Again lots to share, the time passes quickly by and the to-do list grows every day (the non-sewing to-do list, especially).
* First of all, I wanted to share, that I joined Instagram yesterday. Did not post any photos yet, but I admit I like the way it works and I think we will become friends :) (I lost heart to Flickr since this last major change; Instagram is so much easier to use).
User name - shapemoth. I would be grateful if you would use hashtag #shapemoth when you add photos of blocks made with my patterns :)
Znowu mi sie nazbieralo informacji :)
Wczoraj zarejestrowalam sie na Instagramie. Wizualnie bardziej przyjazny niz Flickr i mysle, ze sie polubimy (oczywiscie, troche mi to zajmie, zanim sie przyzwyczaje). Jesli bedziecie dodawac zdjecia prac uszytych z moich wzorow czy tutkow, dodajcie tag #shapemoth. Z gory dziekuje :)
Znowu mi sie nazbieralo informacji :)
Wczoraj zarejestrowalam sie na Instagramie. Wizualnie bardziej przyjazny niz Flickr i mysle, ze sie polubimy (oczywiscie, troche mi to zajmie, zanim sie przyzwyczaje). Jesli bedziecie dodawac zdjecia prac uszytych z moich wzorow czy tutkow, dodajcie tag #shapemoth. Z gory dziekuje :)
* I'm preparing a PP pattern for the next issue of Fat Quarterly, which will be all about paper piecing. Thanks to Lynne and Lissa Alexander from Moda Fabrics, I got a pretty bundle of fabrics from Passport collection by 3 Sisters. It hits the stores in January 2015. The fabrics are wonderful, in the style of 3 Sisters, which I like very much (especially the map of Paris):
* Przygotowuje wzor do nastepnego wydania magazynu Fat Quarterly. Tym razem bedzie to numer w calosci poswiecony PP, wiec jak mogloby mnie zabraknac ;) Dzieki Lynne i Lissie Alexander z Moda Fabrics, dostalam materialy do uszycia mojego projektu - Passport od 3 Sisters. W sklepach beda dostepne w styczniu 2015 (ciesze sie jak dziecko - po raz pierwszy mam okazje szyc z materialow, ktore dopiero beda dostepne). Styl 3 Sisters i kolory materialow sa bardzo w 'moim' stylu, a w szczegolnosci mapy i materialy z tekstem (mapa Paryza to jeden z moich ulubionych materialow; po raz pierwszy spotkalam sie z nim w kolekcji Etchings od 3 Sisters):
* Przygotowuje wzor do nastepnego wydania magazynu Fat Quarterly. Tym razem bedzie to numer w calosci poswiecony PP, wiec jak mogloby mnie zabraknac ;) Dzieki Lynne i Lissie Alexander z Moda Fabrics, dostalam materialy do uszycia mojego projektu - Passport od 3 Sisters. W sklepach beda dostepne w styczniu 2015 (ciesze sie jak dziecko - po raz pierwszy mam okazje szyc z materialow, ktore dopiero beda dostepne). Styl 3 Sisters i kolory materialow sa bardzo w 'moim' stylu, a w szczegolnosci mapy i materialy z tekstem (mapa Paryza to jeden z moich ulubionych materialow; po raz pierwszy spotkalam sie z nim w kolekcji Etchings od 3 Sisters):
* My last secret projects was a gift for Robin's Patchwork fabric shop owners, as a 'Thank you' for their friendship and support. I prepared PP pattern of fat little robin and made it into a cushion. I'm working on instructions and will soon share the pattern:
* Jednym z tajnych projektow ostatnimi czasy byl ten oto tlusciutki rudzik PP dla Robin's Patchwork (czekal dosc dlugo na uszycie... pomysl na robinka mialam juz dawno, tylko realizacja sie odwlekala). Blok uszylam specjalnie tak duzy, zeby ladnie sie prezentowal na poduszce. Jakos niedlugo wzor pownien byc gotowy:
In addition to the cushion, I painted a postcard with Liquitex inks (they work wonderfully on fabric as well as on paper). I used THIS tutorial. I know it's far from the one shown in the last photo of tutorial, but I'm not a watercolor painter and did my best :)
Do poszewki dolaczylam recznie malowana kartke (kozystalam z TEGO tutorialu; wiem, daleko mu do pierwowzoru, ale ze mnie taki artysta jak w koziej... wiadomo co ;)
* For those, who didn't hear about it yet - Julianna@sewingunderrainbow is organising last minute Christmas Sampler QAL. Awesome blocks and great prizes to win in the contest:
* I jeszcze jedno - chwytamy za maszyny i szyjemy z Julka :) Na ostatnia chwile mozna sobie wygrac prezenty pod choinke. Tempo jest rekordowe, ale bloki sa tak ladne, ze grzechem byloby nie sprobowac :)

are you kidding?! That little water color bird is fantastic! And so is your paper pieced robin! :D
ReplyDeleteYour watercolor is very very good. The paper piecing is adorable-looks like a baby bird that you could change colors and have a blue bird, sparrow, etc. or make several different types on a wire or limb. The possibilities are endless for this little fellow
ReplyDeletethat PP robin is adorable!! i can't wait for the pattern... it would make a great teacher gift...
ReplyDeleteYour robin is beautiful and the postcard is pretty fab, too. Thanks for sharing the tutorial link.😊
ReplyDeleteLove your fat little robin pillow and your postcard is awesome! Glad to see you will be on IG!
ReplyDeleteLove both your robins - thanks for the link - gonna try my hand at it!
ReplyDeleteGreat, you are on IG now :)
ReplyDeleteWow. Love both of the sweet robins, Joanna. You really are so talented. I bet they will love your thoughtful and beautiful gifts!
ReplyDeleteWill look forward to seeing what you have in store for Fat Quarterly. Happy stitching!
ohhh Joanna. a tweet bird for captured it perfectly