Saturday 31 December 2011

Wrapping up 2011

2011 was a busy year for me. This year I made my first quilt and I designed my first PP pattern. My blog got sponsors and more wonderful followers, I won some amazing contests and my work will be also published (not yet, but soon ;) ). I also defended my PhD.

I couldn't decide which of my work I like the most, so here's a little sum up.

Ten rok byl dosc pracowity dla mnie. Uszylam moj pierwszy prawdziwy quilt, zaprojektowalam moj pierwszy wzor PP, zyskalam wspanialych sponsorow, a grono obserwatorow mojego bloga powiekszylo sie dosc znacznie ;) Wygralam kilka konkursow, a moje prace beda niedlugo publikowane (no, na razie 3, ale beda :)
No i co bylo bardzo wazne dla mnie - obronilam doktorat. 

Ponizej podsumowanie roku 2011:

Small things I made:


1. 'Weaving the strands' quilt finished (3), 2. Portland pairs - Dragonfly art quilt 2, 3. 'Shattered rainbow' quilt finished (2), 4. MQ for STUD swap (1), 5. Winnie the Pooh mini quilt (1), 6. 'Jar shelf' MQ for kitchen (1), 7. 'Brick wall' quilt and pillows finished (4), 8. Autumn tumbler quilt (3), 9. Green solid MQ for swap

My PP patterns:

Wish you all a crafty 2012!

Dziekuje, ze jestescie ze mna, ze odwiedzacie, komentujecie, radzicie. Zycze wam udanego i owocnego 2012go!


  1. С Новым годом!
    Счастья вам и здоровья!!!

  2. Dziekujemy i wzajemnie! :)
    Co do zdjec itp. ty to wszystko w tym roku zrobilas? I do tego obronilas doktorat? Dziewczyno! Jestes niesamowita! :)

    Oby tak dalej! :)

  3. I wish you a happy new year too! Thanks for your help and all your great tutorials! *Floh*

  4. It is all such beautiful work! I wish you a wonderful new year.

  5. Gratuluję, rzeczywiści to był obfity rok dla ciebie. Podziwiam twoją twórczośc.
    Życzę aby następny rok był równie pomyślny jak ten mijający.

  6. All of your creations are stunning :)
    have wonderful, happy and healthy new year!

  7. You never quilted before? Wow!

    I love my Pooh quilt. Thanks.

    Can't wait to see what you come up with next.

  8. Kirie- you are amazing!!! So many gorgeous quilting projects! And defending PhD- it sounds wonderful!!! Thank you for your wishes. I also wish you Happy New Year! Lots of ideas, lots of new beautiful quilts and winning lost of contests in 2012 year:)

  9. What a wonderful year--so many accomplishments, and congrats on your PhD. You're invited to join our year-end link party at :)

  10. You've had a productive year! Good for you:)

  11. Gratulacje obrony i oby więcej takich pięknych prac :D

  12. Such beautiful work and so many projects! I admire you! Happy New Year!

  13. Love your projects. Love your blog. Thanks for sharing with us. Happy New Year.

  14. Your hexie bee mug rug is still one of my all-time favourites! Happy New Year! Look forward to many more wonderful patterns from you in 2012!

  15. So many wonderful things! I can't say what I like the most... perhaps the little brown bird!
    I wish you a happy new year!

  16. Gratuluje,Twoje podsumowanie wypadlo wspaniale tyle prac zrobilas i milo sie czyta pozdrawiam :)

  17. To był wspaniały rok w Twoim wykonaniu!


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