Monday, 5 November 2012

Pillows for Rex Ray Studio

The whole story is quite long. It started with THIS block for Pastiche bee. As I always do before using somebody else's designs to sew a block or quilt, I wrote an email to Rex Ray's office asking for permission to show the bee block on my blog. Rex Ray agreed, and he liked my interpretation of his work so much, that he asked me if I would work with him on a collection of pillows based on his designs. Now the pillows are available in Rex Ray Studio.

There are 5 of them. I modified the designs slightly (the original Rex Ray design precedes the photo of a pillow, that was made based on it), as it was impossible to piece every element which can be seen on original art pieces and prepared my own templates. The fronts are carefully pieced using various fabrics from my stash (there is nowhere applique used in those pillows), trying to express Rex Ray's designs as well as I could:

Cala historia jest dosc dluga... zaczela sie od TEGO bloku, uszytego podczas Pastiche bee. Napisalam maila do biura Rex'a Ray'a, pytajac, czy moge pokazac blok inspirowany jego grafika na moim blogu. Nie dosc, ze Rex Ray sie zgodzil, to do tego tak spodobal mu sie moj blok, ze zaprosil mnie do wspolpracy nad kolekcja poduszek inspirowanych jego tworczoscia :) Poduszek jest 5 i sa juz dostepne w sklepie Rex Ray Studio
Praca nad poduszkami nie byla latwa. Kazdy blok projektowalam w EQ7, zmieniajac nieco oryginalne prace tak, by bylo mozliwe zszycie poszczegolnych elementow (nie ma tu nigdzie aplikacji, wszystkie elementy poduszek sa pozszywane ze soba), pozniej staralam sie dobrac materialy tak, by mozliwie najwierniej oddaly teksture i kolory uzyte w oryginalnych grafikach. Poduszki zostaly bardzo dobrze przyjete, co mnie niezmiernie cieszy :) Ciesze sie, ze moglam sprostac temu wyzwaniu!

In this pillow, I used some Oakshott Fabrics from Ruby Red set:


  1. Wszystko wygląda niesamowicie, co za precyzja. Po prostu pięknie!

  2. No i mnie rozwaliłaś na łopatki!!! miło jak coś zachwyca! A to mnie zachwyca!

  3. o kurcze, jakie trudne te patchworki..jestem pelna podziwu dla Twoich prac.Gratuluje sukcesow.)

  4. I just went to look at more of his work.....I can See why you guys became so inspired!

  5. you are such a talent - can you see my green eyes from across the pond?

  6. I have long admired your talent and once again, you prove me right!!!! Great job and that you tackled the curves (not just ordinary curves, mind you), makes you my hero!

  7. Wow those pillows are amazing, and what a complement to have the artist ask you to make them. Congratulations :)

  8. These are incredible - beautiful work! Congrats on the recognition and opportunity!

  9. With each new post, I am continually amazed (and intimidated) by how incredibly talented you are. :)

  10. gratulacje! poduszki uszyłaś niesamowite, każda wyjątkowa! są olśniewające, a Ty jesteś niesamowita skarbnicą pomysłów!

  11. Wonderful! Congratulations. What an incredible opportunity to collaborate. Your pillows are just beautiful interpretations of his work. Well done!


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