Thursday 23 August 2012

Dresden WIP and notes from judges

Sewing... sewing and more sewing... I started working on dresden quilt top already in June and I'm slowly finishing it now. First there were my holidays, then I was focused on a project which I could hopefully show you soon and then we had a weave of heat here in Germany and even the slightest thought about sewing and hot iron standing near me were enough to draw me away from my sewing room. So I have a bit of delay, but things go much quicker now:
Siedze i szyje. Quilt zaprojektowalam juz wieki temu, szyc zaczelam gdzies w czerwcu, a teraz dopiero powolutku koncze. Najpierw byl moj wyjazd do Polski, potem pracowalam nad pewnym projektem, ktorym mam nadzieje niedlugo sie pochwale, a jeszcze pozniej przyszla do nas nieznosna fala upalow i na sama mysl o szyciu i goracym zelazku slabo mi sie robilo. Teraz nadrabiam zaleglosci:

And my Geisha is back from UK from Festival of Quilts together with notes from judges (I'm honoured to be judged so high): 

A dzis wrocila do mnie gejsza ze swojej podrozy do UK na Festival of Quilts razem z ocenami od sedziow (ciesze sie niezmiernie, ze zostalam tak wysoko oceniona):


  1. Serdecznie gratuluje uznania i nagrody! Dopiero teraz wpadlo mi w rece pare zdjec z Birmingham i TEN link:

    Video: Luana Rubin. I komentarz:
    Luana Rubin of takes us on a tour of the eQuilter-sponsored Pictorial Quilts Exhibition, at the 2012 Festival of Quilts in Birmingham, England. Includes quilts by Joanna Wilczynska, Marian Hall, Duffy Indeherberg, Naria Antonia-Narro, Roberta le Poidevin, Janie Harvey-Douglas, Magdi Csendes, Janneke de Vries-Bodzinga, Angela Daymond, Isobel Surawy, Prue Bell, Marjo Stoeckart - Van den Bor, Marie Baker, Liz Jones, Vicki Watson, Sue Normandale, Birgit Schuller, Helen Cowes, Juana Castaneda-Romera, Helen Howes, Jackie Smith, Julia Gahagan, and Herma de Ruiter.


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