Yesterday when I saw the Sewing Portfolio made by Kerry I decided that I have to make one for myself. As I'm not really good at precise sewing of little squares together, I had to figure out something else for the front. Well, it had to be small, so I thought a PP pattern would be great! Of course sewing related. To make things more difficult (I could use one of the fabulous patterns which were presented during Sew Out Loud QAL), I immediately started to draft a new pattern. Originally, I designed the block 12"x12", but for the Sewing Portfolio, I resized the pattern to get 7"x7" block. Here's a little sneak peak. I will show you the finished block tomorrow, but in the meantime, maybe some tiny contest (fitting perfectly to the tiny PP, LOL)? The first person who will correctly guess (and write it in the comment below the post), what is the theme of the PP block, will get the pdf pattern from me :)
Gdy wczoraj natknelam sie na post u Kerry z jej Sewing Portfolio od razu zdecydowalam, ze tez musze sobie takie uszyc :) Niestety, precyzyjne zszywanie mikroskopijnych kwadratow nie jest dla mnie wiec musialam pomyslec o czyms innym. Musi to byc cos malego, a uzycie jednego tylko materialu to nie to... Zdecydowalam, ze bedzie to blok PP zwiazany z szyciem. Moglam uzyc ktoregos z blokow zaprojektowanych podczas Sew Out Loud QAL ale wiadomo, ze jak baba nie ma klopotu, to kupuje sobie prosie ;) Usiadlam do komputera i zaczelam rysowac nowy wzor. Zaprojektowalam blok 12"x12" ale do Sewing Portfolio musialam go zmniejszyc do 7"x7". Ponizej poczatek PP. A skoro mamy malutki blok, to bedzie i malutki konkurs. Co jest tematem bloku? Kto pierwszy zgadnie (i napisze odpowiedz w komentarzu pod postem), ten lepszy i dostanie ode mnie plik pdf ze wzorem :) Jutro pokaze skonczony blok:
And some eye candy... my latest purchases (packages take ages to arrive, although Christmas is over). Half yard bundle of Farmington Feathers:
A to zeby oczy nacieszyc (paczki, pomimo ze Swieta juz minely, ida chyba do mnie piechota...) :) Zestaw Farmington Feathers:
some Nightshade + additional stash builders:
troche materialow z kolekcji Nightshade + cos na dokladke do balaganu w szafie:
Love the block - I think it's a camera lens.
ReplyDeleteSuch a tease... can't wait to see what you come up with. I'm guessing it's a darning foot.
ReplyDeleteOh, this brings back memories; I did a block which started with similarly tiny slivers to make a circle a while back, only there were so many tiny pieces I used an entire bobbin before the block was done! I'm looking forward to seeing the finished piece.
ReplyDeleteLooks like an eye of a needle to me :)
ReplyDeleteI guess scissors. It looks great so far - can't wait to see it finished!
ReplyDeleteWygląda albo na nożyczki albo na igłę. Jesteś szalona:D takie małe elementy do zszywania:)
ReplyDeleteI think scissors too!
ReplyDeleteMaybe a rotary cutter? Can't wait to see the finished project!
ReplyDeleteO rety!
ReplyDeleteFaktycznie, igła do szycia ręcznego???
Scissors or snips! Nice PP!
ReplyDeletestawiam na obiektyw aparatu:)
ReplyDeleteA tiny embroidery hoop?
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm not the first person to say scissors and I'm guessing that's it, but if that's the case then I can't possibly win - so I'll add a new guess: rotary cutter ;)
ReplyDeleteHahaha - I know you said it's sewing related, so it can't be what it looks like to me. I think it looks like the ring from Lord of the Rings. ;)
ReplyDeleteCzy to będzie pawie pióro? Piękne te tkaniny w piórka, zauroczyły mnie!
ReplyDeleteA nie, doczytałam, że związane z szyciem :) No to może szpulka z nicmi?
ReplyDeleteLOL! I love what you are creating. To me, this block looks like the eye of an owl, but that would not fit your 7X7 size. Of course, it could be the eye of a moth. Have fun with your book of tiny little blocks.