, but I am on the lookout for them!
ReplyDeleteI've only recently started collecting text fabrics and I've realised I need to buy them when I see them or I'll miss my opportunity! I would love to use them as a background print for some detailed busy colourful blocks. Great prizes, thanks for the chance to win.
ReplyDeleteI have the Reunion by Sweetwater fabric with text- and some Eric Carle with text - but I don't have plans for either yet - soon I hope!
ReplyDeleteI just started looking for text fabrics....and have decided to make (print) my own for an upcoming quilt project.
ReplyDeleteI've just recieved my first text prints from a swap with a friend. I think this might be the best place to use them! They are newspaper prints and some sewing related texts. Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI'm excited to see the blocks these talented people will create!!
I have text fabrics with people drinking coffee on them, talking about how they don't need to sleep, etc. I was thinking about a coffee-table runner, but now I wonder if they wouldn't be better in the QAL!
ReplyDeleteI love Suzuko Koseki fabric and have collected several pieces I am using make X and + blocks. Hopefully I have saved enough pieces to do your quilt along. Thanks for organizing the QAL and give away.
ReplyDeleteI have updated my Facebook status with information of your QAL and link to this website. I have joined the Flickr group. Let the quilting begin!
ReplyDeleteI love text prints but I don´t have many of them. Like to use them in paper pieced blocks, for tablerunners ...
ReplyDeleteI just got my first word fabric today. I'll be using it on my sons shirt for the accents. Thanks for a chance to win! :)
ReplyDeleteI have some from sweetwater's sunkissed line that i'm making a cute sixteen patch quilt with!
ReplyDeleteOoh la, what a fab giveaway! I've been going on & on & on about EQ7 to my Dearheart of late - not that he's taking any notice mind - & now a chance to win - thanku!
ReplyDeleteI've tweeted your wonderful giveaway https://twitter.com/#!/WandaFish11/status/167696650658258944
ReplyDeleteThanks for the chance to win!
Really looking forward to the start of the QAL :)
Actually, I don't have any fabrics with words on them... but I'd like some! And hopfully I will buy/make some so I can paricipate in your QAL.
ReplyDeleteI have been collecting text prints for a while, I like to use them in random projects like bags, pouches and quilts. I would LOVE the Electric Quilt 7. thanks for a great giveaway.
ReplyDeleteLooks an interesting QAL! Looking forward to seeing the first blocks
ReplyDeletenie posiadam żadnych materiałów (tym bardziej ze słowami), jednak gdy nadchodzi taka potrzeba, haftuję maszyną różne sentencje, cytaty :)
ReplyDeleteBanerek już wstawiam :)
Pozdrawiam cieplutko!
wonderful fabulous idea for a QAL! I have adored text prints for a long time (since my scrapbooking days!) and I enjoy seeing them used in the brilliant work of Kerry from verykerryberry and other fabulously talented paper piecers! I have some text fabrics from Japan, Cosmo Cricket, and Sweetwater. I would use them in paper piecing projects that I have lined up.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the chance to win these great prizes!
@seamedup has tweeted this for you! Good luck with the QAL!
ReplyDeleteMam kilka materiałów ze słowami, odłożyłam je na później, ale chyba QAL zmotywuje mnie do wykorzystania ich:)
ReplyDeleteA tu wkleiłam banerek o QAl-u:)
Mam kilkanaście tkanin ze słowami, fragmentami gazet - kolekcjonuję je namiętnie już od dłuższego czasu. Do tej pory uszyłam torebkę z gazetowymi motywami, podkładki pod talerze, ocieplacze do imbryków, męską kosmetyczkę a ostatnio poszewki na poduszki. I mam jeszcze wiele planów związanych z tymi tkaninami...
ReplyDeleteBanerek wklejony,jest tutaj http://jblasz.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteZresztą na moim blogu obecnie jest candy z przybornikiem, uszytym z tekstowej tkaniny, o którym zapomniałam napisać w poprzednim poście...
I'm excited to follow Sew Out Loud and see what fun blocks you all create. I just started a blog and added your button.
ReplyDeleteRight now fabric with text/numbers is on my wish list :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway.
i LOVE fabric with text & numbers! right now i am using some Sweetwater, Countdown to Christmas and Circa 1934 to make a small surprise wall quilt for my sister the writer :)
ReplyDeleteI have some fabric with the names of cities on it and I'm using it for the inside of a travel document wallet. Thanks for the fun giveaway :)
ReplyDeleteI'm building my "word" fabric stash. It's limited right now. I'd like to use it for one of those cute bookshelf mini quilts.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the fun giveaway - just discovered your blog through pinterest and I'm here to stay!