Wednesday 19 September 2012

Looking forward to...

# start working with those beautiful fabrics which I just got from Fat Quarter Shop. It's Sketch Pool by Timeless Treasures, Blitzen Grey Grunge by BasicGrey and Moda Muslin White Snowflakes. It's a secret project, so I cannot share any details but the fabrics are so gorgeous that I couldn't help myslef and had to show you ;) (btw, I'm in love with all BasicGrey fabrics; especially their solids):

# juz sie nie moge doczekac rozpoczecia pracy z tymi slicznymi materialami, ktore wlasnie do mnie dotarly z Fat Quarter Shop. To Sketch Pool by Timeless Treasures, Blitzen Grey Grunge by BasicGrey i Moda Muslin White Snowflakes. Projekt jest tajemnica, wiec nie moge zdradzic wiecej szczegolow ale materialami musialam sie pochwalic (tkaniny z BasicGrey sa przesliczne!):

# EPP a bit more today. I started yesterday. I joined the Travelling PicStitch Bloghop and my post is scheduled on 27th of October, but I wouldn't be myslef if I wouldn't start making ma project long before the scheduled time. I think the idea behind that bloghop is brilliant! Looking at the pieces of the fabrics below you can figure out which colours I chose ;)

# bede tez kontynuowac prace nad projektem english paper piecing (EPP). Bede brala udzial w blogowej zabawie Travelling PicStitch Bloghop, w ktorej zadaniem jest stworzenie projektu EPP w kolorystyce zdjecia, ktore sami zrobilismy i wybralismy. Moj post bedzie 27go pazdziernika ale nie bylabym soba, gdybym juz nie zaczela szyc (poza tym, EPP jest dosc czasochlonne, wiec wole zaczac wczesniej). Patrzac na materialy ponizej mozecie sie domyslec, jakie kolory wybralam: 

# put my hands on some of the fabrics from the upcoming collections:

# i czekam, az dostepne beda nowe kolekcje materialow: 

1 comment:

  1. ohh juz sie nei moge doczekac co z tego wszystkiego ci powychodzi :D


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