Thursday, 3 May 2012

Sew Out Loud QAL contest winner!

There were 11 amazing blocks submitted to the contest:
 Do konkursu zgloszonych zostalo 11 blokow:

1. Sew Out Loud QAL, 2. ScrapendipityDesignsSOL, 3. Ilovetop, 4. SOL entry - "Just Bee", 5. SOL QAL contest block by kiboko, 6. penguin, 7. Stitch, 8. ScrapendipityDesignsSOL2, 9. Button It Block for Sew Out Loud QAL, 10. SOL - Unsew, 11. For the Sew Out Loud QAL, 12. protect yourself

All the designers participating in QAL voted to choose the 5 finalists, which were sent to the judge:
Projektantki SOL QAL wybraly 5 blokow, ktore zostaly przeslane do Suzuko Koseki, jurora konkursu:

1. Stitch, 2. Button It Block for Sew Out Loud QAL, 3. SOL entry - "Just Bee", 4. For the Sew Out Loud QAL, 5. Sew Out Loud QAL, 6. protect yourself

And we just got the message from Suzuko Koseki. The winner of the SOL QAL contest for the 12th block is... 
I wlasnie dostalysmy wiadomosc od Suzuko Koseki, ze konkurs wygrala Caroline z Trillium Design i jej blok 'Stitch'

Caroline from Trillium Design with her block 'Stitch'

Congratulations Caroline! We will contact you soon about the prizes and the block tutorial. 

Stay tuned for the final block tutorial on Sew Out QAL!
Juz niedlugo pojawi sie tutek na finalowy, 12-sty blok SOL QAL!

I would like to thank all the sponsors of the Sew Out Loud QAL. 
Electric Quilt Company


  1. Congratulations Caroline - and well done to all the finalists x

  2. Congratulations to Caroline!! Great block for sure.

  3. Congrats to Caroline, and thank you for this Sew A Long. It's been one of the best. I have all my patterns saved and ready to make as I have time.

  4. Congratulations to Caroline!
    4 pc Fat Quarters shipped out to her today!
    Have a wonderful day,


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