Tuesday, 19 February 2013

'Winter Forest' with Les Amis by Patty Sloniger

I just finished the quilt top - 'Winter Forest' made with Les Amis fabrics by Patty Sloniger for Michael Miller Fabrics. The weather outside fits nicely to the quilt name (well, if it wouldn't snow so heavily I would go to the forest to make the photo, but I think the garden will do) :) The quilt is so big that the bottom lies on the snow. 
I especially like the foxes jumping 'in the forest' :D

Wlasnie przed chwila skonczylam szyc kolejna gore quiltu. Tym razem 'Zimowy Las' z materialow Les Amis fabrics od Patty Sloniger dla Michael Miller Fabrics. Pogoda na dworzu pasuje jak ulal do nazwy quiltu :) Co prawda las to nie jest, chociaz ten mam kilkaset metrow od domu ale mysle ze zimowy ogrod jako sceneria wystarczy ;) Quilt wyszedl dosc duzy, wiekszy niz zazwyczaj szyje (dol dotyka sniegu). Szczegolnie podobaja mi sie liski skaczace 'w lesie' :D

Here the top still before ironing, lying on the floor of my sewing room:

Tu jeszcze przed prasowanaiem, gdy zszywalam poszczegolne bloki:

And finished, hanging outside. It will now take me few days to quilt it and in the meantime I'll start some new projects which I have planned:

A tu juz skonczony, wyprasowany i przygotowany do zdjecia. Teraz powoli zbiore sie do pikowania, a w miedzyczasie zaczne szyc nastepne zaplanowane projekty:

Size: 60" x 75"

Linking to:

2013 Emerald Quilt Challenge


  1. Just fabulous! Wow... is this your own pattern?

  2. ty zawsze potrafisz mnie zaskoczyc :) piekny :)

  3. jak zwykle niesamowity :) i bardzo pomyslowy :)

  4. Your quilt reminds me of our recent blizzard--all that white among our trees--lovely work, can't wait to see it quilted...hugs, Julierose

  5. Wow, was für eine schöne arbeit
    lg gertrude

  6. Wow! Yes please tell us about the "Winter Forest" pattern. Is this a new pattern of yours? The shapes and colors really work.

  7. What a great pattern! I love the fabrics, as well. The whole thing is just lovely!

  8. Wiedzialam, ze bedzie zaskakujacy i piekny !
    No wlasnie, wzor Twojego projektu czy ogolno dostepny? Bardzo mi sie podoba :)

  9. My goodness girl, you are so talented! I LOVE IT!

  10. Wow!!! Piekny!!! Swietny wzor i chyba bardzo pracochlonny, ale naprawde piekny! Jola

  11. Wow, I love that pattern - wonderful quilt!

  12. Beautiful quilt! Love the colours and the curves of the trees!

  13. Really beautiful ~ such wonderful curves!

  14. wow, this is really beautiful, fabulous pattern!

  15. Super, materiały pasują do wzoru idealnie. No i liski słodkie :)

  16. Very beautiful. Different and fresh, love your colour choice.

  17. Great design and use of color. Beautiful quilt pattern.

  18. The photo with the snow falling around the quilt is so very lovely. It makes me happy to look at it!

  19. Wow, this is an amazing amazing amazing quilt top!

  20. Gorgeous - I'd expect nothing less from you! Love how orderly yet free-spirited it looks!

  21. I love this quilt top, Joanna! Everything is so beautiful... from the design to the fabric choices. I will look forward to seeing how you finish this.

    Congratulations on your win in the Emerald Challenge!

  22. Completely amazing. Congrats on your well-deserved win!!

  23. Brilliant! Congratulations on your win!

  24. Awesome quilt. I love the fabric choices. I can't wait to see it quilted. Congratulations on your win.

  25. Congratulations! You had two gorgeous entries. Well done.

  26. this quilt is stunning. is there a pattern please???

  27. This is gorgeous. Do you sell the pattern?


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