Tuesday 11 December 2012

Christmas Wish List

I was wondering what should I write about lately. I sew some small things, like purses and placemats from the scraps of Christmas fabric which I have left in my stash, I also finished some more Nightshade pillows, but as the Christmas is approaching very quickly, I wanted to ask you what is on YOUR Christmas Wish List? What would you like to find under the Christmas tree? Please, share your wishes!

Zastanawialam sie, o czym mam napisac. W sumie szyje jakies male rzeczy i nawet byloby co pokazac, ale ze Swieta zblizaja sie w dosc szybkim tempie, chcialam sie was zapytac, co znajduje sie na waszej liscie swiatecznych (patchworkowych) zyczen. Co chcielibyscie znalezc pod choinka? Bardzo jestem ciekawa waszych wyborow! Ponizej moja lista :)

My Wish List:

1) Fabric, fabric, and a bit more fabric (as you know, you can never have to much fabric ;) or a gift certificate to Fat Quarter Shop. I already ordered me some and maybe it will arrive before Christmas. 

- I got me some fabrics from Cruzin' by Barbara Jones:

Oczywiscie materialy :) Tych nigdy za wiele. Moze byc tez kupon na zakupy, np. w Fat Quarter Shop  czy pelna swinke skarbonke na zakupy w Szmatce Latce. Ja dla siebie juz zamowilam troche materialow przed swietami, m.in. kilka szmatek z kolekcji Cruzin':

- during Black Friday's sale I bought some more Nightshade by Tula Pink before it will be impossible to get (I hate how fast now the fabrics are disappearing from online shops; if you really like some fabric you have to be quick):

Zamowilam tez troche wiecej materialow z kolekcji Nightshade Tula Pink, zanim przestana byc dostepne w sklepach (niestety, teraz kolekcje zmieniaja sie w takim tempie, ze jesli cos przypadnie do gustu trzeba od razu kupowac, bo jak zniknie, to na dobre... nie ma niestety dodrukow):

- I bough some of Holiday Flourish Ornaments in ivory by Peggy Tool for Robert Kaufman, as it seems almost gone from all the shops I know. I bought 1/2y of this fabric some weeks ago to use for a Christmas table runner for my mum, but I have to say that's one of the prettiest Christmas fabrics I've seen. I mean, I like modern fabrics in general and kind of muted colors, but this Christmas print just stole my heart:

Kupilam tez wiekszy kawalek materialu widocznego ponizej. To Holiday Flourish Ornaments in ivory od Peggy Tool dla Robert'a Kaufman'a. Jakis czas temu kupilam kawalek na bieznik dla mamy i bardzo mi sie spodobal. Piekne kolory, zlocenia... Normalnie jestem zwolenniczka stonowanych kolorow i nowoczesnych wzorow, ale ten material jest po prostu tak sliczny, ze nie moglam sie oprzec:

- there was for sure much more fabrics, but mostly blenders, some solids and few text prints;

2) Cotton batting: Freudenberg's 275 and iron-on Freudenberg's H630 (which I love to use for making pillows). Freudenberg's batting is the most popular in Germany.

Ocieplina. Oj, przydaloby sie miec zapas... Bawelnianej od Freudenberg'a 275 i poliestrowej do naprasowania H630, tez od Freudenberg'a, ktora stosuje z uwielbieniem do paneli poduszek (oprocz wielu innych ocieplin, H630 i troszke grubsza H640 sa dostepne w Szmatce Latce!).

3) Daylight lamp. I'd love to have a daylight lamp. I found THIS ONE which would fit on my big table, but the price... ya know... -.-'

Lampa ze swiatlem dziennym. Znalazlam taka, ktora by mi odpowiadala, ale cena jest niestety dosc wysoka:

4) Books/DVD (art quilt):


5) Books (modern quilting). Do you know any other book on modern quilting with patterns for intermediates and beyond?

I think that's it. Well, it's more like the-whole-year-wish-list, not a Christmas wish list, but if Santa wants to be generous, I'll let him, LOL...

Wyszla mi bardziej caloroczna lista zyczen, ale co tam... moze trafi sie bardzo bogaty Swiety Mikolaj, kto wie... ;)


  1. This book is on my list: Quilting Modern: Techniques and Projects for Improvisational Quilts by Jacquie Gering and Katie Pedersen.

  2. I love your wish list and must admit that a few of them would be more than welcome under my tree. ^_^ I have to admit though that I am just wishing that my 10 year old has a wonderful Christmas. You see, he still BELIEVES and that makes Christmas so special. So my wish is that I find happiness and joy under the tree and I do believe I will!!


  3. wow,great.Some of your items would be welcome here!

  4. Nice wish list !!

    I also asked for a few quilting books, cookbooks too. No fabric though because there is nothing really specific I want right now..

  5. Oh there are several modern quilt books out there. Email me if you need a list. The one that Mary lists in comment one is really good.

  6. Och... Moja lista życzeń jest naprawdę krótka!
    Chciałabym po prostu... zamieszkać w takim sklepie dla patchworkowców!!!

  7. Oh I would love some things from your list too :) The daylight lamp is a great idea (although not a cheap one).
    I like the H 630 too. I use it on small projects like table toppers. Do you use a backing fabric for the inside of the pillow or do you just quilt the top and the batting?

  8. Holiday Flourish is so cute! Hadn't seen that before. Going to get some Cruzin too :)

  9. Czy Twój Mikołaj zagląda na Twój blog :). Ja swojemu, tak na wszelki wypadek, wysłałam listę prezentów a na niej książki, książki, książki. Wszystkie patchworkowe a na pierwszym miejscu, tak jak u Ciebie najnowsza Jean Wells. Życzę Ci żeby się spełniło. Wszystko!!!

  10. I would love a new sewing machine that could sew through more than 3 layers easily :)


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